Chapter Seven

Chapter 7:

SG's Leader

Jewel Reina's POV:

It's the last week of classes before the winter break. We've already submitted our final group project and we're just attending classes now for attendance. Some teachers are not even attending classes anymore so, we're having vacant periods most of the time.

I'm at the rooftop again just wanting some space away from anyone. I can control myself most of the time and pretend that I'm fine but during cold days my demons are just too powerful to ignore. So, instead of doing or sayings I would regret, I rather be alone to recharge.

Anxiety is creeping and my head is a mess but I got distracted by the ringing of my phone. Oliver was FaceTiming me.


[Baby, you're ignoring me for weeks now. Is something wrong?]

"Nothing." I lied.

Oli... I still can't shake the thought of that rumor inside my head. Who's with him that time he was spotted with someone else?

He'd known me for almost 3 years now. Remember when Francis told me that everyone needed someone to open up to? Mine's Oliver.

No one would believe that he pursued me for 2 years but he did. And those were the times I shared him everything. So, if someone knows me better than I know myself, that would be him.

But when we started to officially date, everything changed or maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm too scared of him leaving me so, I subconsciously, little by little, started building a wall between us. That way, even he leaves, I won't be attached to him. Avoidant style, remember?

I sighed. My mind is too chaotic.

[C'mon Nana, I know something's wrong. Tell me everything. What's on your mind?]

"I'm tired."

[of me?]

"No... of everything."

[If you need time for yourself, I'll give it to you. But don't forget that I'll never give up on you. I can always start over.]

I sighed again. He knows how to make me feel secure. He knows when I lie. He knows me better than I know myself. He's trying so hard for me and I don't want to hurt him.

"Why did you call?" I asked changing the topic.

[Right!] Oli smiled again. [There's a basketball game later against our school team and yours. I guess, I'll see you later?]

"Hmm." I nodded. "Goodluck."

[I love you baby~] Oli said sounding really cute.

It made me smile and chuckle a bit.

"Jewel~! Are you here~?" I heard Gwen yelling.

"Oli, I have to go. I'll see you later." I waved goodbye and ended the call

"There you are! Are you on the phone?" Gwen asked.

"I was. But what is it?" I asked back as I jog towards her.

Gwen linked our arms and we walk down the stairs. "We're about to eat lunch and you're still nowhere to be found. So, I'm here to pick you up."

"Thank you." I giggled. "I'll be watching the basketball game later, do you wanna watch it with me?"

"Of course! Francis is playing against Serpent Academy. Don't tell me you didn't know?" Gwen gasped. "And also, since I'm really interested in gossips. According to my sources, SG's Leader's rumored-girlfriend is a cheerleader in our school. So, it's gonna be interesting."

Oh that... I sighed.

"What's with that face?" Gwen gasped again and hit me on my arm. "Don't tell me, you're one of SG's fangirl? That would make sense since you're from that school too!"

I chuckled. "Maybe?"

We arrived at the canteen. Francis and Chloe was waiting for us and we already have our foods in the table. As usual, Francis and I are sitting beside each other and across us are Chloe and Gwen.

While eating, Gwen pouted and used her lips to point at someone.

"What is she doing this time?" Francis asked pointing his spoon at Gwen while looking at me.

I glanced over to what she's lip-pointing at and saw a familiar cheerleader inside the canteen.

"That's her. Oliver's rumored girlfriend. Laura Kim." Gwen whispered.

I stared at her. She really looks so familiar. Have I seen her before?

"When will she stop with all the gossips..." Francis shook his head in disapproval.

After eating, as usual, Francis gave me his strawberry milk.

"Can't they give free coffee next time? Why does it always have to be strawberry milk?" He complained. "I'll be leaving for practice now." He said and petted my head before leaving.

Acting like he hates strawberry milk when he's craving for it too anyway.

"Do I look like a cat that needs to be fed milk before leaving?" I asked Gwen and Chloe.

Gwen laughed so much.

"Well... You do kinda look like a cat..." Chloe said underneath her breath.

—at the gym

Gwen, Chloe and I are sitting just behind our team's bench. The cheerleaders are just a few inches away from our team too. I can even hear Laura and her teammates gossiping about SG.

At that moment, I received a text message from Oli that they're here.

"Jewel? Jewel to Earth? Hello~?" Gwen poked me in the cheek which brought me back to reality.

"Huh? What is it?" I asked.

"I'm gonna buy some snacks and drinks. Do you want any?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah. Uhmm.. Honey Butter Chips and Strawberry milk." I said and tried grabbing my wallet from my bag.

The players were doing warm-ups and I saw Francis jog towards us.

"Hey Rei, can you buy me some chocolates? I'll pay you later." He asked.

"Yeah sure. Good luck."

I lean downwards from the railings so we could reach each other. We did a quick handshake; palm to palm, back of the palm, and fist bump. Then he messed my hair before jogging back to the court.

"And a chocolate for Ash." I said to Chloe.

I gave her my wallet since I don't know how much it would cost. Chloe opened it herself to get cash when Gwen noticed a picture on my wallet.

"Why do you have a picture of Oliver in your wallet?" Gwen exclaimed.

