Secret Admirer

Everyone made far too much of a fuss about the injury. It wasn't very deep or dangerous, and a doctor had already treated it by the time anyone else ever saw it, and yet they still fussed. None fussed more than Anne- Ophelia's sister, who the game never even mentioned - and Nessa. Another figure not mentioned in the story, Nessa was Ophelia's nanny, a motherly woman who seemed to deeply care for Ophelia. Moreso than the woman identifying herself as my mother.

My mother.

Anne and Nessa weren't 'Ophelia's' anymore, but mine. My life…it wasn't ordinary and unimportant anymore. It was extravagant, incredible, fantastic. I was beautiful, rich, adored, and…more important than any of that, I lived in a world with Viktor.

Just as soon as the servants stopped clucking over me at all hours over my injury, I quickly penned a love-note. Every word of it was true but it was also…written in a poetic style I knew Viktor would love and find irresistible. 

No rule said that only the heroine got to do things specifically tailored to woo a man, after all. 

My lips purse as I stare at the letter. Impulsively, I'd written 'your secret admirer'...but it occurs to me I don't know very much about this chapter of his life. It was simply brushed over in his route. I can be reasonably confident no one will be pursuing him…but…flashes of tragic comedies run through my mind, and after a moment I quickly dig around in my room.

"Where is it…"


The perfume. Ophelia is so rich that she's not the one who picks out her own makeup and perfume usually, but this is the one I'd been wearing that day. If I make sure to always wear it when I see him, then he'll know even before I confess. 

My lips quirk up in a little smile as I lightly spray the envelope. 

Viktor enjoys a bit of romantic mystery, after all.

Glancing carefully around the halls, I don a cloak to conceal my identity and slip quietly out through a side door of the manor. It's still early morning - early enough the sun hasn't even thought about getting out of bed yet - and that means Viktor won't yet be at the clinic. But he will be soon.

Soft footfalls slap on the cobble pavement beneath me as I run through the town, the only sound besides my labored, excited breathing that breaks the stillness of pre-dawn morning. Carefully, by light of a single candle, I pin my perfumed letter to the door.

Before I can lose my nerve, I scramble back into the shadows, out of reach of the letter and any impulsive shyness.

Minutes drag on. 

Each time I hear footsteps, I hold my breath, struggling to suppress my excited squeals. 

It's just the butcher.

The baker…

A guard half-awake and ready for bed.

Each time I deflate more, even as my cheeks puff out in frustration. Viktor always arrives at his clinic before dawn! His work ethic would never let him be late! 

Could…he be…already in the clinic, sitting in the dark for some reason? Perhaps I should walk up and knock on the door to catch his attention…?

Fortunately, before I can step out of the shadows and reveal myself, he appears. His hair is a bit messy, his face groggy. He really did just roll out of bed and go straight for the clinic before anything else. I can't help a small smile. 

Such a dedicated, beautiful man. Inside and out.

I press my fingers to my lips as I wiggle in excitement, struggling to keep my squeals to myself.

Viktor pauses when his green eyes fall upon the letter. He looks up from the door, glancing around the streets, and I hold my breath, unsure if I want to be caught or not. Finally, he removes it from the door. Long, gentle fingers break the wax seal with care, clearly not desiring to damage the letter beneath.

As his eyes scan the page, the faintest hint of a smile crosses his lips. 

Pressing the letter to his chest, that warm, grateful smile just barely visible on his soft lips, he retreats inside his clinic, and I rush down the street, running away from the clinic in a giddy haze, so that I can giggle in delight without being caught.

He liked it!

He definitely liked it!

When I make it back into my room I throw myself into the bed, burying my face into the pillow so I can squeal without waking up the whole manor, kicking my feet, rolling back and forth in the bed as if I were some teenaged girl with a crush.

This…is only the first step, though.

Viktor is a proper fellow, Shy, refined, slow to open up. Eileen had it easy, given that the plot simply worked to ensure she kept running into him at key moments, but someone who has loved and researched Viktor as much as I (that means reading all the special extra content and creator interviews about Viktor too!) doesn't need fate on my side.

