Art of a Dreamer


1.33k words

1 chapters



Table of Contents


The story introduces sixteen-year old Philip Garcia, who fell in love with Elena Salazar, a white shadow vampire and imaginary woman who came out from a painting.

One dark night, he finished his artwork and suddenly something terrible happened. The woman comes into life, and he was bewitched by her unexplainable charisma and intoxicating beauty. He was puzzled by his appearance, there are many questions that surrounded his head and he was wondering how to believe that her imaginary woman can be a real and alive being. But he was delighted and awestruck to see her with such heavenly physical attribute. Driven by craziness in love, Philip conquered his fear and he let Elena overpowered him until she bit his neck and drunk his blood.

He woke up from a dream and found himself confuse and totally blank with what happened that night until he discovered small bit marks from his neck which he further concludes that it was vampire bite and the curse of being a powerful creature can pass through his blood.


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