
20 years ago, St.Mary’s Orphanage, Lucknow

It had been an unusually bleak week with occasional bursts of thundershowers. Because of the weather, the children had been confined to their rooms the whole time.

The damp weather and the forced confinement was beginning to grate on everyone’s nerves.

Sporadic arguments were erupting among adults and children alike, all over the orphanage.

Before the situation could deteriorate any further, the tall wooden doors of the children’s home opened to admit the long-awaited sunlight!

But it wasn’t the sun that caused the entire orphanage to gasp collectively but the silhouette of a boy, angically backlit by the sun’s light.

As he was brought further in by Father Joseph, everyone realized that this apparent ‘supernatural being’ was actually a tall and lanky human of about 10, with a head full of reddish golden curls!

Sister Callie shook the silly thoughts of angles & like away to embrace the sad looking little boy into her warmth.

Keeping a supportive arm about his shoulder, she introduced the young lad to everyone and then let him mingle with his new housemates on his own.

His withdrawn countenance and sad eyes wasn’t exactly hidden from everyone there, nor was it anything new for them.

That’s how they had all entered this orphanage; hopeless and at a dead end of their previous life!

So they all didn’t mind when he didn’t say anything and instead instinctively moved towards the archway that had the gardens peeking out from behind it.

Though young, the residents of the orphanage were experienced enough to recognize and understand human emotions and how to respond to them.

So they let the boy be, knowing he needs to be alone right now!

Sitting on the wet stone bench partially hidden behind the foliage, the boy’s heart & eyes became heavy with remembrance. The slide show of all that he had gone through in the last few days started playing in front of his eyes in a never ending loop.

A memorable family vacation, the incessant chatter filled ride back home, sudden blinding light, blaring horns, screeching tyres, and then….a sickening deadening silence, accentuated with the sight and smell of blood!

The overwhelming grief & guilt finally broke the dam and shook the thin frame harshly.

He didn’t know how long the pain poured down like acid from his eyes because now he felt empty and achy and just very very cold!

Just then, a creased beyond repair, dust-streaked, and slightly torn from the edges, handkerchief came into the boy’s blurry focus. Looking up, he found himself a cynosure of a pair of clear chestnut colored eyes set in a small curious face.

The steadiness of that innocent yet all-seeing gaze calmed the raging storm in the boy’s heart. A small smile came unbidden to his face as he took the kerchief to blow his nose into it.

It turned into a full blown laughter when he tried to return the offending garment and was met by a disgust fuelled crinckled nose!

Sister Callie and Father Joseph, who were looking at the scene from far, smiled in shared relief.

Content, now that they knew that the boy would be ok now!

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