Chapter 5

Ruby’s pov

'Do you think blue or green suits me?' I said to mum. It's Saturday and we were in the new mall that just opened. Me and my mum never really went to different shops than the ones we usually go to. And it was an expensive mall so there was less people here. The only reason my mum would have bought me here is if she had something to ask me. 

' I said to mum. She's been acting really weird lately and right now shes looking at a window across the shop. ‘Mum!' I said. She snapped back to reality.

'Oh erm...
any colour suits you darling.' She said quickly. I sighed and asked her what was wrong.

'Well darling, What you did in school was really bad.
' My jaw dropped. How did she know about the juice incident? I never told her. Did the Riches complain about me to her? They grassed me up? This is their revenge? I would have laughed if mum wasn't here.

She looked at me, just like Mr Calvin looked at me when I was late.

'Mrs Child heard Cam talking on the phone with Josh.
' She said, reading my mind. She was really angry by me. Her eyes was mad. Why did she care so much about them?

'I can't believe you dropped sticky juice on someone's head.
' She said while closing the door. We were at home. I was about to go upstairs when she told me to listen to her. 'Look darling, I know that they threw water balloons at you, but this is wrong in so many ways.' It's like kindergarden. Someone hit me and when I do something back, mum shouts at me.

'Mum, you always told me to stand up when I'm treated wrong.
Why are you not saying that now?'

'Sorry, when I say stand up when treated wrong, I don't mean seek revenge, I just mean-'

'Mean what Mum?
And why are you mad at me, I've been in fights before, why does this make a difference?'

' Mum sighed like she was tired of this. 'Because they are in a bigger position than us and-'

'You think, just because they are rich, we can't treat them the same?

Because I don't want you to get hurt like I did!' Mum shouted. 

She looked away like she said something that she shouldn't have.
I went quiet. How can I be so stupid? Of course she is going to be mad about me, I was trying so hard to make things better that I never knew, I was making things worser. 

'Sorry, darling, I didn't mean to-'

'Its fine, I'm sorry too.
I'm just in a bad mood. I shouldn't have shouted at you.' I said. I was going to cry. I needed to get to my room as fast as I can.

Mum put her arms out for a hug.
I hugged her, nearly squeezing her to death.

'Okay, go to your room and do your homework okay?

I smiled and nodded.
I went upstairs. I climbed inside the duvet and cried slowly so my mum won't hear. I shouldn't be causing my mum pain and here I am, doing something that could give me pain.

I was in the entrance of my school. I don't know why but I felt really lazy and tired today. I should have been alert because the Riches can attack any minute but I really didn't give a fuck. 

I came early today because I didn't want to have an awkward silent with my mum about what happened last night.
I just wanted to get away from home and come to school. I missed breakfast because of it. To think about it, I haven't even ate properly at all. I saw Cam. She looked tired.

She looked like she was crying all night.
Her clothes were not ironed. He hair was sticking out from every place. What the hell happened to her?

I ran up to her.
'Cam whats wrong?' I said. She looked at me, her eyes were swollen and red.

'Ruby, you wouldn't guess what happened.
' Her voice was shaking. It looked like she was going to cry any minute now.

Cam, what happened?' I said, I really wanted to know what happened. She never gets really sad.

'Ruby, my- my d-dad lost his j-job.

Cam said.
Good that no one was here, because they would have came up to her and she would have been on the floor crying. Her dad lost his job. Why? How can he lose his job. Mr Child is the most decent man I have ever met. He can't be fired.

'Rick tol-told hi-his dad to- to fire my dad because of what happened.
' She started crying. People looked but I put my hand up that meant 'I'll handle this.' I can't believe it


Everything hurts. My legs mostly. I moved my fingers. They felt numb. Where was I? Only one way to find out. I opened my eyes slowly because they were weirdly hurt. I felt weak. I looked around. White. The whole room was white. Was I in heaven? Then I saw a clock. It was half 6. I was here for more than 4 hours? How? Then I saw my mother. She was looking at me. Trying to say something.

' I managed to say. 

'Yes darling.
' I can see mum clearly now. She had no make up on and was looking paler. She had concern written on her face. 

' I said. 

Mum quickly grabbed water from the side table and helped me put my head up so I could drink it.
I could see where I was. I was in hospital. How can this happen? Then I remembered everything. 

I went to the Riches room and they told me to beg on my knees to Conor so that Cam's dad can get his job back.
It seemed really bad. Okay, I understood all that but how did I end up in hospital. Did Rick do something to me? Did they all make me faint? No, that can't be it.

Mum saw me looking really confused and asked me what was wrong.

'How did I get here?
' I said. That question was digging in my head and Mum would know the answer.

'Darling, you fainted from the lack of sleep and food.
' Oh. I fainted because I didn't eat much. 

I didn't eat a big meal since the pancakes.
How can I be so stupid. All the puzzle pieces are joined. I felt dizzy sometimes, I was stressed about little things, I was crying for no apparent reason and this all adds up to this. 

'Sweetie, How can I be so stupid?
I never checked if you were eating or anything. You even missed breakfast a few times. How can I be such an idiot? What kind of a mother am I?' Mum said fiddling with her hands like she was being punished.

I laughed.
She was acting like a drama queen. 'Mum, calm down. Nothing serious happened, did it?' I said holding her hands. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

'Ok, darling.
I'm just going to go fill some papers in. Ask a nurse if you need anything. Ok?' She said while getting her bag from the bed side. I nodded and she went. 

I yawned.
Peace at last. There was a knock on the door. Well, peace doesn't last for long. 

'Come in.
' I said. I finally sat up on my bed and saw get well soon card and baloons. 

At the door, I saw 2 boys walk in.
The Riches: Matt and Rick. 
'Hey, How are you doing?
' They all looked at me. Matt had flowers in his hand. He smiled when I noticed the flowers. 

For once, I saw innocence in him.
Surprising. Then Rick was looking around the hospital. Then I remembered. Mr Child! Did he get his job back? 

'Did you give Mr Child get his job?
' I said to Rick. Rick quickly looked at me and first I thought he didn't hear what I said, but he nodded.

He came forward and put his hands on the baloons that was scattered on my bed.

'Yeah, I gave the job back.
You must be wondering why I came here.' He said looking at the balloon with interest. 

It is a bit weird.
I expected Cam, Josh, Mum and some other friends in school to come but I never expected these guys to come. Then I knew it. They cared about me.

yeah. Why did you guys come?' I said smiling.

By: Shiza Fatima 

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