Episode 3: Happy Stinken' Birthday

"YES!" Rory exclaimed, "NO!" Kassidy said in protest, "Come on sweety, don't you want to spend your brothers birthday with him?" Savanna asked, "I'm a lovable guy once you get to know me" Rory said grinning up at her, "Well I've known you for 11 years, and I still don't like you" Kassidy said rolling her eyes, "Maybe 12s the charm" He said winking at her before laughing, "It won't be bad, just watch the kids for a couple of hours while we're gone, it's still a party you might even have fun!" Savanna told her, "As if!" Kassidy complained huffing, "Oh Come on Kassy," Daniel said putting his arm around her shoulders, "Depending on how nice you are, the sweeter your 16th birthday might be" Daniel told her making her gasp in excitement, "Daniel Beasley, are you bribing our own daughter?" Savanna said gasping overdramatically, "I'm not bribing, I'm sweetening the deal, either way she's watching the party" Daniel said making Kassidy groan,

"This is gonna be the best thing ever! Can I go to the store and pick out what I want?" Rory asked bouncing excitement in his eyes, "Of course honey, we'll go out and get chips and soda, I'll even give you money to order a pizza, how does that sound?" Savanna asked crouching a bit to hug Rory around his shoulders, "That sounds awesome!" Rory exclaimed, Daniel and Savanna shared a happy and proud look while Kassidy scoffed once again.

"It's party time, don't everyone start rushing at once, I'm only having the best party of the year" Rory announced walking through the halls a smug smile on his face, holding invitation cards on top of his school books, "Ohhhhh, what's cookin' good lookin?" Chase asked resting on a trash bin by the wall as Rory walked in, he yanked a invitation card from him before hopping down.

"The big one two huh? So your parents gave in?" Chase asked grinning, "Yeah, they're leaving the house and everything!" Rory told him, "Cool, I'm shocked" Chase said, "Me too- Kassidy's still gonna be there though" Rory said, "Oh I'm not worried about her, she'll be on the phone the whole time anyways" Chase said, "I guess" Rory said smiling down at the cards, "This is my chance to climb the social ladder- who else is having a party like this!" He asked grinning leaving a quick kiss on the cards, "Who'd you invite already?" Chase asked as they roamed the halls to their lockers, "Ummm, besides you?" Rory asked, fiddling with the cards, "Rory, we can't eat all that cake and soda alone!" Chase said, "We can try" Rory replied, "Listen, give me half the cards, and I'll get the people, no biggie" Chase said holding out his hand, "You're the best!" Rory said giving over the cards, "And failing his history class, run along students" Ms.Collins said fluttering them along.

"Man...It's not even her class, and she still wants us there" Chase whispered in astonishment, "Must be a Teacher thing" Rory whispered back with a shrug before they were seated in class.

Rory had came back from shopping with his parents the day of his 12th birthday, it was thankfully a Friday, and he'd been planning it since he got out of bed that morning. Rory and his parents walked through the door holding bags of snacks, his father brought in a big sheet cake with blue and white frosting all over it and candles waiting to be lit. "Now Buckaroo, are you sure you don't want us staying here? We can call off our outing and-" Daniel began saying before Savanna nudged him in the side, "Oh Danny! Leave the boy alone, he's having his first big grown up party" She said kissing his cheek, "No mom! None of that," Rory said standing in front of her puffing out his chest, hands on his hips, he made a serious face before speaking again, "I'm a man now" He told her trying to deepen his voice.

"I'm going to faint" Savanna said squealing a bit, "Now, now dear, don't you start" Daniel said laughing as she pouted at him before putting away the bags, "Well Mr.Man, here's $20.00 for the pizza, if you need us call us, I've left the number of the restaurant we're going to on the fridge" Savanna said, "Okay mom!" Rory said half listening as he grinned getting the money in his hand, "Be nice" Daniel warned Kassidy after he'd put the cake down, "I'll be good to the little snots" Kassidy assured him standing behind Rory, gripping her hands on her brothers shoulders, "You're hurting me!" Rory exclaimed, making her tighten her grip before finally letting go, "Now kids, be good, and remember if you need anything at all call us!" Savanna told them again, "We will!" Rory said, "Go out have a good time, don't worry about us" Kassidy told them, "Alright, happy birthday Buckaroo" Daniel said rubbing his head before heading out, Savanna was about to leave, but gave in coming back over to hug and kiss Rory's cheek once more, "I love you honey" She told him, "Love you too! Bye Mom, bye Dad!" Rory called as they finally left out.

