Her Innocence


72.65k words

68 chapters



Table of Contents


An eruption of knock was, heard as it disturbed the ire calming silence of the room. As the person came in.

"We got all the information sir" I smirked and looked up at my trusted man David.

"Good job" I said.

Grabbing the envelope I heavily sighed before taking out the papers and reading it with keen interest.

I widely smirked. " Amora Mario huh!! Where did you get this information?"

He blankly looked at me with that respectful gaze and spoke. "From her sister."

"This is going to be so much fun Amora." I snickered with a sinister smile plastered on my face.


Xavier James a 29 year old business man. He is one of the best CEO in Italy. He is mysterious. He's someone who can't be fooled easily, someone who knows how to get things either by hook or crook! He's unpredictable.

Amora Mario is a 24 years old waitress, she is poor but never complains about her faith, she is beautiful and kind, pure and innocent, brave and strong. She is thankful for whatever she have but just because of her sister's s



Jeannette Fetalino Adolfo

like it

2022/5/17 Reply

Irene Badilles

nice story

2022/4/21 Reply

Dencia Gordon


2022/3/12 Reply

Tobirama Senju

loved it but why is the grammar so out of place... the difference between me and you.. I mean what???

2022/2/4 Reply

its exciting fr the start

2022/1/31 Reply

Irene Reign


2022/1/1 Reply

penny abreu

Omw i love this book so far,i can't wait to read more chapters

2021/12/30 Reply

Dum Doge


2021/12/23 Reply

D Yadaiah

nice book

2021/12/22 Reply

Laya D

intersenting story

2021/12/22 Reply