Chapter-4 Stares

Camilla woke up with excitement since it was the day of academic results. She was excited unlike other kids as she already knew her result. She looked for her mother, who was getting ready for office, "Mama!"

"Good Morning, kiddo!"

"Mama, best of luck. You will rock the meeting."

"Hmmm, best of luck to you too. Today's your result. "

"Tsk...tsk...Mama...I don't need that. I already know my result. As usual, I'll be the topper. Say something new. Best of luck is for losers." She trailed off when she realized what she said, and her mother was glaring at her.

She gulped, "I mean losers like David. Always come second."

Soon Marina also barged into the room, "Belle, best of luck. Trust me, you will be selected as President."

"Mama! If you became president, then your salary will increase, and if that happens, I'll purchase a phone from that. "

Marina smacked her head from behind, "always talks about herself. "

"Granny, seriously, If I get a phone, we will make tik-tok videos, and we will become tik tok stars. All you have to do is, make tasteless food, and I'll like a good granddaughter review it.."

Marina looked at Isabella, who was looking here and there, "her phone is canceled."

"What? No Mama, don't listen to Granny."

"I'm getting late. I'm going."

Marina and Camilla both glared each other, no one was ready to back down.


Camilla was dancing and jumping while Marina was consoling David.

"Camy, can't you see he is upset."

"He should have studied hard."

"Granny, Camilla hardly does any homework, always blackmails others to do her homework, still she gets straight A's. And I got the second position. This is not fair. "

"This is not fair." Camilla mimicked his voice. "Camy! Say sorry to David. He is your friend. Don't make fun of him."

"What? Why? For coming first in class."

"Camy! I'm warning you."

Camilla tapped her feet on the floor and apologized to David.

"David, let's go and play." They both went into the park, where other kids were playing.

"Camilla, congratulation." Said her friends.

"Thank you."

They all started playing basketball. After an hour, they all get tired, while Camilla was asking them to continue.

"We all are tired. Why aren't you tired?" Asked David who was panting?

"Because Granny says I'm very special."

"Really? How?" Asked Becky.

"Well, I am always the class topper. My skin is different from all of you. And I'm very smart among you all duffers."

"Yeah, you are special. I wish I have also the same skin."

Camilla smiled when Becky's father came to take her home. She looked at them and felt sad. But David put an arm around her shoulder, "Do you want to talk to him?"

Camilla nodded her head. Her friends took their leave and went from there.

Camilla was hanging out with David in his room.
She was looking at her father's picture.

"Wow, he is so handsome."
Commented Camilla looking at her father's recent picture.

"Not more than Captain America." Said David, comparing at her father's picture with Chris Evan's picture which was posted on his wall.

Camilla ignored his comment and opened Tik-Tok app on his laptop.

There she was watching Gabrielle's videos.

"Beautiful," said David admiring her.

"Yeah, she is so beautiful. After all, she is my sister. She has to be beautiful. She looks like mom."

"Hmm, but you don't look like your mother. I mean she is so pretty. But you don't even look like your father also. Why?" Ask David munching on chips.

"Mama, says I'm very special. She says only special people get special skin like me. So, that's why I look different" answered Camilla joining him, and helping him in finishing chips.


"Yeah, I know I'm cool."


Isabelle returned home and inform them that the meeting was successful. She got the investors for her project.

"Wow, Mom. Let's celebrate. Let's go outside, we hardly go outside. Now, that you have got investors, we all soon going to be rich and I'm going to get a phone."

"Wow, so technically my daughter is happy that she is going to get the phone. Not for me. I thought you love me." Sighed Isabelle

"You do know you are a bad actor. I can't believe my mother doesn't know how to emotionally blackmail her own daughter. Tsk...tsk...anyways, let's go outside, I'm getting ready." Saying this Camilla ran from there.

Isabelle looked at her retreating figure and whisper, "Sometimes I feel like she is my mother. Always commanding and mocking me."

"Oh Please! Don't compare me with that brat. She commands me also."