"Now what? Do I wait for guest? Call the pizza man? Taste the cake?" Rory questioned pacing around his living room, "How about you relax, half pint, just order once the people get here, till then chill" Kassidy said from the couch, "How do I do that? I'm having the biggest party of the century!" Rory exclaimed, Kassidy sighed before sitting up a little looking at him, "Rory, do you want to be a cool host, or not?" She asked, "I wanna be cool, the coolest" Rory told her, "Then take it from somebody cool," Kassidy said, "Chase?" Rory questioned about to get up to call him, "No you little snot!- Listen, if your running around bugging at everyone who does or doesn't show up, you'll look like a total dweeb, you gotta play it cool, Kay?" Kassidy told him, "Play it, cool" Rory repeated relaxing back on to the couch, "That's right, let them come to you, it's your party" Kassidy said leaning back with him, "Yeaah, my party" He repeated again propping his hands behind his head crossing his legs.

The door bell rung, and Rory quickly jumped to his feet almost tripping into the coffee table as he practically crawled over Kassidy hitting her with his flailing limbs as he raced to the door, "Rory Beasley- Ugh!" Kassidy groaned out as he stopped at the door, taking in a deep breath letting it out before grinning and opening the door.

"Hello, and welcome" Rory said, "Wow, I've never been greeted so nicely at the front, you've turned into a fine gentleman with age" Chase said chewing and blowing a bubble with his gum, before smirking at Rory who grabbed his arm yanking him in shutting the door,

"It's just you!" Rory said, "I'm offended" Chase said in a joking manner, "Where is everybody?" Rory asked him, "Relax Ro-Yo, they're coming, it's just now almost seven" Chase assured him before shoving a red box in his arms, "Happy birthday" He told him grinning, "Well they better hurry, all you little snots have a bedtime don't you" Kassidy said coyly from the couch, "I sleep when I want!" Chase told her promptly, "9'o'clock, and 9:30 on weekends" Rory stated making Chase shake his head at him, before Rory sat back down with his box in hand fiddling with it. "Are you going to open it or what?" Kassidy asked, "Should I wait? Do I open with the others or do it alone?" Rory questioned, "You can do it whenever, just chill out man" Chase said laughing a bit, "Easy for you to say, you probably have parties at your house all the time!" Rory said, "I don't, trust me" Chase said putting his hands out chuckling lightly, "Why don't you guys sit here, be quiet and wait, and I'll be on the phone with Ashely" Kassidy said standing up, "What a great party host" Rory said rolling his eyes, "I'm not the host, I'm the babysitter" Kassidy said rubbing his head making him smack at her hands as she strutted into the kitchen to get on the phone.

Rory and Chase had gotten distracted with each other sitting on opposite sides of the room trying to throw chips into each other's mouths from across the way, laughing with one another before there was a knock at the door.

"My guest!" Rory said running to the door again, "Play it cool, play it cool!" Chase told him as he got there, he turned giving Chase a thumbs up and wink before opening the door. "Hey guys!" Rory greeted, at least ten kids from school had shown up, all chatting with one another and waving goodbye to their parents, presents in hand as they walked in.

"Happy birthday Rory" One kid said handing over their present, "Thanks, glad you could all make it" Rory said grabbing it excitedly, "Well, looks about time to order that pizza, eh?" Chase said getting by Rory's side slapping a hand on his shoulder, "We're getting a pizza?!" One classmate exclaimed happily, "Of course, this is a Rory party after all, anything could happen here" Rory said with a bit of cockiness to his voice, "Let's play some music!" A girl said, "Record players right there" Rory said pointing it out, some of his classmates started getting into the chips, and putting the gifts down behind the couch, once the music started playing the party really kicked off, all of them began dancing around and laughing making Rory smile wildly.

"It's a success" Rory whispered to Chase finding his way back by his side, "Pizza should be here soon" Chase told him, "You ordered it already- what kind?" Rory asked, "Hamburger pizza, bell peppers and garlic sauce on the side?" Chase said, "You know me so well" Rory said, "I know" Chase replied smugly.

