Chapter Three


THE ALARM THAT buzzed in my ear was like nails on a chalkboard. Painful and fucking irritating as hell. I grumbled incoherent words that I’m sure weren’t even in Satan’s vocabulary.

My eyes creaked open as I turned my head towards the alarm clock. The green digits flashed six-thirty. Sliding my hand out from under my all-too comfortable pillow, I slammed my palm down on the “off” button.

I took a deep breath in, counted to three, and exhaled. I really hated going to school, but I attended anyway because it gave me a sense of normality. No matter how small, I craved any I can get.

My nose crinkled as a specific scent drifted through my closed door. It smelled fresh and bitter, just the way I like it.


My ears picked up talking downstairs.

“No coffee until you’re downstairs and ready for school,” Michael murmured.

I groaned, already hating how this day was going.

Within the next half hour, I had gathered my supplies needed for my classes and poured them into my gray backpack. Searching through my closet, I decided on wearing a strapless red where the length skimmed my knees. I flung on my black leather jacket, black leggings, and my black ankle boots. Besides brushing it, I didn’t feel like doing anything with my hair so I left it wavy down the mid-length of my back.

Brushing my teeth and applying a small amount of mascara, I decided this was the best it was going to get. I really didn’t give a shit what people thought of me anyway, but you never know, there could be hot guys so why not dress to impress?

Swinging my backpack over my shoulder and tucking my phone in my jacket pocket, I headed downstairs.


Michael was behind the island, sipping his own coffee while reading something on his phone.

“That was quick,” he muttered.


“Mhmm,” I murmured, eyeing the untouched coffee sitting in front of me. “Is this mine?” I pointed.

“Yup,” he said, popping the p.

Something was off.

“Thank you,” I murmured, picking up the mug and taking a sip. The black hot liquid slithered down my throat, leaving my throat scathed in its wake. Just how I liked it.

“Welcome.” His eyes were focused solely on his phone like he was avoiding eye contact with me.

My eyes narrowed at him.

Michael must have felt my eyes boring into him because he finally gave in.

“What do you want, Celeste?” He sighed, still avoiding my gaze.

“You’re not telling me something. Either that or you’re upset at me for something.

Michael shook his head.

“Bullcrap,” I hissed.

He raised an eyebrow, still focused on his phone.

“Michael,” I groaned. “Just spill it already.

And that’s all it took.

“We didn’t talk about her.” He snapped, finally meeting my gaze.

His bright blue eyes poured out his emotions like a waterfall. The sorrow, guilt, hurt, worry, and anger that fled from them cut at my heart. This time it was my turn to look away and avoid his gaze.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. Yesterday was the two year anniversary of my mother’s death - murder - and I avoided it like the plague. Michael and I usually sit down and discuss the good memories we have of her, but this year, well, I guess it was just too much.

“I miss her too, you know.

“I know.

If I was being honest, Michael was more than just a family friend. My mother loved him and I knew he had felt the same. He has been there for us since day one. Most of the time I wished he was my real father, but I’m just stuck with the sperm donor that knocked up my mother and left.

Both of us sat in silence, unsure of what to say. It was a sensitive subject to both of us. We were supposed to get through it together, but we weren’t and I had no idea why.

“You should leave for school, figure out where your classes are,” he sighed, placing his empty coffee mug into the sink behind him.

I nodded, keeping quiet but didn’t make any notion to move.

Then a question popped into my head.

After my mother’s death, Michael had waited until we had arrived at one of his safe houses to sit me down and tell me everything. Which involved the fact that I’m a Nephalem - a rare species(half angel-half demon hybrid) that are supposedly extinct, and that I’m involved in some sort of prophecy. Though he didn’t go into specifics.

Michael had mentioned that demons have been trying for centuries to procreate with Nephilim - half angel, half human species - to create people like me, hybrids. Though nearly everyone was unsuccessful. Only powerful demons and strong Nephilim could achieve this as demons and pureblood angels can’t procreate.

Then he had continued on and said that it was a couple of demons that had killed my mother. Michael had a hunch that they were sent by my father. I had asked him what kind of demons they were and he was pretty positive that they were Hellhounds.