There's a particular medical textbook, rare and valuable, that I know Viktor wants. In his route, Eileen happens to discover her noble family library has a copy, but with Ophelia's money…I can just buy a copy outright.

Once the servants stop fussing over me, I hurry into the town to secure the book. It is rather pricey, but Ophelia is absurdly rich, so I have plenty of disposable income for gifts like this.

Struggling with the large book, I head over to Viktor's clinic. It's still bright outside, which makes sneaking hard, but he's got the curtains closed to ward against the afternoon sunlight.

Tying another note to the cover, I tiptoe to the front of the clinic. The door is locked, so I crouch low and place the book on the mat before I ring the bell, quickly fleeing as soon as it's been rung, more like a mischievous child than a secret admirer.

It's silly. I could find some excuse to go in and see him in person, up close - dangerously close to his beauty - but hiding in the bushes in the alley, just barely still within sight...the idea of seeing him open the door is making my heart race.

The door opens, the doctor peers outside in surprise. His face turns towards where I'm hiding, and I suck in a deep, anxious breath.

But he isn't looking at me, he's staring off to the side, with the smallest smile curling up his lips.

Picking up the book, he steps back into the clinic, and closes the door behind him.

It's good that he didn't see me, because I'd hate to have to explain why I sound like a goblin cackling to myself in delight.

After taking a moment to catch my breath and regain composure, I rise to my feet, walking out of the alley and passing the clinic in broad daylight.

I wave cheerfully to the few passerby who glance at me, but don't meet their gaze, still afraid he might somehow peek out.

Opening the door to my house, I slip in and start skipping upstairs, my cheeks aching from how wide I'm grinning.

Viktor's smile was so adorable!

Hopping around, I do a little happy dance. My arms swing around, I kick and hop around in ways that are probably deeply dangerous in noblewomen's boots.

My bedroom door creaks.

Quick as lightning, I stand still.

" lady?"

Relief fills me, but I try not to let it show on my face as I turn.

Nessa stares at me, her wrinkled forehead furrowing further, as if she's trying to understand what she's witnessing.

My body heats up. I clear my throat, reaching up to adjust my hair as I smile at her. "Ah...good afternoon, Nessa. Are you well?"

She eyes me up and down for a moment longer.

"My lady, may I ask, ah...why were you hopping about?"

"Oh." My smile strains. I reach up, brushing back a lock of hair. "I...I'm sure I don't know what you mean." That's the kind of thing people say in these stories to get out of jail free. Right?


Nessa stares at me intently, and for a moment, I swear she looks like she sees right through my flimsy disguise, but she shrugs, smiling as she shakes her head.

"Alright, dear. Let's get you changed and ready for your tea party!"

My brows pinch. I feel like I forgot something I should have remembered, but at her prompting, I realize that Ophelia is invited to a tea party later today. With her sister and other nobles. I wrinkle my nose in distaste, but I force a smile. "Thank you, Nessa. Let me get dressed."

Her expression fades from warm and sweet to cool and businesslike, nodding firmly.

Sitting still as she dresses me feels incredibly tedious. Her hands tug my corset tighter and tighter, until I can barely breathe, and by the end of it, she has me in a frilly dress. It's...really not my type, but it looks very beautiful on Ophelia. I resist the urge to tug at it or fiddle with the ruffles, the bodice uncomfortably tight on my torso, but at least the skirt is looser.

Walking to the teaparty feels ridiculous as well. In my laser focus on Viktor, I've been swept up in the fantasy and freedom of being Ophelia. Adelaide would never have been caught dancing in excitement in her room. Adelaide would never have been sneaking around giving someone she liked secret notes, either. I don't regret it - Adelaide...was a sad, useless, unimportant girl no one ever missed. Too quiet, too plain, too boring. So I'm happy to be Ophelia now, instead of Adelaide, even if being Eileen would have been easier.