I saw the cheerleaders looking at us and rolling their eyes saying "Fangirl."

"He's my boyfriend." I admitted.

Chloe and Gwen gasped while the cheerleaders laughed.

"Hey, fangirl. Laura and Oliver are dating. Stop fantasizing." One of the cheerleaders said.

Gwen was about to say something when I stopped her. Chloe left to buy our snacks.

Just a few moments, Serpent Basketball team and SG arrived. Well, half of the team are members of SG so...

"Look, Laura! Oliver's looking for you." Another cheerleader said.

I was just looking at Oliver as they're heading towards the other side of the gym. Oliver and I made eye contact and he gestured his hand "come here" but I look away.

"Omg. He's asking you to come to him." I heard them giggled.

Laura ran to him and I stopped looking at them. Chloe arrived with a plastic full of snacks. Ashton saw her coming back and run back to us.

I lean again on the railings to give him the chocolate.

"Thanks Rei." Ash said and was about to mess my hair again someone pushed him making him fall on the floor.

"Shocks!" Gwen exclaimed.

Dang. I jumped over the railings.

"Ash, are you okay?" I asked.

He groaned. "What the hell is your problem, dude?!"

I looked behind me to see who he's talking to and I saw a furious Oliver behind me.

"Who gave you permission to touch her?" Oliver said with emphasis but without yelling.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Ash. Ashton quickly get back up on his feet to also grab my other wrist

"Oli. Ouch." I complained and remove both their grip. "What's your problem!"

"Are you ignoring me on purpose?" Oli asked while panting heavily, sign that he's really mad.

I licked and bit my lower lip as I glare at him. "How would I know that you're calling me when you're dating someone else without me knowing?"

"What are you talking about?!"

I glanced over Laura who's standing behind him. Oli looked at her and look back at me frowning.

"Her? She's Skye's cousin! Why would ask her to come to me? You're my girlfriend!" He exploded.

"Oliver-..." Laura tried to interrupt.

"Did you started fake rumors about us?!" Oli asked and pushed her shoulder.

"Oli, calm down. I'll talk to her." Skye said getting in between the two and calming Oliver.

Oliver faced me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you."

"Apologize to Ash." I commanded.

He sighed in defeat. Oliver offered his hand to Ash. "It's my fault. I'm sorry."

Ash scoffed. "Rei doesn't deserve such a jerk." He said and slap Oli's hand instead of accepting it.

"Ashton." I said in a warning tone.

He crinkled his nose and patted my head. "Maybe next time."

Ashton walked back with his members who's behind him in case something happened but because nothing happened, they went back to warming up.

I was about to walk back to the seats when Oliver wrapped his arm around my waist behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Are we okay?" He asked.

I nodded and caressed his hair. "Yeah."

"Let's eat after the game." Oli gave me a quick peck on the cheek before he jog back to his teammates.

Instead of walking at the end of the bleachers to walk up the stairs, I climb the railings and jumped over back to my spot.

"Wow. You're so cool." Gwen admired.

"You're really that gangster's girlfriend?" Chloe gasped. "It seems like we don't really know anything about you."

I giggled. "You know me enough."

-after the game

"Wow. That was intense." Gwen exclaimed.

Chloe nodded. "It's like a war. Are you Helen of Troy?"

"Also!" Gwen grabbed both my shoulders and stared straight into my eyes. "Why are we not aware that you have a boyfriend?"

"Uhm... You never asked?" I replied like a question.

"You went to every invite during weekends. We hang out after class. But you never told us like I don't know if my boyfriend would let me kind of stuff. Don't you hang out with him?" Gwen asked non-stop.

"He respects that I don't want to hang out all the time. We message each other everyday but not all the time. We only meet if I feel like it or if he really wants to. I'm not the intimate type of girlfriend and he knows that." I explained.

"Nana!" Oliver called as he runs and jump up the railings.

The game ended with Serpent team winning but Ashton being the MVP.

Oliver rushed towards me and put on his varsity jacket over my shoulder.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked.

"I'm good anywhere. Oli, these are my friends, Gwen and Chloe." I introduced them.

He smiled at them. "Hi, I'm Oliver Joshua Silva. Do you want to join us to eat?"

"We don't want to intrude." Chloe replied.

"Don't worry, my friends are coming too."

"Oli, can Ash come too?" I asked.

"If we wants to." He replied in a serious tone.

"So, we're coming?" Gwen whispered to me.

I nodded with a smile. Ashton was walking towards us.

"Hey Ash, you should eat with us." I said.

Ash glanced at Oliver and then back to me. "Maybe next time, Rei."

"C'mon Francis~ it's just a misunderstanding. It's not the time to be grumpy." Gwen said as she clings onto Ash's arm.

"Ashton~" I whined.

"Okay. Okay. Stop whining." Ash agreed and smiled weakly.

"Finally!" Gwen exclaimed and pushed Ash away.

Ashton frowned. "Now, what's your issue?"

"You're sweaty." Gwen laughed.

"Oli!" Skye called. "The boys are waiting."

"Baby?" Oli whispered as he puts his arm behind my waist.

"Let's go." I removed his arm on my waist and intertwined our fingers instead.

Next chapter