Chapter 6

Chapter 6


"What is it Sherriff?" Mason's skin prickles. Not that he doesn't enjoy calls from the Sherriff but the tone of his voice suggests it's not with good news he's calling. The whole town practically knows the power he extrudes over them. Many believe it to be because of the wealth of the Carter name but others know better. The Carter family is a very exclusive pack in itself. Not just because of their reputation and loyalty but because they contain only family members-close family members at that. Many generations helped to build such a high reputation and now their future generations like Mason are reaping the rewards of it. Despite this, he's not one to get involved in politics and small town politics at that, so while the Sherriff is his friend, he's never particularly asked for any favours. Well, there was that time when his twin blew into town and got arrested for indecent exposure. But that hardly counts.

"There was a man here yesterday reporting a missing person. I told him that it had to be at least 24 hours, and he's just rang back saying she's still missing. Now you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you, son?" questions the Sherriff.

Mason felt his grip hardens on the phone, his mind burning with vicious thoughts.

"What did he say her name is?" he asks desperately trying to retain his composure.

"Karen-no wait, Katherine. That's it Katherine Dixon he said. His wife, apparently."

"What else Sherriff?"

"Son, you know I can't be giving out private details like that. But by this questioning, I guess you've seen her?"

"Sherriff. That woman ran away, she wasn't kidnapped. I need you to keep delaying this search for her until I figure out what to do."

The Sherriff makes a humming noise as he deliberates the request before sighing, "I'm trusting with you with this Mason. I'll do what I can. But the best I can do is a week. At least before he realises and puts it on national TV. Then we could get the Feds snooping around-"

"A week's fine, Sherriff. Thank you."

Mason cuts the phone immediately and pockets it. Katy's husband-her husband-is looking for her. Great. Just great, he thinks. As if he isn't having enough trouble with Katy herself, her husband it seems is now on a mission to get back his 'hostage'.

A sudden rash of anger unfurls inside him remembering what she said to Cole. Captured by him for 3 years and now, she thinks he's doing the same? How on Earth can she believe he's the same repulsive monster as her captor?

As much as Mason tries he can't quite control the rage of it inside him. He knew it isn't her fault. Whoever her 'master' before was, he made her like that. He shaped her into the fragile, scared being that has found her way to Mason.

The dark brown liquid splashes over the ice cubes before drowning them slowly. Mason holds the glass to his lips and takes a sharp swig, wincing slightly at the bitter taste and burn of it slithering down his throat. He's not a big drinker and would never usually resort to alcohol to calm him but it seems today will just have to be an exception.

Mason sobers up pretty fast though knowing he has work to do. If he wants to take down this Mr Dixon character, he'll need to find out as much as he can about him.

Used to being left alone with nothing to do, Katy starts rearranging the room. She begins with folding the sheets and then finding cleaning supplies in the bathroom, gets to work with cleaning. Richard hired all types of staff except, cooks and cleaners. He believed it would give her something to do while he was away at work. Of course, she was never allowed out, unless he was with her. So cleaning, cooking, sowing, things women 'should do' was all she had, and this of course also included pleasing her husband.

In all fairness, cooking and cleaning were things she enjoyed. But she doesn't believe it's her only purpose in life, although now, any purpose seems like a good one.

With the cleaning done, there isn't much else for Katy to do. Luckily, she finds an abandoned book left, presumably by the previous occupant, in the bedside cabinet. It's certainly a lot racier than Katy's used to and already a few scenes in there have her blushing but she finds herself liking the story.

As an hour passes, Katy almost half way through when there comes a knock at her door. Cas pops her head around and grins wildly.

"Katy! What're doing here all by yourself?! Come on!" she calls. Feeling no other option, Katy took off out of the room with Cas. Bounding down the corridor Cas, called for Katy to follow.

"Come on, I'll show you the downstairs. You haven't been there have you; the bits apart from the club section?" Cas questions as she leads Katy down a quiet ominous hallway. It's a good thing, Katy outweighs Cas because otherwise, she would be worried about their path.

"No. I've only seen the main part, I think," replies Katy as they reach the bottom. Laughter and chatter can be faintly heard as light floods in through the bottom edges of the door. Cas swings open the door, pulling Katy along into there.

"Katy, meet the gang," cheerfully announces Cas gesturing around the room.

A large plasma TV plays some football game as a few wide shouldered men, lounge over 3 couches, and some females intertwined between them. A pool table stands in another corner and a Foosball table adjacent to it.

"Guys! Guys!" snaps Cas rolling her eyes and earning a chorus of groans as she stands bravely in front of the TV.

"What?! Cas get outta the way," moans one of the guys as one of the girl's throws cornels of popcorn at her. Cas gives her a mocking glare and picks one of the cornels landed on her top and pops it in her mouth.

"Be nice! This is Katy, she's new," introduces Cas, pulling Katy into the centre amongst all the pairs of eyes that scan her meticulously. She tugs self-consciously at her plain t-shirt whilst wondering if her new lazy outfit of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, sneakers and her hair down in a slight mess is too much. Especially when a lot of the girls she can see around are simply dressed in leggings, sweat pants and a tank top or crop top. Of course, they aren't self conscious and Katy supposes considering their place of work, they'd have to not be.

"H-hi," she whispers Katy, risking a quick glance around before looking back at Cas with a pleading glint to her eyes.

"Katy, huh? You like football?" asks one of the guys.