But with all the freedom and the glamor and the beauty, it's easy to lose sight of the restrictions on noble life that I can't just press the skip button through. The fancy clothing. The awful, tiresome small talk with strangers who ask me shallow, insincere questions that I don't care about. The formal etiquette of how to eat tea cakes and how to drink from my cup, when to stand up and greet others, when to sit down and wait, when to change topics...

I consider it a sort of self defense mechanism when I bring up Viktor. 

"Have you met that doctor?" I ask, cutting through whatever useless gossippy chatter had previously occupied my tablemate and her friends. "The kind young gentleman in the blue building next to the butcher."

The girls all give me a variety of faces. Some with bored disinterest, others with derision, another with concern. But for my part, I keep smiling, batting my eyelashes coquettishly. "He is truly a marvel of medicine," I continue, not bothering to notice any of their expressions.

"You haven't fallen ill, have you, Lady Ophelia?" One asks, leaning forward with a curious gaze.

"Oh, no, nothing of the sort!" I lean in conspiratorially, looking around as if to check that the walls themselves won't rat me out. "The truth is, I met him the other day, while on a walk! I had cut my arm you see, while...on a walk-"

They look at each other, blinking, unsure how to react, and I charge onward without letting them respond. "-and the doctor was so very kind. I confess I was afraid, but he was so patient with me, so very understanding, I was hardly frightened at all!"

Tittering laughter bubbles up amongst the group.

"My oh my, you must tell us everything, my lady!" One cries, leaning in with a keen smile.

I draw in a breath. I can't reveal my secret plans, of course, that'd be begging someone to interfere with them. But...emphasizing what a good doctor he is, getting him more clients...that's the sort of thing that'd make him happy. Make him more successful, too.

I begin telling a completely fabricated tale of how I fell, and how the kind Doctor Viktor saw me and stopped me from bleeding out in the street. I don't know what any of these noble ladies know or understand of medicine, but I make it seem as if I'm discussing an operatic tragedy to riveting effect. They hang on my every word, gasping in horror at the most dramatic moments of the story.

I suspect most of them think it's just a particularly amusing story I found. But as they gossip at the party, the whispers of 'Doctor Viktor' slowly become louder.

I smile to myself, once the attention has shifted back off of me.


Now the tea party feels worth it.

"Why of course we'll come visit your new doctor, Lady Ophelia!"

"Oh yes, it sounds quite interesting!"

The buzz is high energy for a while, but eventually the party ends and I return home. The corset feels like it might kill me by the time I finally make it to my room and Nessa takes it off. When she's out of the room, I stretch my arms above my head and let out an exhale like a deflating balloon, finally able to breathe freely again.

At last, I'm alone.

With a smile, I eagerly pull out paper to write him another letter. This one, I leave at his clinic door again, with a special request of one of his favorite flowers.

What I find when I place the beautiful arrangement of flowers, is a delicate envelope tucked mostly under the mat, addressed to 'my kind admirer'. A reply!

Grinning in triumph, I quickly stuff the letter into the breast of my jacket, where no prying eyes will spot it, and walk back to my mansion with a spring in my step.

Rushing past concerned maids, I slam the door shut behind me, falling to the floor in a heap of giggles as I clutch the letter to my chest.

I scramble onto my bed, unable to contain my elation, kicking my legs around as I eagerly tear into the letter, heart pounding as my eyes fall across the neatly scripted letters:

 My beloved secret admirer,

 I must confess, I was entirely shocked and confused the other morning to find a mysterious note on my door. Since that day, I've not known what to do with myself. My clinic has never seen as many visitors as it has in the past few days.

 My staff is greatly perplexed by the sudden popularity of the establishment.

 Your kindness is very much appreciated. For whatever reason it was that led you to act in such a way, please know that my thanks and appreciation for your efforts are entirely genuine.

 It warms my heart that so many of those in my city have finally heard my words and wishes to avoid harm to those who would otherwise suffer.