"Hey Rory! Do you have a basketball?" One kid said running up to him after Chase had took the money from him, going to wait outside for the pizza man. "Of course!" Rory said, "Let's play indoor basketball" the classmate said grinning, Rory tensed a bit, "I don't know Michael" Rory said, "Come on don't be a wuss!" Michael said, "Yeah let's play!" Another kid said, Rory shrugged not wanting to seem lame, *Play it cool, play it cool* He told himself.

"I'll get the ball!" Rory told them running for his backyard, passing by Kassidy in the kitchen, whom was still on her phone gossiping,

"Hold on Ashley- Everything going good?" Kassidy whispered moving the

phone from her mouth to speak to Rory, "It's going great!" Rory said, she nodded before getting back in her conversation, *What could go wrong with a couple of kids playing ball in the house?* Rory thought nervously before grabbing the ball running back in, seeing his classmates had started jumping on furniture, and using various Knick knack's to throw around, some of the girls had even got into his mother's clothes giving each other fashion shows.

"Hey! " Rory shouted when he entered the room, they all turned around staring at him making him swallow nervously, "Let's keep ragin'!" Rory quickly corrected himself, making them all cheer, he sighed feeling anxiety crawl up his spine, on one hand he wanted to keep the status he was building, but on the other he cringed looking at all of his parents stuff being handled so roughly.

"Pizzas here" Chase announced stepping in with two pizza boxes in one hand, using the other to eat a slice, he placed them down on the coffee table after removing some magazines and newspaper from the top, the other guest ran over grabbing at slices greedily, "Whoa, whoa, hey!" Chase said squeezing out of the crowd, going back to Rory, "Animals" He said glaring at them before straightening his coat, going over handing a slice of pizza to Rory he'd snagged before the others came to ravish it.

"This is a disaster" Rory said eating some of the pizza, "What do you mean?" Chase questioned eating his, "Look at the living room- my parents are gonna kill me!" Rory said, "It's not THAT bad, we can clean this before they're back-" Chase began saying putting Rory at ease before a loud crash made them both jump, they heard something thunk on the floor and the sound of glass shattering along with collective screams, gasp and then complete silence.

"Hold that thought, it miiiiight be THAT bad" Chase said wincing a bit, they both slowly turned towards where the sound came from, seeing shocked classmates and a basketball sitting on top of their TV's screen, the TV was laying on it's back, the screen smashed in it's glass remains scattered around the floor, Chase and Rory looked from the TV back to each other their jaws hung low in shock.

Rory and Chase slowly walked over swallowing nervously looking down at the busted TV, "My parents are going to kill me" Rory said again, almost already accepting his fate staring down at the mess, "Ground you forever, take everything you love away, yes, but kill you? That's exaggerating" Chase said putting a hand on his shoulder still staring down at the mess with him, they both jumped a little when Kassidy came into the room

"What's going on in here! What's with all the-" Kassidy came in saying, her eyes widened looking at her brother along with the guest standing around the broken TV, "What happened?" She gasped walking closer, the kids stepping away from her all with a look of bewilderment as she came close crunching on glass as she did, "Basketball in the house?" Kassidy questioned glaring at them, "Rory brought it in- he said it was okay!" Michael quickly piped up

"I did not!" Rory said back, "You didn't say it wasn't, and you did bring it in!" Michael replied back, "Why don't you shut up!" Chase snapped at him, "Look, it doesn't matter right now, it's broken, who hit the TV?" Kassidy asked putting a hand on her hip eyeing the kids, "And take my mother's dresses OFF!" She ordered the little girls, who quickly stripped them off of their normal attire.

"Fowler?" Kassidy asked pointing at him, "It wasn't me!" Chase said putting his hands up, "He was beside me when we heard the crash" Rory defended him with a somber tone, "If someone doesn't start talking soon-" Kassidy began threatening, "It's getting late, I got to go home" Michael quickly said, "Like heck you are-!" Chase said going towards him making Michael back up, Kassidy put a hand on his shoulder taking him back, "We can't keep them hostage, we'll get to the bottom of this even if we have to get their parents involved later" Kassidy said, her mind was on getting these kids away from broken glass, as well as getting them out of the house in general.

One by one kids started getting their coats and leaving out, the ones who lived further away calling their parents to pick them up, going outside to wait for them.

