The owl in the cave

It was about midnight now, the owls were perhaps prowling the branches by now and the wolves and Leshens dancing out their fatal duels. The wind would now breeze eerily across the pines and oak branches, humming in the silent night like an elven tune, only to be frequently permeated by the sound of howling wolves.

But Marcus could not see any of that now, for he and max were now resting in a large hole in the upper sections of the cavern.

Max was wagging his tongue and looking here and there from time to time. At first, Marcus would’ve put a hand on his mouth to shut him up, but now there was no need. The people below wouldn’t hear him even if he was barking at full volume.

Wow they really get lively in this festival, I never saw a fest so livid back home, he thought as he observed the strange spectacle below.

A score of people danced around a bonfire, their rhythm attuned to the sound of beating drums. Men and women of all ages and colors partook in the ritual while a big, bullish man with grey hair and a huge belly was feverish chanting.

What are they saying? Marcus kept thinking, the words had some resemblance to Aedirnian ones but he could make no sense out of the sentences.

This language is more shrill, not mellow like standard Aedirnian or sharp like Elyrian.

There were several bonfires around the dancing circle and a pit of red hot coal.

The tongue however was far from the strangest thing here.

The big man chanted even more furiously as started to pant. Sweat rolled down his massive shoulders but the real spectacle lay behind him.

A man was seated on the stone throne while a basket full of snakes slithered at his feet. The creatures made no attempt to bite him. Beside him were four young women, two on each side, holding baskets full of grapes, apples and other fruits.

They all looked like they were Greta’s age, with long legs and supple breasts on their chests. Hard nipples glistened in the red light. Marcus felt strange when he looked at them.

So that’s what girls have beneath their clothes, so strange…

The girls giggled as they caressed the man and fed each other grapes from time to time. They wore necklaces made of white beads that stood out amidst their bronze skin. That was all they were wearing.

Marcus’s eyes passed from their chests and onto to the man on the throne. He was of an average built and a lighter tone. What he looked like was impossible to tell for his was covered by a huge Leshen skull.

The skull covered his entire face, save for the eyes which glowed red against the light of the burning wood. Marcus gulped as he felt a chill up his spine.

The bull man started to scream louder and the dancers in response started to move more vigorously.

‘There! He said it again!’ Marcus said to Max.

Max barked in reply, whether in agreement or confusion Marcus couldn’t say.

Sibene casie followed shortly by Ral beni.

‘This is probably the twelfth time he said those words ‘ he exclaimed to Max. The puppy nodded in response.

All the dancers stopped and extended their hands towards the alter in semblance of tribute.

Now the big man knelt before the skull man and said something. The man on the throne raised his hand in approval and the huge man turned to the flock and bellowed in the eerie tongue.

All the attendees screamed in joy.

The woman in black he had seen earlier descended from the stairs with two men in toe. They carried a thick violet powder on large banyan leaves.

They bowed before the throne and the skull man nodded in turn as if granting permission.

The men then wrapped the powder into large bundles and threw them in the pit.

The people let out a scream of ecstasy as white vapor emanated from the scorching bundles.

The bull screamed again as the drummers started beating faster than ever and the dancers let out a joyous roar. But this time they didn’t just stop at the roar.

They had been wearing strange necklaces this whole time. Necklaces made of wooden beads of different shades. Marcus had seen this before but only now took notice of it as the people took off all their clothes.

Do they feel that hot? Marcus thought confused.

Now they started dancing around the altar, more in sync, more in touch with each other’s body.

The woman in black motioned her hand towards the two men causing them to scurry away. The red markings started to writhe as if forming a creature that struggled to claw out.

The man on the throne extended his hands outward now and the four girls almost melted into them. The vapor fast spread across the chamber engulfing the space with an eerie mist.

A mob of naked dancers circling an altar by the fire, wading through a thick white mist. It seemed to surreal to Marcus.

The lady now said something to the ecstatic crowd and they split open, revealing among them a young man not more than twenty. He merrily walked up to the lady and knelt before her, his appendages dangling along the way.

The woman kissed on the forehead and the entire crowd clapped. He walked to the altar as four muscled men surrounded him.

What is that man doing? Why is he lying on that thing? His train of thought soon broke however as the two men that escorted the lady returned.

But they were not alone. Two girls accompanied them, both bound, gagged and unconscious. The lady motioned for them to be placed before the throne and was promptly so.

Both were about Greta’s age and of olive skin. One of them was in white blouse and black skirt with long raven hair. The other one was in a black tunic, brown jerkins and riding boots, she had a brown sash.

On her hip was an empty scabbard.

Hmm, that scabbard looks fit for a thin sword

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