 You cannot know the relief that eases my spirit to know that my skills in healing have reached more than the occasional desperate soul, who so often reaches out to me because no one else is willing to help them.

 Though I must admit, your motives remain a complete mystery to me, and I struggle to guess the purpose of your gentle flattery.

 This is not to say that I disapprove! Far from it, as your thoughtful messages have been a shining point of warmth and joy in my life.

 Perhaps, some day, you would allow me the pleasure of meeting the woman whose clever, enchanting letters and generous, sweet gift-giving have made such a delightful and pleasant disruption in my quiet routine.

 Until then, I hope that the generosity and graciousness I see in your actions extend to allowing me the privilege of your name at some time.

 And until the day that I can, at least, see the face of my esteemed and respected secret admirer, I will burn in agony with curiosity regarding her beauty, as surely it must be as divine as the contents of her character.


 Dr. Viktor Schulte

My smile can't grow any wider. Rereading the letter is the greatest indulgence and torture all at once, I need to calm down. Biting my lip, I roll to my back, clutching it to my chest as my cheeks hurt.

How could this man possibly be more perfect?!

Every line of his letter is lovely. Sweet, warm, elegant, poetic! My heart aches for him.

It takes immense self control not to simply rush out and throw myself at him, abandoning this secret admirer business entirely.

But no.My dear Viktor is not so easily wooed, and his distrust of nobles would only get in the way if I revealed myself yet. I have to earn his trust, first. Even if it's infuriating to hear his laments without being able to tell him that his desire has already been granted.

Besides which...

If Viktor hears of the truth, he will never accept any further gifts from Ophelia. This much I know for certain. Even if Ophelia herself meant him no ill, it is the wealth and influence of the Weideman family that gave Ophelia the opportunity to woo him in the first place. He would likely find the thought insulting. Therefore...he must be wooed before he finds out who is doing the wooing.

But first, the flower response letter. I dash over to the desk to draft my response, my grin splitting my face.

As I write, the fire burning inside me, the flame of my love, grows hotter and hotter. The feelings I feel for Viktor are almost terrifying in how passionate they burn, like a wildfire consuming everything in its path.

But in the end, my ardor is still far less fiery than his devotion to his craft, so I must match him, must show him all I feel for him so he understands the intensity of my affection.

 Dearest Viktor,

 I could not be happier that you approve of my humble offerings, and in fact it thrills me beyond words to know that my gestures were useful. Your ability to heal others and offer comfort is invaluable and you deserve nothing but the highest of praise for it, but the poor treatment of one so dedicated to helping others leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

 The city's residents should not so readily ignore their savior. I fear their pride clouds their eyes to the wisdom your guidance carries.

 Still, I am certain that now that they are listening to your voice, their behavior will improve. After all, though there may be stubborn fools amongst them, your tender heart inspires sincerity, even in someone as poor a writer as myself.

 To be more straightforward, it is with absolute glee that I read your own kind, careful penmanship and find it the most beautiful handwriting I have ever seen, no matter who put the pen to paper.

 I beg your pardon for not sharing my name, although it pains me to keep such a beautiful, wonderful man waiting on my selfish whims. Please believe me when I say that every day my longing to share my identity with you is challenged only by the depth of my trust in your virtue.

 May the day of our meeting be soon, my most gentle Viktor, yet not so soon as to ruin the beautiful present moment we both now enjoy.

 Ever Yours,

 A Secret Admirer

...Naturally, I toss that one, and the next five drafts, before i settle on a longer, more poetic, beautiful one I know my Viktor will be enchanted by. And again, a light spritz of perfume.

This time, when I put the letter in his clinic, I watch from a nearby alley as he steps out of his clinic to retrieve it.

I take great pains to not be caught watching. It would be embarrassing for him to know I was staring at him with love and yearning so naked on my face, but at the same time, the thrill of catching sight of him, the man I adore, is thrilling and exciting.

As I observe him from the alleyway, the distance and angle gives me an excellent view of the expression on his face as he reads my letter.