Isabelle rolled her eyes at her mother's comment. 
"Isabelle, instead of going outside let's order the food.
" Said Marina hesitantly.

Before Isabelle can ask her the reason, Camilla shouted from the stairs. "Granny, don't spoil the dinner. Otherwise, we will leave you, and you will have to eat your tasteless porridge. "

Camilla glared her grandmother because she always spoils their dinner plans. Holding comb in her hand, Camilla approached them with tears in her eyes.

"You guys always do this to me. We never go outside for dinner, lunch. My all friends enjoy their time. I want to brag in front of them." She turned to Isabelle, "Mom, please. I wish my dad was with me, he would have taken me outside as other parents do."

Isabelle tried to hug Camilla, but she ran from there.

Marina and Isabelle felt guilty for hurting her. They both got quickly dressed and were discussing what they will say to make it up to her. Soon, David also came there all dressed up.

"Good evening Mrs. Belle. I'm ready. Shall we all go?"

"Go where?" Asked Marina who was confused.

"For dinner, Camilla called me asked me to join you all."

"David, just wait here. She is upset. Let me..."

"Mrs. Belle, if you don't mind shall I try? I know how to calm her down."

Reluctantly both agreed. David stood in front of her room and knocked, "Idiot, they are ready! Stop your drama now. It worked."

"Really?" Asked Camilla who opened the door.

"Tsk...tsk...what did you say to them that they look so distressed." Enquired David entering into her room.

Camilla gave him her devilish smile, "I used father card. That always works for me. By the way thanks for this liquid. I'm keeping it. It really worked. They really thought that my tears were real."

"Let's go, can't believe they didn't catch you."

At the restaurant, Marina and Isabelle noticed that everyone was looking at Camilla.
Some were whispering and staring her, some were ignorant. They both knew whenever they go outside, Camilla always becomes the center of attraction.

Camilla noticed one couple looking at her, she smiled looking at them, but they turned around.

All this negative attention made all of them conscious. Soon, the food was served. And they all started having food, ignoring the mocking stares.

Isabelle looked at Camilla, who was busy with David giggling at his jokes. Isabelle started shaking her leg when Marina placed her hand on her back.

She looked at her mother, "When they will stop staring Camilla. Right now she is a kid, but once she starts noticing, what will I tell her. How do I make her face this discrimination gracefully? People are cruel mom. Look at them, how they are glancing at Camillia sneakily like she is a cartoon character. They are not showing directly, but they all are thinking about her. Can't they mind their own business? Sneakily stealing glances, making fun of her."

"Camilla knows she is special. She will fight them gracefully. These people will always discriminate. We can't change their thinking. But we can make Camilla strong. Look, how she ignored all those stares and busy in enjoying. Trust me, their stares, words won't matter to her. If they are making fun of her in their mind, then let them. It just shows how sad their real world is.

Isabelle nodded her head. She looked at Camilla and smiled looking at her.

But she knows that people love to see beautiful things, they even have set standards for that. If you don't match that standard, they immediately dislike you. No matter how talented you are, how good you are. If you are a stranger to them, then they will always judge you by your outer appearance, how you look, how you dress, how you talk. For everything they have set standards, if you don't match the standards, they will outcast you.


They reached home and Camilla hugged her mother. Isabelle stopped her and gave her medicines.

"Mom, please. I hate these medicines. And they are too expensive. Stop wasting money on them." whined Camilla. She hated taking medicine.

"Camy, I don't have time for your drama. I'm really tired. I need to sleep. Plus, don't worry about money. Now, that I'll earn more, we will be able to afford them easily. So, please take it."

"Aish! I hate it when you work so hard for my medicine. Half of your money is spent on these medicines. And they are hardly working."

"Did I ask you to earn? Then? Don't care about the money. You just need to study hard. And soon, we'll start your new treatment for your Vitiligo. Soon, this vitiligo will be controlled."