Her head snaps to the person speaking to her. It's a man in his mid-twenties, or so he looks, and definitely attractive, she notices; much like all the people around her, but with his dark chocolate skin, clean shaven strong jaw and intricate black ink etched into his bicep, he's definitely one of the more good-looking ones.

"Um, I'm not really into it," she answers with a slight blush of embarrassment at her cheeks.

"Seriously?!" cries one of the girls in shock.

"Well, not everyone likes meatheads running around after a stuffed pig-skin object," shoots back Cas before chirping, "anyway, where's the rest of them?"

"Kitchen," answers another in a bored tone.

Katy follows Cas further into the mansion, past the lounge into a large communal kitchen where she is introduced to another three people loitering around there. However, straight after that introduction she's forgot their names but it's okay because Cas simply hands her a soda before leading her back out into the lounge area.

She feels like a helpless puppy or maybe like that one person who knows practically no one at a party. She should be braver. Mingle, right? After all, in her life now, without Richard, she'll have to be more sociable. Spotting an unoccupied plush chair next to one of the couches she claims it as hers but having sat down, that confidence suddenly disappears and she's sat looking around awkwardly. Cas on the other hand decides to squish into one of the two seat couch already occupied by two people, and drapes herself over them. Katy watches in astonishement that while those people mutter and groan, they soon settle down to allow Cas to lie there like that.

"So Katy...where're you from?"

The direct question comes from the same handsome guy who'd been friendly to her at the start. From his wholesome grin she finds herself warming up to him. It's nice he's making an effort to welcome her in when she's clearly uncomfortable, however the personal questions are undesired.

"Um...a few states across," she mumbles vaguely.

"So how'd you get here?" he questions again shining with curiosity.

"Jackson. Cool it...She's Mason's guest," growls out Cas with a rather clear threat in her tone. It's the first time Katy's hearing Cas being so serious and grim than her usual upbeat self. Yet it proves effective as 'Jackson' curtly nods and ceases fire of the invasive inquisition.

The next few are a bit more open, leading to discussions. Although Katy doesn't participate in the flowing conversation, she's happy to listen in with a smile. It feels good to be part of a community even if it's a small, quirky one like this and even if she is an onlooker.

Suddenly the relaxed atmosphere is cut as Mason strides in. The chatter dies down as the employees all go silent until one of them braves to ask, "something wrong Sir?"

"Hm? Oh, I just need, Katy. Office in 5 minutes, please," he demands locking eyes with hers to deliver his message before exiting.

Katy looks around in astonishment, hoping there's another Katy he means. But all the others simply stare at her with mild interest.

"Ohhhh, girl, you're in trouble now," sings one of the girls teasingly causing a burst of laughter from a few others.

Katy's face pales and heart races at hearing that. Trouble? With Mason? Oh god! Trouble meant one thing-punishment.

"You better go, Katy, before he gets mad," whispers Cas, casting her a soft smile and reinforcing her fears. Katy gulps and nods, slowly making her way up the dark stairs and up to the end of the hallway.

The knock comes only a few minutes after he's sat back down. Calling her in, he's confused though as to why she's so scared. Katy quickly takes in the plush navy blue carpet covering the floor, the same colour of the walls. Along one wall are blank electronic screens, like a switched off TV, which she presumes is security camera footage. Another has an abstract painting of some sort of woman on it-or at least Katy thinks it's meant to be a woman. Below that is a sleek black couch and adjacent to it is a big bulky wood cabinet. Her eyes scan up the furniture to Mason sitting behind it quite formidably.

"Sit..please," he offers gesturing to one of the two chairs in front.

She takes him up on, perching on the end of one of them as her eyes are cast down waiting for her penance.

"Katy? Little Doe, are you okay?" he asks in concern.

From her peripheral vision she can see him glide over to perch on the corner of his desk, much closer to her now. She clamps her jaw and tilts her head up, the false bravado to show she's not afraid of him. After all, she's more or less been through it once already.

"Just...just tell me what are you going to do to me?" she exhales trying to keep her voice even.

" know I didn't call you to punish you, right? You didn't do anything wrong did you?"

Mason can't seem to understand why she'd think to be scared of him for no apparent reason.

What he doesn't realise is that she knows full well that even if she doesn't do anything wrong, it would usually be her that would take the blame for anything going wrong. At least, that was the case for Richard.

"No but-"

"But nothing. I don't punish unnecessarily, Little Doe. And when I do, it's never cruel..." He clearly states, "But enough of punishments. I didn't call you up here to talk about that. I wanted to know if you'd still like to attend the fair with me tonight?"

"Um...I-yes, please," murmurs Katy, slightly staggered by the change in subject so fast.

Though, surely if he wants her to go, he just has to command it. It's not like she can refuse him on anything. Although... a fair does sound like fun, even though fun is something that sends alarm bells ringing in Katy's mind. Richard never took her to fairs; in fact he didn't take her to any festivals. Social occasions were there for a reason and she was there on his arm for a purpose-maintain appearance and charm anyone he told her to. Despite this, at least she knew her reason for going. But with this...she has no idea what purpose she serves in going with him to a fair of all places.

"Great. I'll meet you down at the lobby at 6. Don't forget to dress up warm," he grins leaning back on his desk.

Katy stiffly nods and hesitates to leave. When he makes no attempt at stopping her, she exits fully and returns back to her room.

