Chapter 4 The Last Mutant

Shortly after the Silver's feast. We returned to our campsite and Bela and I made love for the first time. Even though she now possessed two vaginas and I had two penises , I had to utilize only one. It was the most rewarding sexual experience of my life. I had never felt such satisfaction when I was among the Mirror People. The scales that lined the inside of her vagina felt great against my double curved penis.

The next morning Blag informed me that Zoe had called another meeting to order at 10:00 am at "The Stump". When I arrived there Zoe was once again clapping his hand together in another attempt to gain the attention of the gathered crowd.

"Fellow Mutants" began Zoe in his now familiar tone. "Up until now we have only fought a defensive war. Yes I said war, for that is what every mutant is fighting for survival. We are not strangers to war. We won't ask that the rules of the game be modified!" Strangely I was reminded of Winston Churchill who he was obviously borrowing his prose from. "Now we will switch tactics to an offensive war!" Zoe continued. Another insect was almost within Zoe's range again. I noticed the Yellow Mutant shift nervously around. Zoe's eyes were darting to and fro as if zoning in for another kill.

A loud cheer ascended from the crowd. Even though I joined in the applause, I found myself doubting Zoe's wisdom. It was common knowledge that the mirror people had all of the technology of the modern world at their disposal. By contrast, the mutants would be basically armed with spears, knives, & stones. I guess it was possible that we would be able to obtain some modern weapons from the mirror people during the initial raids. Zoe raised his hands for attention. Quiet enveloped the crowd.

"Fellow Mutants! Captain Mogg has informed me that the silvers aren't getting enough red meat in their diet! The Silvers will lead the first raid against the mirror people. We wish them a successful mission, & will pray for their safe return. That is all."

As the Silvers gathered at the edge of the camp, prior to departing on their mission,..they were strutting around like roosters in a hen house, chests stuck out,.almost bursting with pride. Although the rest of us affected a facade of bravado,.. in the back of everyone's mind, we were wondering if we would ever see the silver males again.

Zoe shook hands with every warrior of the silver clan, & led by Mogg, they marched off to battle determined to carry out their mission. The female Silvers followed them for a short distance, waving their handkerchiefs, & bidding adieu to their men. When they returned there wasn't a dry eye in the camp.

Tears were rolling down Zoe's face as he proclaimed words that are now etched in stone at the Silver's monument. "One small step for the Silvers,..One giant leap for Mutant-Kind!"

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