Heiress Of His Abyss: Unmasking The Beast


1.89k words

2 chapters



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[Book 2 of The Realm's Descent Series]
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In the magical realm of Werleria, Sylteena Benedict, the so called "Cursed One", has her life take a dark turn when she's forced into a marriage with the enigmatic Prince, a man harboring a hidden cruelty.
But her solace in the forest leads her to an astonishing discovery – a beast.
As secrets unravel and alliances shift, Sylteena finds herself at a crossroads, torn between the ruthless prince and the enigmatic beast.
Amidst an ever-shifting landscape of loyalties and betrayals, Sylteena must choose her path, and her heart's true desire becomes a enigmatic puzzle.
The haunting question etched itself into the very air she breathed:
“Who, indeed, is the true beast? The enigmatic prince, a stranger she never truly knew? The inexplicable creature she had never before imagined? Or, perhaps, the true beast lay among the people she had called her own — mankind?”
In this tale of love, betrayal, and unexpected alliances, Sylteena must navigate a world where appearances

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