Orientation (2)

As the clock struck half-past eleven, the end of a particularly exhilarating day found me absolutely worn out. I was entangled in a cocoon of fatigue, my body yearning for rest. The captivating allure of a hot, soothing bath, followed by the welcoming comfort of my cozy bed, seemed more appealing than ever before. And to top it all off, a little indulgence in some late-night television was the cherry on my relaxation cake.

I found myself ambling through the serene campus, stretching my weary limbs and attempting to unwind the knotted intricate webs of tension from my tired muscles. It was during this leisurely stroll that my eyes fell upon a few North Korean students. Some of them were engrossed in animated debates, their lively discussions echoing through the quiet night.

Others were seated comfortably on the wooden benches scattered across the campus, sharing bowls of steaming ramen and sipping on drinks. They were enjoying a peaceful evening with their South Korean peers, their animated laughter and shared stories filling the air with a sense of camaraderie.

It was a sight that stirred a profound sense of accomplishment within the depths of my heart, drawing a weary but content smile on my face. Just as I was about to bid the campus goodnight and head home, a familiar voice echoed from behind, slicing through the tranquility of the evening.

"Heesoo!" it called out.

I turned around to find Jun, my close friend, sprinting towards me. His tote bag was swinging wildly, creating a bizarre rhythm with his hurried footsteps. He was panting heavily, a sheen of sweat on his forehead, as he laid a hand on my shoulder for support.

"Heesoo, I'm glad I found you," he managed to say between his gasps for breath.

"What's up, Jun?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"One of our exchange students is in an argument with a local university student," he revealed, the urgency in his voice unmistakable.

My buoyant mood evaporated instantly at Jun's frantic words. The optimistic visions of seamless integration and bonding between the exchange students, which I had nurtured, dissipated, replaced by a cold knot of apprehension in my stomach.

"An argument? Already? Show me where - quickly!" I responded, gesturing for him to lead the way as we broke into a brisk walk. My mind was a whirlpool of unease. It was only the first day - what could have ignited such a conflict so soon?

As we neared the engineering building, the sound of raised voices reverberated from the open courtyard. My pace quickened, stomach churning with anticipatory anxiety at the impending confrontation I would need to mediate.

Rounding the corner, I saw a small group of students facing off. In the center stood Youngchul, his shoulders squared and eyes blazing defiantly as a stocky, red-faced boy advanced towards him.

"You commie bastards can't let go of your grudges, that's why your backward country will always tail behind us!" the instigator roared.

 As the red-faced student continued his vitriolic tirade, I saw Youngchul's composure start to crack. His shoulders tensed, neck muscles straining as his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. The confrontation was spiraling rapidly.

"You smug bastard, you wanna pretend your people are so enlightened?" the agitator goaded, shoving his face closer to Youngchul's. "But we all know you're nothing but brainwashed savage dictators!"

Before I could cry out, Youngchul's arm pulled back and he landed a sharp cross punch to his opponent's jaw. Gasps erupted from the crowd as the student reeled, then charged forward swinging wildly. Chaos erupted as the two grappled fiercely, exchanging blows that cracked through the courtyard. I stood frozen in dismay for a split second that seemed to slow time - my hopes of reconciliation devolving so quickly into violence. As a crowd of cheering students encircled the brawl, that paralysis broke - I had to do something before this got out of control.

My cry of alarm stuck in my throat as I watched Youngchul's iron self-control finally snap under the assault of venomous verbal attacks. His eyes had gone cold and flat in a way that paralyzed me even before the blows began flying - the affable scholar I had conversed with now transformed into a precise and deadly force.

As Youngchul's lightning fist connected with his opponent's jaw, the crack echoed through the courtyard. But the instigator seemed fueled by pain and rage now. With a garbled battle cry, he charged forward, wild haymakers forcing Youngchul back on the defensive.

My heart dropped as the two crashed together, the sickening thud of knees and elbows finding their marks lost beneath the roar of the crowd encircling them. This was no restrained sparring; they meant to inflict maximum damage.

I felt sick as the violent clash escalated to savage new heights. The instigator had managed to tackle Youngchul to the pavement and rained furious blows upon his opponent. But with lethal precision, Youngchul seized his moment - bracing his shoulders on the ground, he leveraged his powerful legs up underneath his assailant's chest and kicked out explosively.

The student was launched backwards, hitting the ground with a sickening crack. Youngchul was on him in an instant, straddling his chest to pin him in place. I saw his muscular right arm pull back, hand clenched to a brutal point - and then piston down in a vicious arc straight for the prone boy's face.

Time seemed to slow, my vision dimming at the edges in horror. This proud, promising scholar was going to pound another man's face into a bloody, unrecognizable mess before my very eyes. And at his hand, the last frail hopes for reconciliation might shatter beyond repair in this savage moment.

"Break it up!" the chief of police bellowed, strong-arming his way through the tightly encircled crowd. Two brawny officers wrestled a battered and bloodied Youngchul off of his opponent, who lay dazed on the pavement. 

a tall man in a dark overcoat pushed through the dispersing crowd, face livid. From the lapel pin bearing the North Korean flag and the deference the students showed him, I realized this must be the exchange program's senior Northern coordinator.

"This is an outrage!" he spat in the chief's face. "Your authorities stood by while our student was brutally attacked and you dare restrain him now? The Supreme Leader will hear of your lack of control!"

My heart hammered at his threats of elevating the fracas to an international dispute that could end the program entirely. As the police chief bristled, I rushed between them, palms raised beseechingly.

"Please, this was the isolated action of one drunken fool! He does not represent our country or university as a whole, nor indicate any ill intentions against your people!" Desperation tinged my voice. "Surely we cannot let one bad apple spoil reconciliation?"

The North Korean officer still glowered but held his tongue as I continued pleading our case.

As the officers hauled a battered Youngchul to his feet, I rushed to his side, heart wrenching at the damage inflicted on his handsome face. One eye was almost swollen shut, blood still dripping from a sliced brow to mingle with the vivid crimson he spat angrily onto the pavement.

"This changes nothing..." he muttered darkly, whether to himself or me, I couldn't tell. "Savages cannot cover their true nature for long."

"Youngchul, please..." I implored, gently turning his chin to assess his wounds. "One man's cruelty does not doom all reconciliation."

But as his piercing gaze lowered to mine, I saw fresh doubt clouding those intense eyes that had first met me with such courageous optimism. My heart cracked realizing how profoundly this trauma might fester, poisoning the promise he represented.

Grasping his shoulder firmly, I kept my voice low but adamant. "Come, let me take you to the clinic to treat your injuries. The health of body and spirit are connected - we will make you whole again."

Youngchul hesitated, bitterness playing across his swollen lip. But under my steady gaze, he finally conceded with the faintest nod. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. Arm encircling his waist gently, I guided him away from the aftermath of shattered illusions towards the first steps of a longer healing we would have to walk together.

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