Episode 7

The week that followed was genuinely good for Ezra, who was trading as the king's favorite. The gifts that arrived at the woman's palace were of the best quality, and soon that place ceased to be the modest home of an unfortunate concubine. 

The king had ordered to remodel his palace and little by little his chambers and rooms acquired a much more presentable image.

The king's visits to the palace were very constant, even several times a day. The emperor used to sit in the large armchair of the main chamber to chat with Ezra.

Now the name of the assistant Azzar was on the lips of all the king's wives and concubines. All came to know about Ezra's ascending fortune, so much so that some wished to be in his place while others his resounding fall.

"Madame Azzar, look at the gift the king has sent you," Didi entered excitedly.

Behind the eunuch were others holding colorful cloths on silver trays.

"Madame, the king said that all these cloths are for you.

Ezra happily inspected the gift seeing that they were incredibly beautiful and made with the best cotton and silk in the region.

"I thank your majesty," he said happily.

The royal assistant was living the dream of every wife or concubine, to be the primary interest of her husband and to live surrounded by all kinds of comforts and riches.

The young concubine could represent her status under a shower of gold paper, wallow in silky and fragrant rose petals and even show off so many jewels that prevented her from walking.

Ezra was a famous figure in the harem. Therefore, the role model of every concubine. Why had she thought about not being the favorite? That was the best thing in life.

⟦··· ⟧

Consort Akil was fuming from her ears, how had a simple assistant captivated the king's heart? Even she had not achieved that much.

She would have prolonged the king's favor for months. However, she had never been rewarded with such good things. 

He wanted to go to that presumptuous woman and leave her so humiliated that she didn't feel like even leaving her palace.

"Your Highness, Mrs. Cadi has already sent us the cart. They are in the front yard.

"Put everything down and place it in the center field. Let me know when everything is ready.

"Yes, your highness."

The maiden hurried out of the main chamber and immediately did as her mistress had commanded. All the servants of the red palace were waiting for what would happen that day. Not only was the success of the consort involved, but also her own promotion.

Ms. Zaira, Consort Akil's personal maid, meticulously supervised all the activity in the garden. The packages wrapped in fine silk fabrics moved from one place to another looking for perfection and the best visual angle.

Finally, after spending hours organizing all the material sent by Ms. Cadi, Zaira returned with the Consort.

"Your Highness, everything is ready," she warned proudly.

"Take me there

When Consort Akil entered the garden, her eunuchs removed the cloth on top of the packages and many beautiful flowers were exposed to her. There were all kinds: roses, lilies, orange blossoms, chrysanthemums, and orchids.

"It's beautiful," she said in wonder. 

"Your Highness, that's not all. Look at what's here," Zaira ran to the carts and lifted the blanket covering them. Beautiful butterflies were inside glass containers. An entire cart was filled with these butterflies.

"Mrs. Cadi said that we should add drops of honey near the flowers so they would not leave the palace.

"I understand, do it.

The maiden added small drops of honey to all the flowers and then began to uncover the jars. The butterflies played happily in the flowers and piled up in the drops of honey.

That was a real spectacle. 

Consort Akil's palace was under a cloud of precious butterflies, playing and exploring the entire garden.

Soon the other beauties noticed that butterflies surrounded the red palace, and curious approached. Many wives looked surprised at the beautiful scene; butterflies dancing around a cheerful and cool consort Akil. The butterfly show made a fuss throughout the palace, and in the harem no concubine was held back from going to the red palace.

Several hours had passed since the Consort had begun her show and at last the king was present in her palace, His plan was still as stipulated!

Rumors spread throughout the king's harem. There was no longer talk of the fortune of the assistant Azzar but of the butterflies in the red palace that, although hours had already passed, continued to flutter energetically throughout the place. That rumor also reached Madame Azzar who, stung by curiosity, walked to the red palace in the company of the imperial concubine Alid.

"His majesty the king is here

All the concubines received the king according to the etiquette demanded and rose when he ordered it.

The beauties paved the way for the king. The man crossed the threshold and slowly reached Consort Akil.

"How many butterflies are there in your palace, Naovar. They are beautiful.

The consort pretended to have been surprised by the king's visit and greets him.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know I was here.

The king hugged her by the shoulders and toured the garden next to her while enjoying the spectacle created by the consort. The sweet smell of the flowers along with the honey resulted in a very pleasant aroma for the king.

"Your majesty likes butterflies, I thought it convenient to bring them for you.

The king smiled, and then kissed the consort's forehead. All the concubines who were present looked enraptured or envious at the couple. That scene was too sweet and romantic.

Ezra felt painful pangs in his heart, he felt nothing for the king but appreciation and admiration. Yet somehow, she felt cheated and ashamed.

"I appreciate very much the sisterhood among my women, so come in and enjoy this wonderful garden," he said excitedly to the concubines piled up at the entrance of the red palace.

The women excitedly entered the garden to enjoy the flowers and butterflies. Although also seeking the attention of the king. The coquetry with which they looked at the emperor was noticed by the consort Akil, who bit her tongue so as not to kick them out of her territory, her own game. Who dared to play on their own turf? Naovar was able to identify Assistant Azzar among the crowd of concubines and gave her a thorough examination. She was a beauty, that no one could deny, she also carried the air of freshness and charm that the consort had lost long ago. That was what attracted the king of women, his youth. Paying more attention to the woman, the consort tried to guess her age, she could be around twenty years old or even less.

Assistant Azzar could have all the qualities that the king liked. However, he did not have all the experience he had gained in the palace.

The woman thought so much internally that she did not notice when the king left her side and decided to be accompanied by Madame Azzar.

The woman clenched her fists in anger and frustration. All that theater with flowers and butterflies had been done in vain because the king did not take his eyes off Azzar. 

From another angle of the place, Ms. Cadi cautiously analyzed the whole situation in the red palace. The king was in the company of Madame Azzar and Cadi automatically smiled but concealed his smile behind a handkerchief. 

Asma turned her gaze to Naovar and almost escaped laughter. The consort was truly angry, that was comical. Ms. Cadi was managing to focus the senses and strengths of Consort Akil and Empress on someone other than herself, the turn was now for Assistant Azzar.

"Would he be able to endure everything that would come his way?" she thought Machiavellian.

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