Chapter Six

Coreen immediately wrapped herself up using the towel but she knew it was too late because she pretty used Royce must have seen everything by now. The embarrassment she felt was replaced by anger as she approached the glass wall with some holes she didn't even want to think about and pointed at the man who was now grinning at her.

"You're a pervert! Why is there a mirror now? It wasn't like this before I left!" Coreen was pretty sure her face is burning in both shame and anger.

Royce raised his eyebrow and sat up from his leaning position earlier. His hands once again covered in gloves. "I don't know, actually. It just ended up that way." he says while shrugging like what happened was really not a big deal.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? Look here, Mr. Sullivan. I don't know what you are planning or playing but if this is another scheme of yours to kick me out, I'm sorry to tell you this but you will not win. "

His expression did not change. Like her words were not serious. "I don't know what you're talking about, woman."

Coreen felt like she was about to explode, she wanted to pull out all her hair but she calmed herself down instead. She glared at Royce as he lays on top of his bed, ignoring her. Coreen couldn't help but feel annoyed as she now has to be cautious and dress inside the bathroom because of what happened! She no longer has privacy because it looks like he has no intention of covering the wall again!

Coreen remembered the holes she saw and shuddered in disgust. She didn't even want to think about its purpose, to be honest.

When she came out of the bathroom again, she was all dressed. Coreen automatically sighed when she saw that the wall between them was still there. She decided to ignore it instead and started to unpack her bag. The irritated feeling was soon forgotten when she saw the paper her sister had drawn. She gently touched it. It was only hours since she was separated from her sister but she already missed her so much.

"From your Sister?"

She was surprised to see Royce now standing casually near the wall, looking like a picture you see in magazines. Coreen's blood runs cold when she saw what he's holding.

She angrily stood up and approached him. "Where did you get that?"

"This? From a good friend." Royce said nonchalantly. "She's pretty, isn't she? Pretty unfortunate that she's ill."

She slammed a hand on the wall. "Don't drag her into this!"

"Who said I was dragging her? Chill. I'm not like that either." he places the picture on top of an envelope and Coreen has this strange feeling that there are more inside. "I wanted to help her, actually. You and her." he said while staring intently at her.

Her eyes narrowed. "I don't need your help." she turned her back on him but as she stepped forward he was stunned at what he had said.

"Be my plaything, woman."

She stopped in her tracks and looked back at him, dumbfounded. "Excuse me?" she just could not believe his question.

"You heard me right. I am offering you a huge amount of money but on one condition, be my plaything."

Coreen couldn't believe the man. It's just his words that affected her, it's also how he said it. Just like he's asking for food. She never wanted to slap Royce at that moment.

"Be grateful you're away from me because otherwise I will kick you so hard you'll lose the ability to reproduce. " Her hands are shaking so much. " I knew you were an asshole but I didn't know that you would stoop to this level just to get rid of me. I couldn't believe you were standing in front of me and looking me in the eyes after you said that."

He held up his hands in surrender. "I said, I just want to help. We'll both benefit from it and I don't see anything wrong with that."

"If you think that you can just insult me and play with me because you are richer and more powerful than me, you are mistaken. I have never been so desperate to accept your offer, Mr. Sullivan."

She cannot believe this man!

"Hey, I'm not going to force you. If you don't want me to offer you kindness, it's your loss."

"Well, you can shove you kindness down your throat." to calm herself down, she continued where she left off earlier.

The nerve of Royce freaking Sullivan to ask her to be his plaything!

Coreen is currently cleaning her bedroom when she accidentally opened a drawer and saw an old paper. She's surprised to find out it's a letter. She didn't want to read it like a nosy person but something about it is pulling her curiosity. She decided to read it anyway.

Dear Michael,

I'm so excited to see you again, dear. I want you to know that no matter how difficult it may be, no matter how painful it may be, I will fight everything for both of us. I'm in a lot of pain and I want to give up but I can't because I know you're there and waiting. I love you so much and I will wait for our old meeting no matter how long it takes. I hope you will, my dear.



She sadly closed the letter. Based on a few dry drops there, the woman who wrote it was still in tears while writing the letter. Even though she did not know the two, she felt pity and sadness. What happened to their love story and where were they? Coreen asked herself.

She couldn't help but remember her ex-boyfriend James. They were classmates and he often made fun of her until they became closer and eventually, James asked her to be his girlfriend. The relationship lasted for two years until he decided to venture overseas and because they knew the LDR was difficult, they broke up before leaving. To this day she has no news of where or if he has been successful.

She asked her heart if she still feels the same feeling for her ex-boyfriend but all she could feel was remorse, regret that if he didn't leave, she would have had a partner, would have had someone to go to for difficult times.

Coreen returned the letter from its place and stood. She nodded to herself as she looks around the room, satisfied.

"Clean the pool, woman!"

She just rolled her eyes when she heard Royce's order but obeyed anyway. She went down and passed the backyard to get to the pool area. She picked up the cleaner and began cleaning the pool. She was surprised to see leaves falling into the pool and when he looked up she saw Royce walking away from the balcony of his room.

"Oops?" he said while laughing evilly.

"Childish." she said before picking up the leaves.

All-day long Royce commanded her to her annoyance. She had to sweep the leaves, wipe the glass wall, from the living room to their bedroom. Royce also made her bake some cupcake and when evening finally came, she tiredly throws her body to bed.

I'm so tired But Big Sis is willing to do everything for you. Rica, I love you so much. She said to herself.

She stood up suddenly and felt panic when she heard the fire alarm. She quickly gathered her belongings and hurried out of the room, stumbling to a halt when she came down and saw Royce laughing at the sound of the alarm.

"Not funny, asshole!" she's so tired but he still made her run!

"I'm just trying if you're alert," he said with a snicker. "Nice reflexes." he mocked and entered his room.

"Geez!" she said to herself and went back into the room to rearrange her belongings.

When it was time to go to bed, she quietly laid down on her bed and moaned. She could only imagine her wall was re-ironed and no man could possibly watch her sleep. She closed her eyes and forced herself to fall asleep. As the drowsiness slowly drew her closer, she suddenly opened her eyes when she heard the sound.

"Yeah, baby, just like that. Fuck yes!"

She sat up was shocked to see porn currently playing on tv. Her eyes searched for Royce but she couldn't find him. She covered her ears to try and block out the sound but she could still hear the moans and growls.

By morning, Coreen's eyes were wide open. She looks like a zombie just staring at the ceiling. She could not help but notice that the sounds had stopped. She sat up and automatically glared at the asshole staring back at her with fake innocence in his face.

"Had a nice sleep?"

She gave him the finger and stood up. She came down from her room like a robot preparing her breakfast. She prayed to God that Royce would leave today because she might die of resentment when he stayed all day again with her.

Can I poison him with food? That probably won't work.

She rubbed and patted both cheeks. She shouldn't be crazy! She should never give up. Not now, ever.

She had prepared his desk and climbed into her own bedroom. She laid down on the bed and looked up. She'll just go to sleep once he's gone. She barely flinched when her cellphone rang. She picked it up from the table and immediately answered when she saw her Aunt's name.

"Hello Aunts?" he asked sleepily and rubbed her eyes.

"Coreen, it's Rica!"

At the mention of her sister, Coreen felt like she's been drenched in water. Her heart stopped as she held the phone tight. "W-what happened?"

"I was just going to be with her in the b-bathroom when she suddenly fainted. We brought her to the H-hospital."

"Where is it?" she asked and immediately dressed and put her things inside her bag.

Don't give up please, Rica. You're going to fight for me, right?

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