“Do you know who my father is?” I blurted.

My eyes lifted up to meet the blank ones of Michael. He was cutting me out, hiding his emotions. I was hurt, but I also understood.

“Why do you ask?” Way to completely avoid the question, buddy.

“He’s my father, I want to know who he is.

“No one important enough for you to worry about right now,” he shrugged off.

My eyes narrowed him as I pushed away my plate. Michael took my plate and discarded what was left, avoiding my gaze completely.

“You have school, Celeste. Now, go.

I nodded. It was clear he wasn’t going to give me a straight answer and only avoid it if I continued to ask. That was my cue to leave.

“See you later,” I murmured.

“See you later, Celeste.


DRIVING TO THE school was an unfortunately short trip. Since I had arrived early enough, I parked in the same spot from a couple days ago. I had a little time to kill before I had to head in and find my locker. I took a deep and tired breath.

This year is going to be different.
Of course, it’s still a new school, with new people, but this time I can actually make friends... kind of.

Grr, why can’t I just be normal?

Closing my eyes, I pushed my demon and celestial to the back of my mind. They couldn’t interfere today - I have to be in complete control. My demon didn’t like this, even went to the extent of growling at me, but my celestial let me. She’s pretty chill.

I let my head fall back against the headrest, annoyed that I couldn’t have real friends. No one can know the truth. I’d be labeled as a freak, a monster, or whatever else they could conjure up to call me. People are really creative these days.

My throat throbbed with emotion as my mind pulled past memories to the surface. I’ve lost so many people from being a freak. From best friends, boyfriends, even people I barely knew. No matter how much I tried to hide it, it hurt being the outcast.

Who knows, maybe someone could surprise me. But that’s not how the world works. I learned that hard lesson two years ago when my mother was taken from me.

My eyes fell to the dashboard and I blinked back my tears. It’s seven-twenty - classes start in twenty minutes. Grabbing my bag from the passenger seat, I head towards the front entrance.

It didn’t take long for me the find my locker. The school was a one-story box with each hallway sectioned off by grade. Surprisingly, the hallways were already packed with other students. Unsurprisingly, I was already starting to get started at.

I dropped my bag in front of my locker, turning the knob and punching in my combination. By the time I managed to swing it open, a tall boy started messing with his locker next to me. I ignored him as I hung my backpack up, taking out a binder, notebook, and pencil for my first period.

I felt eyes on me as I gathered my things together. I was tempted to make a snarky remark about staring, but I held back the impulse.

“You’re new,” he smiled happily. His voice reminded me of honey: rich, smooth, and sweet. It was also familiar. I shut my locker, turned, and looked up. He stood nearly a full head taller than me. I held back my gasp as I recognized him as one of the boys from the station.


What was his name again?

Today he wore a plain gray t-shirt with the school’s varsity jacket and dark blue jeans. His jacket screamed jock with the orange and black school colors, along with the white and gray accents. Chocolate smiled down at me when I met his gaze. Something about his warm and cocky smile was infectious. I had to stop myself from smiling back. My eyes traveled upward and gazed at the red hair.

“Is that your real hair color?” He asked. Funny, I wanted to ask the same question.

I sighed. I actually got that question often believe it or not, but at least he wasn’t asking if the carpet matches the drapes.

He shoved his backpack in his locker before leaning over towards me.

“Because mine’s not,” he stage-whispered. This time, I did smile.

“Yeah, it’s my natural hair color, but I like yours more, though.” My eyes scanned his hair again, quite surprised it was fake.

He waved his hand as he grabbed a notebook and pen from his locker. “I’m debating if I want to keep it or let it grow back to the original color.” He closed his locker, a lazy smile still plastered on his face.

“I’m going to call you Rudolph from now on, you realize that, right?” I gazed up at him with my smart-ass smile, happy that his face lit up with his own.

He pointed snapped his fingers and pointed at me. “Fine but I get to call you Cupcake, deal?

“Deal,” I smirked. “It’s definitely better than Faerie Princess.