That pleased flush as he reads my lines, the bashful curl of his lips as he presses it to his chest. Even when he tries to school his expression to neutrality, my gaze lingers on the corners of his lips, and the twitch of his eyebrows as he bites his lip to hide a smile.

Now...of course I wait a while after this little delivery, but...I simply must speak to him again! To hear his beautiful voice, to feel those deft hands that bound my injury before...

So I carefully plan our next meeting. A chance encounter. The sweet doctor catching a young lady as she falls, just like in the books!

Of course, there are a great many things one could stumble into or over, and so I opt for something more subtle. As soon as I learn that Viktor is going to visit an herb supplier, I memorize the time and date he plans to leave, and set myself up at an opportune point along the route where I can appear to have lost track of where I was walking.

He should be on his way home right now, with a bag full of herbs that smell absolutely disgusting in his pocket. I just need to play dumb, and fall into his arms like a helpless maiden.

When he passes by me, I stumble out of the alley with a loud gasp.

"Eeeek! Ah--!"

His catches me with his strong arms so quickly and easily it's like we'd scripted it. Oh, my goodness, I can't believe I get to touch him like this! He holds me steady in his embrace as my body tilts precariously sideways.

My eyes open as I tilt my face upwards, looking at him in utter shock and disbelief as I cry out in alarm. "Vi...ktor!"

His surprised, lovely green eyes widen at the sight of my face, and I wonder what he sees in my expression. Shock, yes, but is my delight at seeing him again more obvious? Or my love for his beauty? I can only imagine it's some mix of all three.

His expression quickly morphs to one of polite concern.

"Miss..." There is gentle chastisement in his voice that makes my heart race. "Are you alright?"


If I say I am, our meeting will be over so fast. But I didn't think to come up with an excuse to extend it. Though I feel foolish pretending, I finally say, "My ankle..." and groan a bit for added effect.

"Let's get you to my clinic, shall we?" His arms helpfully pick me up in a bridal carry. "It's just a short distance from here."

I cannot help but take the opportunity to wrap my arms around him in turn, but I just can't decide whether to close my eyes and soak it in or stare up at him so wonderfully close. I compromise with holding his gaze.

Viktor moves through the town with ease. People make way for him, but do not bother him or slow his passage, and though I catch a glimpse of concerned citizens, no one gets in his way.

I feel a bit bad for lying, but his touch feels so good, I can't bear to ask to be let down yet. And it doesn't even last long, because it's only a short distance before he brings me to the clinic and gently sets me on a comfortable chair inside.

He kneels, his eyes meeting mine, and he speaks in a kind voice, the slightest hint of playfulness in it. "For one so jeopardy prone as you...I ponder whether I ought to demand you stay near this clinic more often. As a preventative measure."

Heat blooms in my cheeks and I do my best to feign embarrassment. It's actually hard to fake, given that my face is so flushed. I stutter out, "I...I was simply distracted."

My heart is pounding in my chest as I look into Viktor's eyes.

"My apologies," he says, with a warm smile, "I jest."

Those eyes! As a video game character, they were exquisite, but now they're even more radiant, because they're looking right at me, not the character model I control. I can see his irises, and the light reflecting off the dark green.

"It's my own fault for wandering in unfamiliar territory. I was hoping to explore more, but perhaps I should have been more aware of my surroundings..." I mumble, as if I have the capacity to think about anything besides Viktor at the moment.

My thoughts feel scrambled. My body is almost frozen stiff from nerves. What do I say? How should I act? My knowledge of proper ladylike etiquette has gone right out the window, my brain empty except for his stunning smile and kind eyes.

I could spend years staring at this man, just as I've spent years playing the game and admiring it, and I'm sure that even then, I wouldn't get bored of looking at him.

"There is much to see in the city, of course," Viktor agrees, his green eyes looking at my feet, likely seeking evidence of injury there. "Did you fall or twist anything on the way? No blood or bruising, so it seems unlikely, but I won't take that risk without at least asking, of course. Is there anywhere you feel pain at all? We can start with a simple test for flexibility and then proceed to diagnosing from there. It is my professional opinion that I ought to see if any sprains or twists occurred due to that little tumble."

