Even as I got home, Archer was still on my mind, I tried to think of every other thing but he still came back to my mind. It was not annoying, but I was beginning to doubt my sanity. Brietta still would not talk to me, no matter how I tried to apologize, I knew she could hear me, I felt her presence. But she didn't respond.

I tried doing yoga, I still was not distracted, even when the blood rushed to my head, I still managed to see his beautiful eyes in my mind. I decided I had begun to go crazy. I ordered Chinese food for dinner, and after eating I decided to have a Korean drama marathon.

After a while I got distracted by the movie, my body started to ache, my joints, bones, gum, everywhere ached. I hadn't felt pain in my life, just when I felt I couldn't take it anymore, it ended. I felt drowsy, heaving myself to my bed, I switched off the light and fell asleep.

I found myself running through the woods, I felt free and light. Like I had no care in the world, I got to a cliff and I wanted to get to the other side of the cliff, I ran full speed ahead and jumped, just then I realized that I was not human, I was..kind of a wolf, a snow white wolf with soft fur, I wasn't scared at all instead I was calm, giggling to myself, I noticed the giggling sounded awfully familiar, it sounded like Brietta, before I could question why I sounded like Brietta, I woke up with a start.

I realized it was all a dream.

"A very weird dream." I said getting up to have a drink of water. As I drank I checked the time, it was midnight, I was sure my guardians were back home.

All of a sudden, I heard someone call out to me, but I heard it in my subconscious. Never experienced it before, so I didn't know what to make of it, I pulled the window curtains that faced the forest. My eyes fell on this beautiful midnight black, wolf, it had beautiful set of forest green eyes, the eyes looked familiar. My eyes widened in realization, we were living close to wolves, my hands flew to my lips to silence a scream. As if coming to it's senses, it turned around, and ran into the woods.

Instinctively, I ran after it, busting through the front door, I managed to get a glimpse of it, there were three others with it, A big brown one, a dark brown one, and a huge black one. They ran into the woods. I couldn't believe my eyes, I stood there in awe of what I had just seen, cold breeze nipped at my legs that was my cue to go to back inside.

As I laid my head to sleep I thought of how famous it would make me if I told animal control that I had found a family of wolves right outside my window. Brietta growled at my thoughts. I guess wolves were a touchy subject for her.

"Goodnight Brietta." I whispered out loud.

Silence met my words, I chuckled at her pettiness and went back to sleep.

The next morning I could not wait to tell my friends what I saw and the weird dream I had, I drove to school like a mad person, just so I would not burst with the information I had.

In my haste, I bumped into someone, a girl.

"I am so sorry." I apologized quickly, helping her get up as she fell from the impact.

"It's Okay." She said smiling, she looked familiar but I knew i had not seen her before. She had this really beautiful oval face, with dull green eyes and a color between black and brown hair.

"Are you Ashley?" She asked.

"Yes I am, and you are?" I asked her, not entirely surprised she knew my name, it was always on magazines and newspapers.

"Daisy, Daisy Llyods." Her name sounded familiar.

"I am his sister..twin sister unfortunately." She said chuckling. I looked at her confusedly, she laughed.

"You seem to know my brother, Archer Lloyds?" She asked tilting head her to the side.

So that's why she seemed so familiar, I smiled shyly. Hopefully she didn't know I might have a crush on her brother. Yup I said it, I might like Archer. Which was stupid, since I just met the guy.

Luckily, Porsha and Carmen chose that exact moment to Grace us with their presence.

"Hey Ash". They greeted and we hugged.

"Hey guys, meet Daisy, Daisy meet Carmen and Porsha my best friends". They greeted each other.

"We have Geography now, what do you have?" Carmen asked.

"I have Geography too, what a coincidence." She said smiling.

And that was how we ended up walking to class, but before that, she stopped to talk to her brother. As we waited for her, I decided to tell my friends the dream.

"I had the weirdest dream last night" I started

"Weirder than Porsha?" Carmen asked jokingly. We laughed.

"Well my dream was weirder, I saw myself running, well not quite me...a snow white Wolfie me..." I paused, realizing I was not making sense.

"I know it doesn't make sense, it sounded way better in my head tho " I said laughing.

I watched them exchange glances I couldn't decipher, and for once I wish I understood their weird communication system.

"Fine! I won't talk about it anymore, no need to wonder if I need a psychiatrist appointment, don't be so dramatic about it." I said rolling my eyes at them.

Just then Daisy joined us smiling as she came,

"Hey guys, can my brother join us? He also has this class" she pouted as she asked. And my heart started to race when I heard that. My best friends smiled evilly,

"Sure he can, we are cool with it."

And that was how we walked to class together, with my hands cold and clammy, my heart racing there million miles per second.

Next chapter