His eyes grew wide as he opened his mouth. I interrupted him before he could get a word out.

“Too late, you can only pick one,” I chucked. His face fell as he scowled at me in disappointment.

“Uugh, fine,” he muttered.

A loud bell rang through the crowded halls.

“First period is about to start,” he announced, walking back into the crowd. “I’ll see you later Cupcake.” At that, he turned around and sped off before I could reply.

He seemed nice. It gave me hope that maybe I could make some real friends this year.

My eyes fell to the school map I had pulled up on my phone. First period, AP English was in room 540 located in the senior hallway. Thankfully, I was already in that hall so it wasn’t far away. I made my way in the direction of the classroom, happy the halls weren’t crushingly small. I walked into the classroom and found a desk in the back corner to the right. I booked it straight there and sighed in relief once I sat down.

People were already whispering and staring again. I ignored them and instead opened my notebook, then started to doodle randomly. The final bell rang moments later and with that, the teacher came strolling in. Mrs. Hall was a short and plump woman in her late forties. She had her thick brown hair pulled up into a messy bun with a pen sticking through it.

She set her large pink bag on the floor behind her chair and moved to stand in front of the class. Her naturally wide eyes scanned the sea of thirty or so students, stopping when they landed on me.

“We have a new student this year, Miss Celeste Allen.

I was hoping she wouldn’t, but she did.

I smiled and waved, my natural routine whenever I was announced. More whispers were provoked, and the heat of their stares started to make me uncomfortable in my seat.

Mrs. Hall then continued on with class. Because it was the first day of school, not much was discussed besides the class rules, expectations, and grading system. Class went quickly, and soon I was headed to World History with Mr. Zuckerbee. Poor old man, he must have been made fun of growing up.

Mr. Zuckerbee was already seated at his desk by the time I walked in and took a seat in the front row. He had black-framed plastic glasses and short thin gray hair. He must have noticed that I was new when I sat down. He eyed me for a moment, then gave me a small smile in greeting. I smiled back and new I already liked him. He wasn’t going to announce me to the class.

That didn’t stop the whispering and staring. If I concentrated, I could pick up what they were saying, but I didn’t care enough to do so. I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to hide it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Zuckerbee chuckle. It was official, he’s my favorite.

I didn’t know if I was happy with the fact that we did the same thing as the last period, but I did know that lunch was coming up. Class got boring quickly as he went over the classroom expectations. I pulled out my notebook and started doodling on the same page from earlier.

The bell rang while Mr. Zuckerbee was mid-sentence, but none of the class cared enough to stick around. I gave him a small nod as I passed and he respectfully returned it.

The only class standing between me and lunch was Personal Finance. I scrunched my nose as I looked at my schedule. I hated finance. That classroom was all the way at the opposite end of the school, but I managed to make it just in time.

Mr. Lewis stood at the front of the room, scanning over a clipboard as I walked in. It gave me a minute to look around but the room was decorated like the other two. Thirty desks ordered in rows, two whiteboards on the front wall, occasionally windows, and the teacher’s desk. This school was so creative.

I started to walk towards a seat when Mr. Lewis noticed my presence.

“Miss Allen, correct?” I nodded.

“Pleasure to meet you, I hope you like it here at Allegan High,” he smiled.

I didn’t like his smile. I had to refrain from wincing or backing up.

“Thanks,” I smiled politely.

“Hey, Cupcake!

My head turned to the source of the familiar voice. Red was waving me over from his seat in the back row. There was an empty seat to his right.

“I see you’ve already met Noah.

I smiled, walking away from Mr. Creepy - I mean Lewis. My eyes glanced to his right, surprised to see the other guy from that night next to him. His name I remember. Evan.

As I drew closer, I saw that Evan had an eyebrow piercing.

That’s kinda hot.

I made my way over and took a seat. Pretty boy and his friend were damn good looking. Today, Evan wore an unbuttoned navy blue plaid shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I almost started drooling over his arm veins. The shirt he wore underneath almost made me giggle - it was the mathematical pi symbol. Around his neck was a silver pendant.