Isabella held Camilla's hand, gracing her patches on her hand, "soon, it will be controlled. And it won't spread. Now, go and sleep. I need to work on the project. Go, and sleep tight, Camy."

Camilla hugged her mother again and went from there.

Isabelle saw her retreating figure and recalled how Robert was not ready to accept Camilla, because both Camilla and the kidnapper suffered from vitiligo. She recalled how he said

His one doubt changed their lives. She sighed and took out her mobile and watched Gabrielle's tik tok videos. With welled up eyes she was adoring Gabrielle. She wanted to hold her, but can't.

She recalled how much she insisted on a paternity test to Robert, but he declined it stating that that vitiligo is genetic. And from both sides, no one or their relatives suffered from vitiligo. So there is no way she is his daughter.

Even Isabella herself doesn't know that how come Camilla has vitiligo. She knows that vitiligo is genetic, but she also knows Camilla is theirs.

She sighed and started working on her project. When her phone rang, and she broke down.


"I can't believe that we became poor in one night. " Asked Camilla looking at her granny.

"Not now, Camy."

"Why not? Can't believe that investor tricked mummy. Now, what are we going to do? Don't tell me we will beg." She imagined herself in torn clothes, begging for money.

She immediately shook her head, "No! No! Granny, what will happen now?"

Marina sighed, "Your mother has sold her office to pay the debt which she took in advance from the bank. David's father has recommended her to Los Angeles. Looks like we all are shifting there. Don't bother your mother, Camy. She is tensed now."

When Camilla heard that they are shifting Los Angeles, she was happy. As her father and sister lived there. And she can connect with them. But was sad also for leaving San Francisco. She immediately ran to her room.

One week later

"How will I manage mom? Camilla's new school, her treatment. It's like I failed Camilla. "

"How about I sell this house? Then we can manage a couple of months. We can start Camilla's new treatment also. And get her admission in a new school." Before Marina can continue, Camilla barged into the room.

"Mom, guess what? I got a scholarship at Elite City School. I'll be going to my sister's school. It will be so great when I'll meet my sister. One week back I applied for the scholarship. Now, you don't have to worry about my School fees Mummy."

Isabelle and Marina checked the forms. Camilla had lessened the burden of both the ladies. Isabelle can't afford the new treatment fees and school fees at the same time. As both were important. Education is very important. And so was treatment. If she wouldn't start the treatment soon, spots would spread on her face too. Isabelle knew how others look at Camilla. How they make fun of her condition behind her back. Because of David, Camilla never felt discriminated at school. She knew vitiligo can't be cured, but can be controlled. She doesn't want Camilla to feel inferior ever in her life.

She was scared that if Camilla changed her school, students will make fun of her. Because of David and Camilla's strong personality, no one dares to speak about her condition. But now she was relaxed, as she knew Gabrielle will take care of her sister. And deep down she also wanted both sisters to bond. They need each other. Sisters are like a part of one soul. Camilla loved Gabrielle, she missed her elder sister, Gabrielle. And Isabelle also missed Gabrielle very dearly. She didn't want to stay from Gabrielle anymore. Most importantly Camilla wanted to bond with her sister.

With this thought they all left for Los Angeles, looking forward to a bright future. But didn't know that a very dark future was awaiting for Camilla. The darkness which might consume her completely.

Hey guys,
I hope I have not offended anyone with my words.
The next chapters will be intense.

Intense chapters take time and a lot of research. 
I'm not a doctor.
And I don't trust everything available on the Internet. So, I asked my friend who is in medical. And she confirmed that Vitiligo is genetic. That's why the character Robert finding very hard to believe that Camilla is his, as no one from his mother side and father side and the same goes for Isabella side too.

Everyone is beautiful. Don't set standards of beauty. If you do, it's sad your world is full of dark colors and negativity.

Due to less response as I mentioned previously, updates will be random. 
It's not necessary that you have to like my story.
But if you are reading then it will take a second to press the star button.

Chapter edited by theKiara

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Booknet: vshreee