Unintentionally Yours


6.9k words

5 chapters



Table of Contents


Kara Kismet Montes didn't want to go back to the Philippines. She wanted to explore the world and write the stories of people she randomly met. She wanted to taste and experience best things the world can offer. She wanted to be free and not to be glued in the business world where her dad resides.

But she had no choice but to go back. She and her dad made a deal and her allotted time to be free was up. On her way to their mansion, a very unfortunate thing happened. She witnessed a crime. Her driver was shot in front of her. To save her life, she ran.

Due to exhaustion, she passed out and woke up into an unknown room. There, she met the mysterious Kean - the owner of the mansion she was in. She wanted to go home but the guy won't let her go.

And that, my friends, was a big problem.

Last Updated: Chapter

1 Comment


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2023/2/1 Reply