"So...What do we do?" Rory asked looking up at his sister from one side, while Chase was on the other, Kassidy had her arms folded looking down at it biting her lip, "Kiss your social lives goodbye?" Chase said shrugging, "We have to replace it" Kassidy said, "How? We don't have money for that!" Rory said looking back down at the broken thing getting nervous all over again, his parents were never going to let him have a party again! And his so called "friends" had all left him to clean up the mess.

"I can't even look at it!" Rory said going to sit down, "I'll go check prices for one, you clean the house," Kassidy said getting her jacket on, "What if they come back before you?!" Rory asked jumping up frightened of facing his parents alone, "How are you going to pay for it?" Chase asked, "Don't worry about all that, just clean up," Kassidy said opening the door going out, "Oh and happy birthday, little snot" She said before shutting the door,

"Thanks..." Rory said quietly after the door was closed, "Well, let's get to it" Chase said patting his back going to pick up discarded chip sacks, "You aren't leaving?" Rory asked, "Have I ever?" Chase asked turning around grinning at him, "I love you!" Rory exclaimed squeezing him, "Back at ya Ro-Yo, now let's get a move on!" Chase said patting his back laughing a little.

It was a good while before Rory and Chase got the place decent again, they swept up, threw away trash and put things back where they were meant to be, they'd even managed to put the busted TV in a trash bag hiding it under the kitchen table for now.

"Now we wait," Rory said crashing on the couch, Chase sat beside him, "Think she got it?" He asked glancing at Rory, "She did, she has too- or else I'm dead meat..." Rory said, "Wanna open your birthday present now?" Chase asked, "My last hurrah before they kill me?" Rory questioned, "Yeah!" Chase said making Rory hop up grabbing the red box sitting back down, Chase scooting closer watching him as he opened it.

"A radio! Wow! Thanks, I've been wanting one for my room!" Rory exclaimed happily, twisting at the knobs and poking at the buttons of the shiny thing, "You can listen to it while your grounded" Chase said smiling, making Rory's smile drop a little, "Oh yea..." He tensed, "Don't worry too mu-" Chase was saying before they heard keys jiggling in the lock, they both turned looking at each other eyes widening.

"How's my Buckaroo!" Daniel's voice came in, "Hope we aren't too early!" Savanna said as they came in, they both frowned in question seeing Rory and Chase glued side by side in front of where the TV would be, both had a smile stapled on their faces.

"How was the party?" Daniel asked slowly stepping in, "Good" Rory answered straight away, "The cake?" Daniel asked, "Good" Rory answered again just as quick, he smiled harder causing Daniel to arch his brows and scratch his chin, "Did all your little friends go home already?" Savanna asked, "Yep!" Rory said, "Is everything okay?" She asked in concern, "Yep!" Rory said once again, "Okaaay? Where's your sister?" Daniel asked, "Bedroom" Rory told him, "Okay Rory these one word answers are getting on my nerves, something fishy is going on, and I want to know what it is" Daniel said hands on his sides as he eyed Rory waiting on an explanation, "Yes dear, your acting awfully strange, do you feel okay?" Savanna asked, "Yep!" Rory answered her again, "Oh for Petesake, what's gotten into you?" Daniel questioned shaking his head, "Chase honey, do you know what's going on, are you okay?" Savanna asked hoping he'd give them more of an answer, "Peachy" Chase answered grinning giving her a short thumbs up by his and Rory's sides that were still glued together.

"Okay now, no more games, Rory Beasley I want you on this couch this instant, I need an explanation" Daniel said, "I can't move!" Rory told him, "And why not?" Daniel questioned him, "I'm cold!" Chase quickly said, "You're what?" Daniel asked getting a little exasperated with their hijinks, "Brrr" Chase shivered for further proof, "I'm keeping him warm, see!" Rory quickly said rolling with it, "You don't want him to catch the flu do you?" He asked with begging eyes while Chase fake shuddered again, "Rory, I don't know what games your playing, but I don't like them, now come on Buckaroo, we've always been honest with each other, if something's wrong, just tell me" Daniel said, Rory calmed a bit, but still gritted his teeth making eye contact with Chase still debating on moving or not finally the two moved away from the spot revealing the small radio sitting where the TV had took up space before.

"SURPRISE!" Rory shouted, "Wh-Wheres the TV?" Daniel questioned, while Savanna put a hand over her mouth gasping, "You know I read an article, it says Americans are watching too much TV anyways" Chase told them causing Daniel to glare his way, "Rory..." Savanna said in a warning tone, "Okay, okay, the truth it-" Rory began saying when the door opened again, "Okay so, they want way too much for a big TV, but we can get a small one, break your...piggy...bank..." Kassidy said slowing up when her parents eyes were on her.