The shower fails to wash away the endless stream of questions running through Katy's head. Why the hell is he interested in her anyway? She understands that maybe he has the whole 'white knight' persona but why spend so much time with her? He has girls like Cas at his disposal, anyway. Girls that are so beautiful, confident and so willing. He could easily have any of them. Lord knows he's hot enough; those, big muscled arms; his deep blue sincere eyes and the ruggedness make him almost irresistible. Of course, Richard is physically hot. At least all his female co-workers had thought so. Katy had too until she saw the real him. Mason has to be the same. All the good-looking ones are. Or rather, all the powerful, handsome, charismatic ones.

Having slipped into a pair of dark jeans, a loose fitting shirt, coat, scarf, gloves and sneakers, from her new wardrobe, Katy's ready. The vast amount of clothing is now another thing she owes him for, and once she leaves she will make sure her debt to him is paid. However that may be.

Pushing those worrisome thoughts out of her mind for now, she makes her way down the stairs to surprisingly see him already there. He's in his usual black combat boots and leather jacket, paired this time with dark ripped jeans, a taut grey t-shirt and stripped grey and black scarf. It seems colour is not part of his wardrobe and that makes Katy smile slightly.

"Ready?" he asks, his blue eyes seeming to shine brighter tonight. Or perhaps, that's just the lighting.

Katy mutely nods, following him as he enters a passcode into a door she wasn't aware of.

"This way. Come on, it's just the way to the garage," reassures Mason.

They bypass the lounge area she'd been in earlier before they end up in a dark garage filled with the silhouette of three or four cars lined up neatly. Her partner for the evening saddles up next to one of them and open up the passenger door for her. Like a perfect gentleman he even closes it for her once she's inside. As he slides in beside her, she offers him a quick thank-you before they're off.

The car radio fills the silence but it's on low enough for Katy to feel comfortable. Despite being in such a small, enclosed space with Mason, Katy really doesn't feel as trapped as she believes she should.

"Have you been to many fairs?" he casually asks sparking up a conversation.

Her black, silky, thick ringlets are tossed back as she turns to him with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"A few times. When I was young, I think. I don't remember too well," she answers quirking her lips in the memory of her parents taking her to the bright, boisterous event. They'd never had much money and so when there was anything relatively cheep and fun happening they tried their best to take her. She does remember this one time when they'd gone to a high-school fundraiser event and they'd gorged themselves so much on the food, they'd all woke up the next morning with aching stomachs.

"Did you go with your parents then?"

"Yeah," she replies quietly.

When she'd been with Richard he'd made her severe all contact with anyone she knew, or loved; parents included. She hadn't seen or heard from them in 3 years and wished everyday to see them at least once again. Her only consolation is that at least they're doing well. It was one of the terms of their marriage-that he would allot them a large, sum of money each year she was with him. They'd needed that after her father's kidney transplant and dialysis costs. Of course, despite the quick and easy solution to their debt problems, her parents would most certainly have stopped her from doing it had they known. They thought the money came from Katy begging Richard to send it to them, or Richard doing it out of the goodness of his own heart. She wonders what they'll think now. Not that she can return just yet. For one, Richard probably thinks that's the first place she'll run to and for another...she's scared. She doesn't know what she'll tell them. What they would possibly think?

Mason peeks across at Katy from the corner of his eyes. She seems to be in deep thought and judging by the small crinkle appearing at her forehead, they're not exactly happy ones. Maybe they're about her husband. To his surprise he'd found quite a bit about Richard Dixon. He's a highly regarded businessman in his home state, friends with the governors and county officials and it seems owner of much of the town's retail. So, it does mean he can't exactly go guns blazing in and rip the man to shreds just as he wishes. But that would only create a lot of hassle from Adrian and he really doesn't need his elder brother screaming his ear of.

"Ready for some fun?" smiles Mason, pulling up into one of the car spaces of the parking lot.

Katy stares in awe at the brightly lit Ferris wheel and other amusement games glowing behind the flimsy wooden fence. She can hear the shrieks of laughter and smell the warm scent of hot food. Heaven. It all looks, sounds and smells like heaven to her.

They step out, heading in silence side-by-side towards the entrance. Mason glances across to her, wishing they could skip all this part and just get to the couple stuff. He wants to wrap his arm around her, or enclose her hand in his. He wants for them to laugh and talk like a real couple. To share moments and kisses and...everything. He's waited years for his soul-mate, knowing any other connection with any other person would pale in comparison to her. And now...he has so much love to give. Yet he can't...or he can but it won't be reciprocated.

"Oh. I don't have any money," comments Katy in sudden realisation.

Mason just laughs and shakes his head, "good. This is all on me."

He shows that to be true as they go around the stalls. Still, it doesn't sit right with Katy that she's done nothing to earn it all, but he insists that it's his invitation and therefore somehow, his treat. She doesn't insist on anything though but if she even lingers on a stall for more than a few moments he'd march right up there, dragging her along and play a few rounds. They'd gone to a few stalls and go on one or two rides so far so when Katy's stomach rumbles quietly at the smell of all the delicious food, she's quick to try hush it. It's in vain however since he hears it and without hesitation, buys more food than she can possibly eat.

Candy floss, fries, sweets, everything bad and so good. A subconscious smile tattoos itself onto her features, refusing to leave. Paired with that smile and complete joy radiating from her, Mason can instantly see it makes her look younger-more her age, which he's sure is around the early twenties.

