Chapter 6

I was facing the misfortune of running away from my house . Now that precisely two people, powerful may I add were chasing me I had only one way to deal with it . 

Completely disappear , They only way I could do that was go to very remote town away from big cities and big population . Hence I stood stranded at an isolated bus stop . Grabbing my bag I looked at the bus driving away from me . I had no clue how I would ever get a place to live but I knew one fact , This town was isolated , no one could know me and now I was pretty far away from the city . 

The money I got was enough to get me here and to completely disappear from the city .

" But now what ?" I ask to myself walking the dust filled streets towards a small village . I stopped at my tracks as I saw five hulk looking guys right ahead of me .

Two were sitting on the back of a truck while other three leaning on their bikes . I gulp looking around to see a grandma planting on the field next to me.  Her presence somehow made me feel these guys weren't that bad . Although the dirt over their bodies , their bulky figures and rough tone intimidate me . 

I walked slowly towards them but none of them had noticed me yet . Their talks continued as I hold tightly to my bag in nervousness .

My mouth opened but the loud roaring of a bike cut my voice . The sharp wind passed as another bike rode fast next to me and stopped near the five guys .
I could only see his back .
He swung his leg to the other side getting off the bike and tossing the keys to a guy in front .

"Thanks man . I appreciate it " He just gave a nod .

It took me by utter surprise when he turned around and our eyes met . I bit my lip scared of even approaching these men and thought the grandma was a better option .

I must've been spacing a lot , because she had disappeared . I look back at those men and suddenly all of them were just staring at me . I scratched my head turning back and deny my options to talk to them .

Then one of them called .

"Hey girly !" I stopped turning around slowly . I blow out a heavy breath and think .

They might just be the ones who can help me . After all , men never resist to help women right ?

"Umm ...hello " I said . I look at the guy who was till now staring at me . I could see his amber eyes shine in the sun . But I was distracted by a question .

"Can we help you little girl ? Lost ?" The guy with dark black hair asked , I shook my head . "No.  I mean yes . I mean ...I -"

 Was it a good decision to ask for help from five no six hulk look alike guys ?

" Where are you heading then?" he asked and I look down . I was really unsure if I could trust these guys .  " Guys ! Common How long are you gonna sit there ?" I heard a women's voice and my head whip towards her face . She noticed me giving me confused look . " What's the matter sweetie ?" She asked . 

" She seems to be lost " said the same guy who to talked to me while others walked inside the house beside them , " Where are you trying to go ?" She asked making me bite my lip . " Actually , I was searching a place to live . Is there any place I can crash ? Maybe " I asked with zero hopes . 

She folded her arms and gave a sigh , " What is you age ?" I was shocked by the question but answered anyway , " Twenty , why ?" I asked and she nodded . " There isn't place that I can name but If you're willing to work I can give you a hut behind the house to live in " My heart lit up in thousand sparks , I smiled nodding . 

I swear when she smiled she looked like a model . " Sweet ! Finally ! I have someone to help me , Come on in then . Are you hungry ? I made lots of dumplings ! " I flinch as she grabbed my shoulder from behind dragging me inside and continued talking . 

I did not expect her to be a talkative person . 

" Guys ! We have a new person who will live with us from now . Well not with us but say hello too " She paused looking at me . Then laughed , " Oh shit sorry . I never asked your name sweet . " I nervously gave a chuckle , " Its Eve " I said , She nodded taking my hand and making me sit on one of the chairs of a huge table . " oh , I am Sofia , Its great to  meet you Eve" 

" So , I will tell you your work tomorrow since you seem like you need rest . But , This Frank my man, Blake, Charles , Ace  , Tyler and the grumpy guy you see at the window there is Hunter . " I nodded smiling slightly at them while nodded at me . "Here have some " She gave me plate serving me everything although I tried to tell her I don't eat as much . 

" So " Ace spoke , " Why did you run away from your home ?" I froze looking up . " How-How did you know ?" I asked . I was ready to grab my bag and run out as soon as I heard Aaron's name anywhere in their mouth . " Its pretty obvious you know ? A duff bag , Hoodie on your head . No place in your head you are suppose to go " I blinked twice . 

" Oh shut up Ruth , She could be just travelling countries " Ace said handing me a glass of lemon juice and I gladly accepted . " Thank you " I said drinking it . " Hunter , common have some lunch " Sofia called . He looked at us from the corner of his eye , " No thanks , I'll be on the field " 

"He is always grumpy . He s not a social guy but he will warm up to you " Sofia said making me uncomfortable .. So I was the reason he did not sit at the table ?

"So , you all like live in this house together ?" I asked Sofia as she took me towards the hut behind the house with blankets and other things . Boy I did not expect a beautiful tree house when she said a hut . It was small with weeds growing on its porch but way better than a hut .

" Well not technically , They have their homes like fifteen to twenty minutes away , but we find it convenient to stay here " I nodded . " The boys own a garage , our house is the closest and its big enough for all of them . So why not . " I looked around while she continued and spoke. " But I don't know stuff about repairing " She laughs , " No sweetie I am not gonna send you to work between those guys . You are gonna work with me . You see That's my field . " She said point right next to us . 

She must be rich to own that big of a field . That place was full of plants and green houses .

" Half of it is owned by our neighbours but we share it . I sell most of the Damn harvest in the Saturday markets , earns me some good money . I didn't have anyone to help me with that so I hope you are good at gardening " I nodded smiling as she fussed around taking sheets off the couch and tables ," I am so glad I finally have a women with me . It gets pretty annoying being the only girl with bunch of men . All they talk about is their work , makes me crazy -" 

She kept going but I spaced out 

"I am sorry for the dust here, I'll send someone to clean it up later " She said keeping the blankets on the small bed after taking the sheets off it . I pulled out of my zone out bubble and replied " Nah , I will do it my self . You have done enough . Thanks " She just smile .

" Well you should rest. I'll call you for dinner "     

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