Rory, Kassidy and Chase were now sitting on the couch side by side, Savanna had her arms folded leaned against the wall looking at them while Daniel was pacing in front of them.

"I just want to know what happened, wheres our TV, and why does it need to be replaced?" Daniel questioned them, "You aren't going to be mad if I tell you?" Rory asked arching an eyebrow while squinting his eyes, "No of course not" Daniel told him with a big sigh, "It's a trick" Chase whispered to him, "Rory" Daniel said getting his attention again, folding his arms waiting for him to speak, Rory sighed shifting in his seat before speaking again.

"Some kids wanted to play basketball in the house, so I brought it in for them- we both know how kids are with that kinda stuff" Rory said chuckling a bit, but Daniel's frown made him switch the laughter to clearing his throat, "I didn't see how it happened, but they were playing, and knocked the TV down..." Rory finished, "Well where is it?" Savanna asked, "The kitchen, under the table" Rory told him, Daniel walked away going into the kitchen, "And Kassidy where were you during all this?" Savanna questioned making her daughter jump a little, "I was uh...I was," Kassidy muttered, "On the phone?" Savanna questioned, "You guessed it!" Rory said pointing at his mother, Kassidy backhanding his stomach making him groan out a little, "No phone for a month" Savanna said, "Mom!" Kassidy yelped jumping up from her seat, "What am I suppose to do?!" She questioned, "Hmm..." Savanna hummed before patting her shoulder, "Learn your lesson?" She suggested, making Kassidy sit back down pouting, "It's okay, we'll have more time to spend together" Rory said patting her back, "My life is over!" Kassidy complained putting her head down in her lap.

"We're going to need a new TV, no way we can repair that thing" Daniel said shaking his head, "Glad we all came to this conclusion as a family, now if you'd excuse me, it's late, and so happens to be my bed time" Rory said standing up yawning dramatically, "Rory sit back down there!" Daniel told him, making Rory plop right back down, "Told you it was a trick" Chase whispered in his ear again, "I think you should be grounded for this, don't you?" Daniel said, "No not really" Rory replied, "Rory!" Daniel said appalled at him, "You asked me!" Rory said back, "Rory didn't break it though" Chase said, "He still brought the ball in" Daniel said, "But I didn't do it dad, and I even cleaned everything back!" Rory said, "He's right dear, I say I call the mothers of those children to find out who did it" Savanna said, "Fine, fine, no being grounded" Daniel said, "Yes!" Rory celebrated, "What!" Kassidy questioned, "That's not fair!" She said, "You were in charge, you just better be glad you aren't in more trouble" Savanna said in a warning tone, "And Rory, you'll be working off the amount the TV cost, by doing chores in and out of the house" Daniel decided, Rory was about to complain more, but seeing the looks on his parents face made him bite his tongue.

"And with that, I think I overstayed my welcome," Chase said stretching as he stood up, "Goodnight everybody, happy birthday Ro-Yo" He said, "Yeah, happy stinken' birthday..." Rory replied,

Rory was in the kitchen in the morning getting the trash to take out for the trash man still on his punishment, while Kassidy sat at the table slowly eating a waffle also still being punished, the siblings stopped what they were doing. both sharing a look, before checking behind their backs to make sure their parents weren't around to witness the crime..."Ready?" Kassidy asked, "Switch!" Rory announced, Kassidy dashed going to get the trash out, while Rory quickly called Kassidy's friend; Ashley, holding the phone between his shoulder and ear, while he jotted down on a note pad all the gossip.

"No way! Wait she did what?" What did HE do?" Rory spoke over the phone while Kassidy struggled a bit getting the bag out of the can,

they heard foot steps and quickly ran over switching once again, Rory hung the phone up and Kassidy threw the trash bag to him while she quickly slid back to her seat stabbing up her waffle once again.

"Morning kids" Savanna said with a little weak smile, her voice small and raspy from just waking up, "Good morning" They both replied, Savanna got some coffee before walking out, Rory and Kassidy letting out a breath of relief.

"Just four more weeks of that" Kassidy said, "Team work makes the dream work" Rory replied both fist bumping each other.

Next chapter