I continue smiling in victory like I don’t know I’ve been pranked, so they don’t get the satisfaction of knowing I was hurt. I wasn’t going to try to get up. I’d accept my fate quietly till everyone left after the class, and that’s exactly what I did. I hate each and every one of them. I was elite. How dare they? Just because the ‘king’ humiliated me? Fuck him too. I’m going to fucking kill him. I would destroy him so badly he would never dare to look me in the eye again, let alone humiliate me like yesterday. Everyone was still basking in my humiliating incident and I was the butt of jokes.

I’d texted Chloe about the glue prank and she had quickly brought my cheer outfit and a solvent after the class, dragging out the rest of the students still loitering around in the classroom with a fierceness I didn't even have. I absolutely love this girl.

“Omg! I’m tempted day by day to commit murder, you know? Who did this?” Chloe scowled.

“I don’t know the ring leader but I think the whole class was involved or know something” I sighed, assessing the damage to my butt. Chloe joined me and started applying the solvent.

“Arghh its terrible. We shouldn’t let them go scot free. Have you decided how you want to get back at Kieran?

“I don’t have any ideas now except that I want to stomp on them and kill him.

“But we don’t want to go to jail. Do we?” She asked with a laugh.

“Yeah that’s why I’m not acting on my instincts duhh...” I grinned at her, happy to be able to smile again. It was refreshing.

After an hour of unsophisticated tears and grunts, which I'd rather die than have anyone catch me doing other than Chloe of course, we managed to get the glue and chair off but my uniform and underwear were torn in the process and my butt was red and sore. This was utterly humiliating. If anyone other than Chloe had seen me like this, I’d have literally died on the spot.

Okay, fine. That’s too much… But a transfer to another school wouldn’t have looked bad.

I decided to call it a day and head home. I was surely not ready to face the day. The only way to get my dignity back would be to get back at Kieran and humiliate him in the process. That was the only way I could get my crown back and it was likely the douchebag was not even in school today. I guess there was never enough room at the top for both of us.

I spent the rest of the day watching Netflix and thinking of ways to hurt Kieran that would not get in my jail.
There wasn’t a lot. I literally tried to make a list and only ended up with paper strewn around my room. I finally gave up. It had started drizzling. The weather was not even 'it' tonight.

At this point, it was embarrassing even to myself to be so invested in getting back at him for how many hours now? I was not even getting any results. It was getting late. I took a hot bath, scrubbing the humiliation of today off me. My butt was still sore. I grab my sleeping shorts, pulling them on before throwing one of my big sleeping tees on. I was ready to get some sleep. I jumped into bed but quickly jumped back out because there was no way my eyes had just tricked me. I raced to the window and looked down. My eyes didn’t trick me. Kieran was indeed standing in their garage in sweat pants and an unzipped black hoodie with a shady looking man. I wiped the rain drops from the glass and pressed my face to it to be sure it was him.

Were they doing drugs? This could be information I could hold over his head and make him do whatever I wanted. It could get him kicked off the team if he got caught. This was my chance. I threw on my vans and a cap to hide my hair, snatched my sunglasses off the table and grabbing my phone before hurrying downstairs, tip-toeing, of course. Kirk was already asleep and I didn’t want to wake him up. It was a few minutes to midnight and mom and dad were also asleep. I didn’t want to answer why I was stomping down the stairs at this hour dressed like this, so I stopped my excited self from doing that. I got out the door safely, my heart thumping wildly as the rain poured over me and soaked my thin nightwear. I inched closer and closer to the fence separating our backyards. Our parents had broken the wall in between the two houses and opted for a fence instead.

‘So we can easily visit each other.’ They said. Well, it was coming in handy.

I opened the gate slowly. It did not make a sound, thankfully, and their voices got closer and audible. I inched forward, hiding behind the cobalt blue flower plants Aunt Stella, Kieran’s mom had planted and grew. They were her pride and she cared for them like they were her own kids.

“If he goes along and outs us, we’re both fucking screwed. Not just me bro.” The shady looking guy says, and I know this is good ammo. Whatever it was they were talking about.

I pressed the record button, my eyes wide as the cold wind turn my face pink.

“Shit. But what if he’s just bluffing?’ Kieran brushes his hands through his jet-black curls, looking like he wanted to murder the person they were talking about. I'd hate to be on his receiving end.

What secret was he hiding that was making him so devastated?

“I really don’t want to know. Let’s just hear what the fucker wants first.” Shady guy says.

A bark sounded and I froze, turning towards the dog as it barked again at me. My tongue turned dry and heavy.

 I totally forgot about Milo, the little pit bull puppy our parents had given us in middle school. They had started to notice we didn’t actually get along and had thought getting us a puppy was the perfect way to end our ‘little feud’. They thought taking care of it together would make us spend quality time together. I always wanted a puppy and begged my parents for one but they refused. It hurt that they were willing to give me a puppy just so I could stop fighting with the neighbor’s kid, but I was still happy. I didn’t even complain when Kieran left all the responsibility to me. I was happy.

It was short-lived as the black-haired devil came for milo one day and never gave him back, no matter how many times I asked.

A bark sounded again as he drooled. Well, he was making quite an entrance with this reunion as he bared his teeth and growled.

‘Easy boy’

Didn’t he recognize me? Come on now. When did he grow this big and scary? I look back at Kieran and the shady guy. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who froze. My eyes met Kieran’s dark and scary ones. They were narrowed into slits and his brows furrowed. He couldn’t recognize me with the disguise. This meant I still had a chance to escape…. But Milo was right behind me. I was stuck in the middle. I turned to look at Kieran again.

The moonlight had bathed his godly body, casting it in a sinful silvery glow, his abs and muscles were glimmering and shining.

“Go back first. I'll take care of this.” He told the shady looking man as the guy quickly hurried away. All this while, his eyes never strayed from me for a second.

What did he mean by ‘take care of this’?

When people say this in movies, they usually mean they are going to kill the person and he had sent the only witness away.

I was going to die and this wasn’t me unnecessarily panicking, because the look in his eyes said so clearly. I was actually right. 

Next chapter