Finishing the food, they circle around once more, visiting and revisiting stalls. Some games Mason win, some he lose but each causes a brighter grin than the next, once even a slight giggle. It's weird for Katy because even in high-school she's never just hung out with guys who were friends and never such good looking ones like Mason. She can see the girls though, walking by and glancing discretely at him, some even whispering and giggling to their friends whilst gazing at him. Katy is under no illusion that those giggles and shy gazes are not because they find anything lacking in him. That just brings about a small nagging feeling, urging her to press herself closer to him to show them that he's hers. Which of course, is preposterous because he's not an object and besides that, she has no claim over him.

"Hey, hey, little girl. Are you okay?" questions Mason as the tiny creature crashes against his shins.

He swoops down to her level as she wipes away her tears and sniffles. Katy glances down at the cute little angel clutching some kind of stuffed animal and her heart just melts.

"Sweetheart, who's looking after you?" gently cuts in Katy also kneeling down to her height.

The girl shifts her feet realising that two strangers are talking to her and naturally, she gazes around.

"I-I don't know. I was chasing my balloon, but it got away," she answers, gazing from her hand to then up to the sky.

"Okay, then, don't worry, don't cry, it'll be okay. My name's Katy, this man here is Mason, we're going to help, okay?" smiles Katy gently causing the girl to sniffle and nod.

"Alright, sweetie. So what's your name?"


"Okay Penny, now who are you here with Penny?"

"My aunty-"

"We're going to take you to the announcement booth, okay, Penny. They'll get your aunty for you," Mason interrupts, holding out one of his hands for her to close in his.

She looks hesitantly at him then at Katy. Smiling Katy hands out one of her own hands and Penny encloses one in each of theirs.

Mason leads them to the security building greeting the guard on duty there.

"Stephan, Penny here is lost. I need you to announce it to her aunt," he explains as he sits Penny up on the table.

"Right away Mason. It's Benny right?" he winks teasingly at the little girl.

She giggles and shakes her head.

"Penny. P-E-N-N-Y," she explains, having him smile proudly at her.

Announcing it, they keep Penny occupied and laughing until her aunt bursts in. The aunt is certainly not the same person Katy is expecting. Instead of a middle-aged woman but instead out pops a young brunette bombshell with big, bright blue eyes and killer legs. Katy just about manages to contain her gasp.

"Oh my gosh! Penny! There you are!" she cries gathering the little girl in her arms.

She then turns to Mason and falling into his arms and hugging him closely. Surprised Mason pats her back awkwardly as Katy feels a definite jab to her stomach. She's can't quite place that nauseous feeling but she does know that something in her definitely doesn't like this overfamiliar aunt.

"Thank you so much! I'm Hannah by the way."

"Mason and this is...Katy," he introduces unsure whether he should add a title in there too.

Crystal blue eyes flicker to Katy with an intense flash of hatred and that spark of jealousy that Katy is all too familiar in recognising, especially in Richard's female co-workers.

"Hi, there. So you two must have been here on" she questions.

Mason goes to correct the woman in her when Katy interrupts.

"Yeah. After 3 years you kind of lose count of the number of dates," she snaps with a faux sweet smile and tittering laugh.

The cattiness of her tone and words shock her almost as much as her actual words do. What the hell did she just say? Why the hell did she just say it?

"Wow, that long.-"

"Aunty Hannah let's go!" cried Penny, grabbing her aunt's attention as her own boredom levels rise.

"Oh, of course...Well we'd better go. Nice to meet you...both," smiles Hannah, flashing Mason a wide smile before exiting.

Katy waits for Mason to comment on her verbal diarrhoea but his continued silence only makes her more aware of it.

"Would you like to go on some rides?" he finally says, only it's not what Katy is expecting.

With a curt nod, she follows him into the queue for one of the rides. She's so lost in her thoughts she doesn't even realise which ride it is until the bar closes over their legs in the carriage. Turning her head to the side, her heart explodes into a frenzy of flutters as she sees Mason so close to her.

"Mason...what I said earlier..." starts Katy.

"Yes," encourages Mason wanting to hear her thoughts.

"I-I don't know why I said it. I'm sorry," she rushes out.

"Don't be sorry. It's...It's okay...Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I'm flattered."

"Mason," she sighs, "you're're a good man but I can't. I can't like you Mason and I just don't understand..."

"What? You don't understand what?"

"I don't understand how-why you'd do all this for me."

"Isn't it obvious?" he whispers, icy condensation forming from the sigh escaping his lips. Katy just looks at him and shakes her head.

"I like you, Katy," he breathes.

She blinks her eyes and gazes around. They're so up high now, the rest of the carnival lights shining bright down under them, above them bright twinkling stars. His hand encloses around hers on the railing, slightly hesitant at first to give her enough room to dart away but she's frozen.

"Why?" She eventually murmurs back, "surely you know...know, I'm not...Mason, you deserve someone better."

"Why would think that, Little Doe?"

His hand squeezes hers gently and for some reason, comfort washes through her.

"Because it's true."

"Really? Is that what you think? Then I guess I'll just have to convince you otherwise," he mutters with a small smile.

