The Billionaires Runaway Mate


3.4k words

2 chapters



Table of Contents


"He's constantly in pain, even with all his money Noah's so lonely, and yet "He trapped himself in that damned castle, he's given up. He's welcoming death and I can't lose him. The job Amelia isn't just about his physiotherapy but to give him something more, he needs hope. Noah needs to live again. Can you do that? Can you give me back my son?"

Amelia hopes so, this was her final shot. There's always a way and she had experience dealing with these types of situations but she was nervous if she does this there's no going back. She's already inn too deep.
"Yes, I believe I can," Amelia said the fear coming in waves.
"Then you have the job. But Amelia remember you don't get to quit no matter what my son puts you through. Noah will offer you money for you to leave. In the contract my secretary will have you will restrain you from doing that so don’t get any ideas. The plane leaves for Ireland tomorrow. Make sure you're at the airport by 6.00 am."

Elena didn't want to commit fraud but she needed the money to

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