Chapter 3

If I thought seeing my first kiss after three years is bad, finding out he doesn’t remember me at all is worse.

I’m about to blurt out "Sloppy Kisser Ben?" when he stands up, extending his hand to shake mine. Then it hits me—the guy doesn't even recognize me! I stand there dumbfounded and, quite frankly, miffed that I’m that forgettable, but then my brain kick starts again and I shake his hand, even managing to add a little smile. "Hi."

He smiles back. "Hi."

Oh, God, that smile. I remember that smile.

One would expect some sort of chitchat in these situations, but then he sits down and turns his chair so he's facing the mini stage, probably waiting for the band to start playing. Clearly, he’s done with this conversation.

My ego is wounded, but I continue to smile. Fake it ‘til I make it. After I take a seat, Colbie gives me worried sister side looks, but I just bite my lips to hide my unease. She's going to grill me later, I can feel it.

"So, how long are you guys in town for?" Sean asks Colbie.

She smiles and puts her elbows on the table. "Two months".

Sean looks pleased. "It's a small town and there's not much to see, but I can show you around if you want."

I’m about to say we probably know this town better than he does, but my sister claps her hands in delight and says, "That's so sweet. I would like that."

I roll my eyes slightly at Colbie when I notice Sloppy Kisser Ben glancing my way, smiling. My eyes widen a bit, but I recover easily and mimic his position, giving my sister and her date room to talk privately.

I don't get Colbie sometimes. She's pretty, kind and smart, but she turns into a bimbo when she's with a guy. Like she has to stoop down to some level to make a guy feel better. I don't know whom I should feel bad for, Colbie or the guy she’s dating. What I do know is that if I were with someone, I wouldn't want him to look down on me like that.

I'm still mulling this over, suddenly inspired to stick a note on the wall, except… the wall is gone. Shit.

Still, words come rushing in.

I would risk a lifetime of loneliness than settle for temporary happiness.

I fish my cellphone out of my pocket and type the note in. I'll write it down on my notebook later.

"What are you having?"

My eyes snap towards Sloppy Kisser Ben and then, dork that I am, I look behind me to see who he’s talking to. Because he can't be talking to me, right? When my eyes find his again, he's smiling, amused.

"I asked, what are you having? Americano? Tea?"

I'm glad he's offering me adult drinks and none of that watered-down, all cream stuff. I nod. "Cafe Americano would be nice."

He smiles and stands up. "Got it."

I study Sloppy Kisser Ben for a minute. He's grown a whole foot taller since I’ve seen him last and he appears more mature. Granted, the last time I’ve seen him he was drunk at a beach party we both went to. So, yeah, that's probably the reason he doesn’t remember me. Plus, it’s been dark and the kiss all but lasted a few seconds. So maybe I've been harsh in judging him so easily.

I'm still staring after him when I hear the loud feedback of the microphone.

"Shit. Sorry. I hate it when that happens," a guy dressed in a black shirt and faded jeans says into the microphone while hooking the guitar strap over his head and onto his shoulders.

He's... stunning. There’s no other way to describe him. Oh, wait. There’s magnetic. Mesmerizing. Gorgeous. He's like the cool rocker dude your parents warned you about. And I can't, for the life of me, take my eyes off him.

I hurriedly compose myself and look away before my sister notices. Because, let’s face it, big sisters see everything. But when I look over at Colbie, she's a bit slack-jawed herself, not even trying to be subtle about it. I can’t help it, I laugh.

"What's so funny?"

Sloppy Kisser Ben puts my coffee down on the table and I notice him pulling his chair closer to mine.

Okay, he’s bought me coffee so I won't call him Sloppy Kisser anymore.

"Nothing. Thanks for the coffee."

He looks at me quizzically but let's it go. He seems like a nice guy so I don’t mind that we’re shoulder to shoulder close. He tilts his head towards Hot Guitar Guy. "They're good. I've seen them play a couple of times.

Huh. How about that? There were two other guys setting up at the stage. Sucks to be in a band with Hot Guitar Guy—you’ll always be background when he’s around.

Bringing back my attention to Ben, I'm starting to think that I like this scenario after all. If Ben doesn't remember our kiss then I can just be myself around him with no awkwardness whatsoever.

I nod slowly. "In all the years I've been here I think this is the first time I've seen this place full."

I realize I just outed my sister as a non-tourist, a semi-local, but Ben only smiles.

He scoots even closer and whispers conspiratorially, "Just don't tell my cousin. He plans on taking her to all the tourist spots."

I stifle a laugh. "No worries. I wouldn't want to deprive my sister of the opportunity to pretend she hasn't seen those a million times."

We both look over our shoulders to see that Sean and Colbie are oblivious to our evil plot.

The lights dim just then.

Oh, God, this seems so familiar. Like that night Ben took my face in both of his hands and kissed me.

The strum of the guitar gently permeates the café and all thought of kissing in the dark is forgotten. The lights are dimmed and the spotlight is on Hot Guitar Guy.

He is focused on his guitar while all eyes are focused on him. This is not fair. He cannot be that good-looking and talented at the same time. I’m green with envy. And, to rub salt into the wound, he starts singing.

And this song? Really? When a guy this hot sings James Arthur's "Say You Won't Let Go," I'm pretty sure that panties are dropping everywhere.

Where did this guy come from? Seriously.

Hey, I'm not the kind of girl who goes crazy over a guy, but I think it would be hard not to fall for someone like him. And, as if he's heard my thoughts, he opens his eyes and looks straight at me.

He's singing to me. Me?

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