She grins back silently. She disagrees with him but now is not the time for an argument. It's far too nice sitting up here with the rest of the world below and for once in 3 years, Katy feels peaceful.Chapter 6


"What is it Sherriff?" Mason's skin prickles. Not that he doesn't enjoy calls from the Sherriff but the tone of his voice suggests it's not with good news he's calling. The whole town practically knows the power he extrudes over them. Many believe it to be because of the wealth of the Carter name but others know better. The Carter family is a very exclusive pack in itself. Not just because of their reputation and loyalty but because they contain only family members-close family members at that. Many generations helped to build such a high reputation and now their future generations like Mason are reaping the rewards of it. Despite this, he's not one to get involved in politics and small town politics at that, so while the Sherriff is his friend, he's never particularly asked for any favours. Well, there was that time when his twin blew into town and got arrested for indecent exposure. But that hardly counts.

"There was a man here yesterday reporting a missing person. I told him that it had to be at least 24 hours, and he's just rang back saying she's still missing. Now you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you, son?" questions the Sherriff.

Mason felt his grip hardens on the phone, his mind burning with vicious thoughts.

"What did he say her name is?" he asks desperately trying to retain his composure.

"Karen-no wait, Katherine. That's it Katherine Dixon he said. His wife, apparently."

"What else Sherriff?"

"Son, you know I can't be giving out private details like that. But by this questioning, I guess you've seen her?"

"Sherriff. That woman ran away, she wasn't kidnapped. I need you to keep delaying this search for her until I figure out what to do."

The Sherriff makes a humming noise as he deliberates the request before sighing, "I'm trusting with you with this Mason. I'll do what I can. But the best I can do is a week. At least before he realises and puts it on national TV. Then we could get the Feds snooping around-"

"A week's fine, Sherriff. Thank you."

Mason cuts the phone immediately and pockets it. Katy's husband-her husband-is looking for her. Great. Just great, he thinks. As if he isn't having enough trouble with Katy herself, her husband it seems is now on a mission to get back his 'hostage'.

A sudden rash of anger unfurls inside him remembering what she said to Cole. Captured by him for 3 years and now, she thinks he's doing the same? How on Earth can she believe he's the same repulsive monster as her captor?

As much as Mason tries he can't quite control the rage of it inside him. He knew it isn't her fault. Whoever her 'master' before was, he made her like that. He shaped her into the fragile, scared being that has found her way to Mason.

The dark brown liquid splashes over the ice cubes before drowning them slowly. Mason holds the glass to his lips and takes a sharp swig, wincing slightly at the bitter taste and burn of it slithering down his throat. He's not a big drinker and would never usually resort to alcohol to calm him but it seems today will just have to be an exception.

Mason sobers up pretty fast though knowing he has work to do. If he wants to take down this Mr Dixon character, he'll need to find out as much as he can about him.

Used to being left alone with nothing to do, Katy starts rearranging the room. She begins with folding the sheets and then finding cleaning supplies in the bathroom, gets to work with cleaning. Richard hired all types of staff except, cooks and cleaners. He believed it would give her something to do while he was away at work. Of course, she was never allowed out, unless he was with her. So cleaning, cooking, sowing, things women 'should do' was all she had, and this of course also included pleasing her husband.

In all fairness, cooking and cleaning were things she enjoyed. But she doesn't believe it's her only purpose in life, although now, any purpose seems like a good one.

With the cleaning done, there isn't much else for Katy to do. Luckily, she finds an abandoned book left, presumably by the previous occupant, in the bedside cabinet. It's certainly a lot racier than Katy's used to and already a few scenes in there have her blushing but she finds herself liking the story.

As an hour passes, Katy almost half way through when there comes a knock at her door. Cas pops her head around and grins wildly.

"Katy! What're doing here all by yourself?! Come on!" she calls. Feeling no other option, Katy took off out of the room with Cas. Bounding down the corridor Cas, called for Katy to follow.

"Come on, I'll show you the downstairs. You haven't been there have you; the bits apart from the club section?" Cas questions as she leads Katy down a quiet ominous hallway. It's a good thing, Katy outweighs Cas because otherwise, she would be worried about their path.

"No. I've only seen the main part, I think," replies Katy as they reach the bottom. Laughter and chatter can be faintly heard as light floods in through the bottom edges of the door. Cas swings open the door, pulling Katy along into there.

"Katy, meet the gang," cheerfully announces Cas gesturing around the room.

A large plasma TV plays some football game as a few wide shouldered men, lounge over 3 couches, and some females intertwined between them. A pool table stands in another corner and a Foosball table adjacent to it.

"Guys! Guys!" snaps Cas rolling her eyes and earning a chorus of groans as she stands bravely in front of the TV.

"What?! Cas get outta the way," moans one of the guys as one of the girl's throws cornels of popcorn at her. Cas gives her a mocking glare and picks one of the cornels landed on her top and pops it in her mouth.

"Be nice! This is Katy, she's new," introduces Cas, pulling Katy into the centre amongst all the pairs of eyes that scan her meticulously. She tugs self-consciously at her plain t-shirt whilst wondering if her new lazy outfit of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, sneakers and her hair down in a slight mess is too much. Especially when a lot of the girls she can see around are simply dressed in leggings, sweat pants and a tank top or crop top. Of course, they aren't self conscious and Katy supposes considering their place of work, they'd have to not be.

"H-hi," she whispers Katy, risking a quick glance around before looking back at Cas with a pleading glint to her eyes.

"Katy, huh? You like football?" asks one of the guys.