Nerd boy had a punk side.

I likey.

“Hey, Rudolph,” I smirked.

Evan chuckled, turning to his friend. “Rudolph? I like it,” he said, teasing Noah and thoroughly enjoying it. I held back a laugh as Noah made a face.

Evan turned to me and smiled. “I’m Evan, and you, Angel, have just made my day.

I raised my eyebrow at his choice of words, not exactly sure what he meant by them. I just went along with it, nearly snickering at the irony.

“Happy I could help.

“Not a word to Zeke,” Noah hissed.

“Who’s Zeke and where can I find him?” I teased.

Could he the guy they met at the station? I mentally shook my head, pushing the thought back. That whole situation was the last thing I wanted to think about right now.

“Not funny, Cupcake.” Awh, how cute, he looked like a toddler pouting.

While Noah’s voice reminded me of honey, Evan’s voice made me think of velvet. Soft, gentle, and soothing. I loved it.

Mr. Lewis called for everyone’s attention and with that, class started. I nearly groaned aloud when Mr. Lewis started handing out the syllabus.

Seriously, again?

I wanted to slam my head on the table, profusely. By the of a chuckle next to me, I’m pretty sure I made my annoyance a little too clear.


I nearly cried in relief when the bell rang, and with that meant lunch. I couldn’t get there fast enough. An arm around my shoulder stopped me.

“You are a blessing, Angel. Finally, someone able to put Noah in his place.” Evan smiled down at me.

Good lanta, why are these guys so tall? And hot? Ugh, I need a boyfriend.

While I was wondering, he continued. “You should sit with us at lunch.” Evan’s smile was contagious and I couldn’t help but smile back.

Before I could answer, Evan stumbled forward. Once he regained his balance, he turned and glared at someone behind me.

“No flirting with Cupcake,” Noah scolded. But that didn’t stop himself from placing his arm where Evan’s once was. I chuckled when Noah leaned in.

“Evan is a huge flirt,” Noah rolled his eyes then leaned in closer so Evan couldn’t hear. “Sometimes when he gets nervous, he gets all nerdy on them. ” Noah snickered.

My eyes shot to Evan as he held his palms up, winking at me. “I can’t help that I’m the better-looking friend,” he taunted, backing towards the door.

“At least he’s humble,” I mumbled.

The boys burst out laughing. “Yeah, you’re coming to lunch with us.

The smile pulling at my lips spread further.

As we exited Creepy’s room, Evan dropped back in step with us. I felt dwarfed.

“Where did you move from, Cupcake?” Noah asked, keeping his eyes in front of us.

“California. I got here a few days ago.” The more I watched, the more I noticed people staring at Noah’s arm around my shoulders.


Evan seemed to notice the same thing. “Noah, get your arm off Angel. She just met you.

I chuckled at Evan’s belittling.

Noah winced and removed his arm. “Sorry, Cupcake.

“All good, Rudolph,” I smiled.

Evan leaned in and fake whispered, “you don’t want to be that close to him anyway. He has gym right before Personal Finance.

I burst out laughing as Noah turned to punch Evan in the shoulder. He took it willingly, surprising me. Though the smirk on Evan’s face told me it was worth the punch.

“You’re the center of all the gossip today, Cupcake,” Noah said, changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes as we turned down another hall towards the cafeteria.

“I’m not surprised, I mean look at me,” I drawled sarcastically.

The boys chuckled. “Well, apparently you’ve been to juvie three times, had a child, and hooked up with Lindy last night.

My eyebrows scrunched together.

“Who’s Lindy?

“A lesbian,” the boys chimed simultaneously.

“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t bat for the other team.

Noah laughed and Evan chuckled, shaking his head.

“We’re not gay, Cupcake,” Noah smiled.

“Well I’d hope so because that’d be unfortunate,” I muttered. Evan’s cheeks flamed slightly.

None of us bothered to return our things to our lockers before heading to lunch. If there was anything I knew the three of us had in common, it was our love for food.

The cafeteria was set up where long grey rectangular tables sat to the left and center of the room, while a long lunch line was to the right. The three of us speed-walked to the end of the line.