His touch sends electricity through my body as he presses lightly on my leg. The sensation is dizzying and not entirely unpleasant.

"...Well? How does this feel, miss?"

I blink rapidly, suddenly realizing I still haven't answered his question. My skin is hot, but not too painful, and I smile awkwardly at him. "I-It feels fine. Sore, but nothing serious, I think..."

His soft, slender fingers trace over the area where my ankles are supposed to hurt. I'm sure it's just in my imagination, but it feels like the air around me is being replaced with Viktor's warmth. My tongue flicks out to wet my lips, staring at him intensely.

"You certainly have impressive luck. Given your current status and mobility, I'm fairly certain your tumble was minor enough that no permanent harm came to you."

I swallow, my lips pressed into a firm line, and I nod quickly.

"Is there somewhere I can escort you? Anywhere you were headed when you became distracted enough to wander into an unfamiliar, populated street and take a tumble?"

"O-oh, uh..." I open and close my mouth for a second, eyes wide. I had not prepared for this question. My brain on auto-pilot, unfortunately, decides to betray me heartily and instantly. "The ball."

"Hm?" Viktor cocks his head to the side slightly.

"Th-there is...a naming day ball for a young lady next week." This is - this is so ridiculous, but now that I've said it I have no good excuse to go back on it. " see, you haven't let me pay you in cash for these visits, so I wanted to give you an invitation to attend in lieu of payment. give you some small sign of gratitude. If you'll accept it, of course. I can't force you."

Viktor looks away, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he clears his throat, eyes pointed off to the side. I swear the faintest flush appears on his face, and it only makes my own face hotter to see it. "Well. I am...very appreciative of the gesture, though it wasn't necessary. You really didn't need to do so, you know."

"It is the very least I could do! The least anyone could do. To you." My voice is breathy, my heart is thudding so hard it's becoming hard to think straight.

I realize I'm holding his hand with both of mine, and my grip on him loosens in sudden panic, but I don't dare pull my fingers free of him. "I-I apologize. My...dizziness has me...all...aflutter."

I don't know what I'm saying. 

Nonsense, mostly.

"...Are you familiar with the event at all?"

Viktor sighs softly, but the smile on his lips is one of bemused patience, as if he were dealing with a silly child. It is so painfully and horribly accurate it's almost absurd. I wish I wasn't the source of his annoyance, though.

"Yes. I...believe I might know what you mean. If it's what I think it is, then yes, I have some idea of what they are like, yes."

"Oh." I blink in surprise. "Oh! Good. Then, will you...go? Please?"

"It's not as though I have been specifically forbidden from attending, so I don't foresee a problem in my ability to attend," he replies simply. "I do not usually have much of an opportunity to attend noble social gatherings, however. I suspect people might wonder why I decided to attend one at random, as I rarely attend events, and I lack a family name to support me. It's easy to gain an invite as a young lady of your standing, but for an unmarried male commoner of my age, I imagine the nobles will have more questions."

I swallow, opening my mouth, but he shakes his head, cutting me off.

"But I would be happy to go, so long as I'm allowed entry, of course."

My jaw clicks shut.

"Excellent! Then, I would be thrilled to see you there. I must insist, in my position, I simply have to find a way to thank you for your...generosity towards me."

Viktor shifts uncomfortably, but his eyes meet mine and his tone is mild and accepting, with that charmingly mild sarcasm to his voice. "Of course. I...accept this payment, then."

I'm truly shocked I didn't explode into giddy sparkles on the spot. He said yes! I did it! I asked Viktor on a date and he said yes! I can't help a giddy little wiggle where I'm seated, and a bit of a bounce to my step. "Good. I' looking forward to seeing you, Viktor. At the ball!"

He stands, brushing his pants with his hands as he offers a little smile. "Then I will see you soon, my kind lady."

Next chapter