Her head snaps to the person speaking to her. the question; a man in his mid-twenties. It's a man in his mid-twenties, or so he looks, and definitely attractive, she notices; much like all the people around her, but with his dark chocolate skin, clean shaven strong jaw and intricate black ink etched into his bicep, he's definitely one of the more good-looking ones.

"Um, I'm not really into it," she answers with a slight blush of embarrassment at her cheeks.

"Seriously?!" cries one of the girls in shock.

"Well, not everyone likes meatheads running around after a stuffed pig-skin object," shoots back Cas before chirping, "anyway, where's the rest of them?"

"Kitchen," answers another in a bored tone.

Katy follows Cas further into the mansion, past the lounge into a large communal kitchen where she is introduced to another three people loitering around there. However, straight after that introduction she's forgot their names but it's okay because Cas simply hands her a soda before leading her back out into the lounge area.

She feels like a helpless puppy or maybe like that one person who knows practically no one at a party. She should be braver. Mingle, right? After all, in her life now, without Richard, she'll have to be more sociable. Spotting an unoccupied plush chair next to one of the couches she claims it as hers but having sat down, that confidence suddenly disappears and she's sat looking around awkwardly. Cas on the other hand decides to squish into one of the two seat couch already occupied by two people, and drapes herself over them. Katy watches in astonishement that while those people mutter and groan, they soon settle down to allow Cas to lie there like that.

"So Katy...where're you from?"

The direct question comes from the same handsome guy who'd been friendly to her at the start. From his wholesome grin she finds herself warming up to him. It's nice he's making an effort to welcome her in when she's clearly uncomfortable, however the personal questions are undesired.

"Um...a few states across," she mumbles vaguely.

"So how'd you get here?" he questions again shining with curiosity.

"Jackson. Cool it...She's Mason's guest," growls out Cas with a rather clear threat in her tone. It's the first time Katy's hearing Cas being so serious and grim than her usual upbeat self. Yet it proves effective as 'Jackson' curtly nods and ceases fire of the invasive inquisition.

The next few are a bit more open, leading to discussions. Although Katy doesn't participate in the flowing conversation, she's happy to listen in with a smile. It feels good to be part of a community even if it's a small, quirky one like this and even if she is an onlooker.

Suddenly the relaxed atmosphere is cut as Mason strides in. The chatter dies down as the employees all go silent until one of them braves to ask, "something wrong Sir?"

"Hm? Oh, I just need, Katy. Office in 5 minutes, please," he demands locking eyes with hers to deliver his message before exiting.

Katy looks around in astonishment, hoping there's another Katy he means. But all the others simply stare at her with mild interest.

"Ohhhh, girl, you're in trouble now," sings one of the girls teasingly causing a burst of laughter from a few others.

Katy's face pales and heart races at hearing that. Trouble? With Mason? Oh god! Trouble meant one thing-punishment.

"You better go, Katy, before he gets mad," whispers Cas, casting her a soft smile and reinforcing her fears. Katy gulps and nods, slowly making her way up the dark stairs and up to the end of the hallway.

The knock comes only a few minutes after he's sat back down. Calling her in, he's confused though as to why she's so scared. Katy quickly takes in the plush navy blue carpet covering the floor, the same colour of the walls. Along one wall are blank electronic screens, like a switched off TV, which she presumes is security camera footage. Another has an abstract painting of some sort of woman on it-or at least Katy thinks it's meant to be a woman. Below that is a sleek black couch and adjacent to it is a big bulky wood cabinet. Her eyes scan up the furniture to Mason sitting behind it quite formidably.

"Sit..please," he offers gesturing to one of the two chairs in front.

She takes him up on, perching on the end of one of them as her eyes are cast down waiting for her penance.

"Katy? Little Doe, are you okay?" he asks in concern.

From her peripheral vision she can see him glide over to perch on the corner of his desk, much closer to her now. She clamps her jaw and tilts her head up, the false bravado to show she's not afraid of him. After all, she's more or less been through it once already.

"Just...just tell me what are you going to do to me?" she exhales trying to keep her voice even.

" know I didn't call you to punish you, right? You didn't do anything wrong did you?"

Mason can't seem to understand why she'd think to be scared of him for no apparent reason.

What he doesn't realise is that she knows full well that even if she doesn't do anything wrong, it would usually be her that would take the blame for anything going wrong. At least, that was the case for Richard.

"No but-"

"But nothing. I don't punish unnecessarily, Little Doe. And when I do, it's never cruel..." He clearly states, "But enough of punishments. I didn't call you up here to talk about that. I wanted to know if you'd still like to attend the fair with me tonight?"

"Um...I-yes, please," murmurs Katy, slightly staggered by the change in subject so fast.

Though, surely if he wants her to go, he just has to command it. It's not like she can refuse him on anything. Although... a fair does sound like fun, even though fun is something that sends alarm bells ringing in Katy's mind. Richard never took her to fairs; in fact he didn't take her to any festivals. Social occasions were there for a reason and she was there on his arm for a purpose-maintain appearance and charm anyone he told her to. Despite this, at least she knew her reason for going. But with this...she has no idea what purpose she serves in going with him to a fair of all places.

"Great. I'll meet you down at the lobby at 6. Don't forget to dress up warm," he grins leaning back on his desk.

Katy stiffly nods and hesitates to leave. When he makes no attempt at stopping her, she exits fully and returns back to her room.