My eyes landed on a chicken-alfredo dish.

“I wish a girl would look at me the same way Cupcake looks at food,” Noah mumbled from behind me. I burst out laughing, not caring when others around us starred.

We were quick to grab what we wanted and paid. Noah grabbed ahold of my wrist and dragged me to one of the tables near the left wall. Noah claimed the end of the bench while I took the space next to him. Evan sat across from me.

“What do you usually do when someone says those things about you?” Evan asked, opening his carton of chocolate milk.

I shrugged as I picked at my chicken-alfredo. “I usually ignore it, but other times I make some smartass remark.

“Like what?” Noah piped up, swallowing a piece of his pepperoni pizza. Which was already halfway gone.


“Umm, I’ve had someone ask me before if I had talked to my mirror lately - basically calling me the Evil Queen from Snow White,” I paused and rolled my eyes. Noah and Evan both had frowns on their faces. I suddenly had the urge to make them disappear.

“I had replied with, ‘yes, and mirrors don’t lie, but lucky for you they can’t laugh either.’”

The boys snickered, shaking their heads. Noah leaned towards Evan while smiling over at me. “Can we keep her?

I winked at him while taking a sip of my water. Evan smiled.

“I’m okay with it,” his eyes moving to me and winking. I giggled, shaking my head. From then on, we continued to eat in silence.

Who would have thought that food could shut a teenager up?

Once it seemed we were all finished, I stood. “Alright, trash, hand it over.

“Thanks, Angel,”

“Welcome,” I winked.

“Easy killer,” Noah chuckled as Evan raised an eyebrow in challenge. I shrugged, laughing slightly. They were both friendly flirts and I enjoyed every second of it.

I made my way to the center of the cafeteria where a row of trash bins sat. I tossed the garbage in the bin, turned around and nearly slammed into someone.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, looking up. Green eyes met mine, full of mischief and nothing good.

“Nope, that’s my bad. I meant to do that.

“Oh, okay. Excuse me,” I muttered, suddenly uncomfortable.

“Hey, wait a second.” A hand latched onto my wrist, tugging me around.

I instantly reacted, muscle memory taking over. Using the momentum against him, I tugged his own arm behind his back, kicking the backside of his knee. He collapsed to his knees on the tiled floor.

Hmm, he’s a blonde.

“Don’t touch me,” I growled.

I shoved him forward and turned to walk away. I ran into a large chest, hands softly wrapping around my shoulders and steadying me.

Noah and Evan stood there, glaring daggers at the guy that now stood up.

“I would advise not doing that again, Jackson.” Noah’s voice lowered to a deadly level.

Jackson had the same varsity jacket Noah had on. Freckles dotted his nose and blonde hair framed his chiseled face.

Jackson rolled his eyes, looking down at me with disgust. “Not my fault she’s a slut, she was asking for it.

Woah, hold up, did he just--?

Noah and Evan both puffed up their chest. They were fucking livid; steam could fly out of their ears. Before the boys could beat the prick to a pulp, I faced him myself.

“Keep rolling your eyes, buddy. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there,” I smiled sweetly. Noah and Evan’s shoulders relaxed, the corner of their lips twitching upward. Oh, but I wasn’t done yet.

I stepped forward until I was about a foot from Jackson. He raised an unamused eyebrow down at me.

He was about to find this amusing.

“Please, for your safety and others,” I paused, letting my knee come up and slam right where the sun don’t shine. “Keep the little guy inside at all times.

The guys burst out laughing, my own smile meeting my lips. The boys lead me back the table, applauding me.

I played innocent. “It’s not like it’s a secret he has a tiny penis,” I shrugged. “The guy could run into a wall hard, and still break his nose first.” Our laughter echoed through the cafeteria.

The rest of the day after that was quite boring. Apparently, my little scene with Jackson was already top gossip. The stares and whispers only got worse after that, but I couldn’t have cared less. I was in a good mood, and it felt great.

By the time the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I practically ran to my car. I couldn’t wait until I arrived home.

Nap time!

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