Chapter 2 - The Ontera Family

Jade is one of three children. His twin sister is named Jane Xerai Ontera. They were attending the same grade school before, but she decided to follow her best friend into an all-girls high school. Their younger sibling is called Oreo. Don’t ask. He’s nine years old and a bit of a genius. He’s too smart for his age.

Mr. and Mrs. Ontera are both well-off. Their family do not lack. They even have a part-time helper to help with chores during weekends. But they aren’t extremely rich. The kids are taught to use money wisely at a young age.

As Naya quietly contemplates their current situation, Jade took the time to float around. It’s his first time experiencing something like this and it fascinates him. A lot. It’s like flying. His dad bid goodbye to his mom. He tilted his head. His mom’s probably going to look after him.

When the main light was dimmed, Naya looked around. She frowned as she watched Jade. What is he doing?

“Stay here. I’m going to ask around.” She told him as she straightened. There are some rules within their ranks, but she can’t be sure of everything. For one, she can’t see other guardians in his family. The house would feel crowded.

“Don’t go anywhere. Also, try returning to your body. Go on.” She stated sternly. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him not to go anywhere. She only gave him an idea. As soon as she’s gone through the wall, Jade stared at it. He hesitated for a minute before following her. Would he be able to pass through the wall as well? He closed his eyes as he nears it. He felt himself continuing to move forward and he opened one eye. He grinned as he sees the hallway. He went back in to his room and did as she asked. He tried, so to speak, but it was done half-heartedly. He didn’t want to go back yet. This ability to fly is exciting. As his mom drifts off to dreamland, he decided to check the other members of his family. Can he ride a bus? Can he fly towards their house? Would he be able to fly fast? He first tried it along the corridor. It took so many tries, but since it’s interesting, he wasn’t at all discouraged. He persisted until his movements have gone faster than normal human capability.

This is amazing, he thought. Afterwards, he did go to their house to check on his father and siblings. Jane was watching television, their favorite show, so he positioned himself almost beside her. He’s tempted to reach for the bowl of chips she has. Habits are scary. At one point, he did reach for a piece of chip. Unconsciously. He managed to pick one, and he doesn’t know how it happened. He thought he wouldn’t be able to touch things. Thankfully, Jane didn’t seem to notice. The room was dark, and the only light is from the television. He heaved a sigh of relief as he continued to watch the program with her. He scooted a little further so he won’t be tempted again. He stared longingly at the chips. They’re his favorite, too.

On the other hand, Naya kept looking around. Where did that idiot go? She scoured the whole hospital but she couldn’t find him. She blew out her breath. What is this? It seems like she’s feeling something. Humans call it being vexed.

She returned to his room and saw his deserted body, unmoving. Before she could decide to look for him outside, the machine connected to him, the ones monitoring his vitals, started beeping loudly. Is that a straight line she’s seeing? Her eyes widened again. She’d witnessed enough death to know what that means. He can’t die. It’s not his time yet. As she continues to watch, her body already reacted. Without him around, she can only try to save him one way. She occupied his body.

For a guardian, she seemed to experience a number of surprises these last few hours. She wasn’t aware of it, but later she would realize it’s true.

Jade’s mom was awakened by the beeping noises and before she could make sense of what’s happening, she already scrambled outside to call for someone. All her brain processed is that there must be something wrong. Naya opened her eyes and sat up. She couldn’t see his body now, but she’s sure she’s occupying it. The beeping noise was gone, and the machine was attached to her finger. She pulled it out quickly and the noise restarted. When his mom returned with a doctor and a nurse, they saw Jade sitting on the bed, looking irritated. He even pulled out the IV. Naya could vaguely remember that Jade’s left arm is fractured. She felt the pain when she pulled that needle on her right hand. The exertion made her feel weak and she slumped back on the bed. The people at the door all rushed forward.

“You’re awake. Thank God.” His mom was saying.

The nurse surveyed the machine and concluded that it’s because it has been detached from the patient’s pulse that caused its triggering alarm.

The doctor gave instructions. They tried talking to Jade but they didn’t get a response. He seems to be in a daze. He would close his eyes every now and then. His mom would brush his hair up and wipe the sweat on his forehead, asking if he’s okay.

Naya was at a loss. She didn’t realize that occupying his body would subject her to human feelings. That is something she has no experience with. The sensations assaulted her, making her dizzy.

She feels the pain from his injuries. She feels on odd twinge in his heart from his mother’s voice. She feels comfort from her touch. She succumbed to sleep. She feels tired and sleepy.

Jade didn’t return to the hospital that night, choosing to sleep in his own room. Early in the morning, he was awakened by a yell. Someone shouted his name. He looked around but there’s no one.

“Who…?” He asked as he floated in the air again.

“It’s me.” Someone said in his head and he marveled. What is this?

His question managed to find its way to Naya’s thoughts.

“We can talk to each other this way. I’m Naya, your guardian. Where are you?

To Jade, it feels weird talking to someone he can’t see. Oh, wait. This feels like talking to someone over the phone. Cool.

“I can hear your thoughts, loud and clear.” Naya’s tone was exasperated.

“How do I hide them from you?” How can she hear everything? Jade shuddered a little. Well, it’s not like he has something to hide, but sometimes he does think about age-restricted stuff.

“Stop right there.” Naya winced at where his thoughts are going.

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