The shower fails to wash away the endless stream of questions running through Katy's head. Why the hell is he interested in her anyway? She understands that maybe he has the whole 'white knight' persona but why spend so much time with her? He has girls like Cas at his disposal, anyway. Girls that are so beautiful, confident and so willing. He could easily have any of them. Lord knows he's hot enough; those, big muscled arms; his deep blue sincere eyes and the ruggedness make him almost irresistible. Of course, Richard is physically hot. At least all his female co-workers had thought so. Katy had too until she saw the real him. Mason has to be the same. All the good-looking ones are. Or rather, all the powerful, handsome, charismatic ones.

Having slipped into a pair of dark jeans, a loose fitting shirt, coat, scarf, gloves and sneakers, from her new wardrobe, Katy's ready. The vast amount of clothing is now another thing she owes him for, and once she leaves she will make sure her debt to him is paid. However that may be.

Pushing those worrisome thoughts out of her mind for now, she makes her way down the stairs to surprisingly see him already there. He's in his usual black combat boots and leather jacket, paired this time with dark ripped jeans, a taut grey t-shirt and stripped grey and black scarf. It seems colour is not part of his wardrobe and that makes Katy smile slightly.

"Ready?" he asks, his blue eyes seeming to shine brighter tonight. Or perhaps, that's just the lighting.

Katy mutely nods, following him as he enters a passcode into a door she wasn't aware of.

"This way. Come on, it's just the way to the garage," reassures Mason.

They bypass the lounge area she'd been in earlier before they end up in a dark garage filled with the silhouette of three or four cars lined up neatly. Her partner for the evening saddles up next to one of them and open up the passenger door for her. Like a perfect gentleman he even closes it for her once she's inside. As he slides in beside her, she offers him a quick thank-you before they're off.

The car radio fills the silence but it's on low enough for Katy to feel comfortable. Despite being in such a small, enclosed space with Mason, Katy really doesn't feel as trapped as she believes she should.

"Have you been to many fairs?" he casually asks sparking up a conversation.

Her black, silky, thick ringlets are tossed back as she turns to him with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"A few times. When I was young, I think. I don't remember too well," she answers quirking her lips in the memory of her parents taking her to the bright, boisterous event. They'd never had much money and so when there was anything relatively cheep and fun happening they tried their best to take her. She does remember this one time when they'd gone to a high-school fundraiser event and they'd gorged themselves so much on the food, they'd all woke up the next morning with aching stomachs.

"Did you go with your parents then?"

"Yeah," she replies quietly.

When she'd been with Richard he'd made her severe all contact with anyone she knew, or loved; parents included. She hadn't seen or heard from them in 3 years and wished everyday to see them at least once again. Her only consolation is that at least they're doing well. It was one of the terms of their marriage-that he would allot them a large, sum of money each year she was with him. They'd needed that after her father's kidney transplant and dialysis costs. Of course, despite the quick and easy solution to their debt problems, her parents would most certainly have stopped her from doing it had they known. They thought the money came from Katy begging Richard to send it to them, or Richard doing it out of the goodness of his own heart. She wonders what they'll think now. Not that she can return just yet. For one, Richard probably thinks that's the first place she'll run to and for another...she's scared. She doesn't know what she'll tell them. What they would possibly think?

Mason peeks across at Katy from the corner of his eyes. She seems to be in deep thought and judging by the small crinkle appearing at her forehead, they're not exactly happy ones. Maybe they're about her husband. To his surprise he'd found quite a bit about Richard Dixon. He's a highly regarded businessman in his home state, friends with the governors and county officials and it seems owner of much of the town's retail. So, it does mean he can't exactly go guns blazing in and rip the man to shreds just as he wishes. But that would only create a lot of hassle from Adrian and he really doesn't need his elder brother screaming his ear of.

"Ready for some fun?" smiles Mason, pulling up into one of the car spaces of the parking lot.

Katy stares in awe at the brightly lit Ferris wheel and other amusement games glowing behind the flimsy wooden fence. She can hear the shrieks of laughter and smell the warm scent of hot food. Heaven. It all looks, sounds and smells like heaven to her.

They step out, heading in silence side-by-side towards the entrance. Mason glances across to her, wishing they could skip all this part and just get to the couple stuff. He wants to wrap his arm around her, or enclose her hand in his. He wants for them to laugh and talk like a real couple. To share moments and kisses and...everything. He's waited years for his soul-mate, knowing any other connection with any other person would pale in comparison to her. And now...he has so much love to give. Yet he can't...or he can but it won't be reciprocated.

"Oh. I don't have any money," comments Katy in sudden realisation.

Mason just laughs and shakes his head, "good. This is all on me."

He shows that to be true as they go around the stalls. Still, it doesn't sit right with Katy that she's done nothing to earn it all, but he insists that it's his invitation and therefore somehow, his treat. She doesn't insist on anything though but if she even lingers on a stall for more than a few moments he'd march right up there, dragging her along and play a few rounds. They'd gone to a few stalls and go on one or two rides so far so when Katy's stomach rumbles quietly at the smell of all the delicious food, she's quick to try hush it. It's in vain however since he hears it and without hesitation, buys more food than she can possibly eat.

Candy floss, fries, sweets, everything bad and so good. A subconscious smile tattoos itself onto her features, refusing to leave. Paired with that smile and complete joy radiating from her, Mason can instantly see it makes her look younger-more her age, which he's sure is around the early twenties.

