Weston found Tilda pacing in the leaving room.

“I was so scared, Weston, where were you?

The man approached and took Tilda in his arms, he cried for her suffering, for their child and tragic destinies. It was all Weston could do to console Tilda. Unaware of the baby’s existence, Tilda wept too for her sorrow and Weston, he was stuck in limbo because of her.

Weston saw a vision Tilda vomiting again, of course, the man believed it was the alcohol’s effect. The woman didn’t read it as a sign; it was frustrating to think perhaps if Tilda had known she was pregnant, things would be different.

Weston decided not to burden Tilda with more guilt by telling her the whole truth. He did not blame Tilda for anything; Weston hated himself for dying. Somehow even if he was free to leave purgatory, the man felt he too had things to reflect on.

To reflect, this was the first definition of the place. The living knitted stories about the hereafter, but what if it was just a waiting room and not somewhere filled with scorching flames?

Tilda’s sentence shortened the more she reflected on her past actions. It wasn’t the time she spent that counted but the amount of regrets she had and accepted.

“Tilda, what haven’t we done together, is there something you want to do?” Weston asked.

Tilda shook her head, “I just want to spend the time left we have with you.

“Have we ever been married? I mean here.

“No, never.

“Then marry me, oh gosh I should do things right, wait a minute.

Weston went and took the box out of his jacket pocket, “have I knelt before?

“Weston, Iㅡ.

“Come on, Tilda, so have I knelt?


“Okay, then I’ll do it on both knees, I’m sure I’ve never done that,” Weston said, getting down on his knees.

Tilda managed a giggle.

“What’s funny?

“You look like a garden gnome.

“What, a gnome?” Even Weston smiled, “okay, here it goes,′ he said, taking her said, “Tilda Brentwood, I bet I’ve used all the formulas too.

Tilda nodded.

“Alright, willst du mich heiraten?

Tilda’s smile widened, Weston youㅡ.

“I’ve still got some tricks, my sleeves, so?

“Yes, of course, 1000 times, yes.

“Funny, I’m sure you’ve replied yes about that many times.

They both smiled at each other.

“Will tomorrow be okay?

“What you want us to get married tomorrow?

“Yes. It’s 10:30 PM if I call my parents now, they can come.

“But my parents, my dad is here, but my mom is in Germany.

“Try to call and explain.

After a few phone calls, everything was settled and moving fast; there was no place for cold feet or last-minute pondering.

Tilda was the first person to enter Harvey Nichols heavily protected by Bobby and the boys. Tilda quickly picked a dress, pair shoes, and she chose a suit for Weston.

As for the wedding, Montpelier square itself was perfect. Weston went and begged at the borough’s office in the morning. Despite the short notice Weston’s smile and the fact that he and Tilda were celebrities helped them get the authorizations, without forgetting two keepers who directly used their ability to create a gust of wind of kindness in their favor.

At 2:50 PM under the eyes of the square’s residents, a few lucky fans, a squad of reporters, and an army of policeman Tilda holding her father’s arm walked down the aisle where family and friends sat.

“Are you sure about this, Weston?” Micheal, the single day’s best man, asked.


Micheal tapped on his shoulder, “you lucky shit,” he muttered, almost weeping.

Weston watched Tilda walk down the aisle, they had got ready separately, and now he stared at her as if it was the first time. His heart exploded as if he were alive, Tilda was the one. She died mourning him, and he went to purgatory to be with her. There was nothing in heaven, hell, or earth that could hinder their love.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in God’s sight and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony. To be an honorable estate instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in God’s love.

“Who gives this bride to this Groom in marriage?

“I do,” Tilda’s father said he then took Tilda’s right hand and placed it in Weston’s left hand before going to sit down.

“God loved us and created us to love others. Our lives find completion only as we love and are loved in return. Together, we can become what we could never be separate.

“Tilda Brentwood and Weston Edmonds come today desiring to be united in this sacred relationship, let us Pray.

O’ Almighty God, you have created us all in the image of love, the picture of Yourself. Bless now, these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, and walk as bearers of your truth as they journey through this life together. Amen.

Please join hands.

Tilda gave her bouquet for her mother to hold and joined hands with Weston.

“I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows.

“I, Weston Edmonds, take Tilda Anilya Brentwood for my wedded wife. To love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health and there Weston added his touch, ” through death, in heaven or anywhere else actually, I swear I will always love you and recognize you in all the lives I will live.

The priest was’s jaw dropped open.

Tilda smiled, and she too proceeded with her vows, “I, Tilda Anilya Brentwood take you, Weston Edmonds, for my wedded husband. To love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forth, beyond death, in heaven or anywhere else. I swear always to love you, and recognize you like my half in all the lives I live.

The priest who had revived from the vows blessed the rings, “may the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as your sign of love, devotion and everlasting peace. Amen. As you place this ring on your partner’s finger, I ask that you repeat these words.

In unison, the couple repeated:” This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my affection, a sign that from this day forward and always, my love will surround you, with this ring, I thee wed.

“Weston Edmonds and Tilda, Aniya Brentwood have consented together in Holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God and those present. They pledged their faithfulness, each to the other, and have declared their love by giving and receiving rings and by joining hands. By the authority committed unto me as a minister and a priest, I now declare that Weston Edmonds and Tilda Anilya Brentwood are husband and wife according to the ordinance of God, in the name of the father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

“May the peace and the unconditional love of God surround you and remain with you now and forever. Amen. You may seal your vows with a kiss.

As they kissed the church bells rang it was 3:00 PM, Weston lifted his eyes to the sky, hoping like in fairy tales that the spell would break, but nothing happened; he smiled at his wife who like him prayed for a miracle.

Weston and Tilda turned to face their guests.

“Allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds.

Within a few seconds, the clouds darkened, thunder clapped, and it rained. People ran to shelter, leaving Weston and Tilda, who, to everyone’s surprise, began to dance under the rain snapped and photographed by reporters for the joy of London’s gossip.

The fifteen guests then gathered in Weston’s house, where they ate, laughed, and drank.

For the newlyweds, it was the most beautiful day of their existence after their encounter.

Next chapter