Finishing the food, they circle around once more, visiting and revisiting stalls. Some games Mason win, some he lose but each causes a brighter grin than the next, once even a slight giggle. It's weird for Katy because even in high-school she's never just hung out with guys who were friends and never such good looking ones like Mason. She can see the girls though, walking by and glancing discretely at him, some even whispering and giggling to their friends whilst gazing at him. Katy is under no illusion that those giggles and shy gazes are not because they find anything lacking in him. That just brings about a small nagging feeling, urging her to press herself closer to him to show them that he's hers. Which of course, is preposterous because he's not an object and besides that, she has no claim over him.

"Hey, hey, little girl. Are you okay?" questions Mason as the tiny creature crashes against his shins.

He swoops down to her level as she wipes away her tears and sniffles. Katy glances down at the cute little angel clutching some kind of stuffed animal and her heart just melts.

"Sweetheart, who's looking after you?" gently cuts in Katy also kneeling down to her height.

The girl shifts her feet realising that two strangers are talking to her and naturally, she gazes around.

"I-I don't know. I was chasing my balloon, but it got away," she answers, gazing from her hand to then up to the sky.

"Okay, then, don't worry, don't cry, it'll be okay. My name's Katy, this man here is Mason, we're going to help, okay?" smiles Katy gently causing the girl to sniffle and nod.

"Alright, sweetie. So what's your name?"


"Okay Penny, now who are you here with Penny?"

"My aunty-"

"We're going to take you to the announcement booth, okay, Penny. They'll get your aunty for you," Mason interrupts, holding out one of his hands for her to close in his.

She looks hesitantly at him then at Katy. Smiling Katy hands out one of her own hands and Penny encloses one in each of theirs.

Mason leads them to the security building greeting the guard on duty there.

"Stephan, Penny here is lost. I need you to announce it to her aunt," he explains as he sits Penny up on the table.

"Right away Mason. It's Benny right?" he winks teasingly at the little girl.

She giggles and shakes her head.

"Penny. P-E-N-N-Y," she explains, having him smile proudly at her.

Announcing it, they keep Penny occupied and laughing until her aunt bursts in. The aunt is certainly not the same person Katy is expecting. Instead of a middle-aged woman but instead out pops a young brunette bombshell with big, bright blue eyes and killer legs. Katy just about manages to contain her gasp.

"Oh my gosh! Penny! There you are!" she cries gathering the little girl in her arms.

She then turns to Mason and falling into his arms and hugging him closely. Surprised Mason pats her back awkwardly as Katy feels a definite jab to her stomach. She's can't quite place that nauseous feeling but she does know that something in her definitely doesn't like this overfamiliar aunt.

"Thank you so much! I'm Hannah by the way."

"Mason and this is...Katy," he introduces unsure whether he should add a title in there too.

Crystal blue eyes flicker to Katy with an intense flash of hatred and that spark of jealousy that Katy is all too familiar in recognising, especially in Richard's female co-workers.

"Hi, there. So you two must have been here on" she questions.

Mason goes to correct the woman in her when Katy interrupts.

"Yeah. After 3 years you kind of lose count of the number of dates," she snaps with a faux sweet smile and tittering laugh.

The cattiness of her tone and words shock her almost as much as her actual words do. What the hell did she just say? Why the hell did she just say it?

"Wow, that long.-"

"Aunty Hannah let's go!" cried Penny, grabbing her aunt's attention as her own boredom levels rise.

"Oh, of course...Well we'd better go. Nice to meet you...both," smiles Hannah, flashing Mason a wide smile before exiting.

Katy waits for Mason to comment on her verbal diarrhoea but his continued silence only makes her more aware of it.

"Would you like to go on some rides?" he finally says, only it's not what Katy is expecting.

With a curt nod, she follows him into the queue for one of the rides. She's so lost in her thoughts she doesn't even realise which ride it is until the bar closes over their legs in the carriage. Turning her head to the side, her heart explodes into a frenzy of flutters as she sees Mason so close to her.

"Mason...what I said earlier..." starts Katy.

"Yes," encourages Mason wanting to hear her thoughts.

"I-I don't know why I said it. I'm sorry," she rushes out.

"Don't be sorry. It's...It's okay...Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I'm flattered."

"Mason," she sighs, "you're're a good man but I can't. I can't like you Mason and I just don't understand..."

"What? You don't understand what?"

"I don't understand how-why you'd do all this for me."

"Isn't it obvious?" he whispers, icy condensation forming from the sigh escaping his lips. Katy just looks at him and shakes her head.

"I like you, Katy," he breathes.

She blinks her eyes and gazes around. They're so up high now, the rest of the carnival lights shining bright down under them, above them bright twinkling stars. His hand encloses around hers on the railing, slightly hesitant at first to give her enough room to dart away but she's frozen.

"Why?" She eventually murmurs back, "surely you know...know, I'm not...Mason, you deserve someone better."

"Why would think that, Little Doe?"

His hand squeezes hers gently and for some reason, comfort washes through her.

"Because it's true."

"Really? Is that what you think? Then I guess I'll just have to convince you otherwise," he mutters with a small smile.

She grins back silently. She disagrees with him but now is not the time for an argument. It's far too nice sitting up here with the rest of the world below and for once in 3 years, Katy feels peaceful.

Next chapter