The first?

Why did that make her feel happy? Probably because she learnt, she was the first girl Austin has brought over to his parents’ house. Wait, but would that not mean they were dating? Would his family not think that? Wait, what? Austin and her, dating? She could not think of that ever happening in this lifetime. Ha, not even in the next. If his family should assume something like that, she would quickly correct them. That is, if Austin has not already told them that she was nothing but his course mate.

“Are you ready now?” Austin’s voice drew her from her thoughts and she nodded at him.

At that same moment, the glass doors opened, followed by a high-pitch scream. “Austin!” The lady who opened the door stepped out. Throwing her arms around Austin, she pulled him into a tender embrace. “I thought you would not make it.” She said, raising herself to plant a kiss to his cheek and then pulled him closer again.

“Claudia,” Austin groaned, trying to get away from the lady. However, she held fast onto him. “Stop it you are embarrassing me.” He told her.

At his words, Claudia finally noticed the young woman standing behind her baby brother. “Oh my goodness, you brought a girl.” She unlocked her arms from Austin and pushed him aside as if he no longer interested her. It was correct. She suddenly took interest in her brother’s date. Stepping towards Rosa, she watched her with wide unblinking eyes. Rosa did not know what to do, but her feet seem to because they took a few steps backwards. The lady called Claudia, doubled her pace and caught up with Rosa. She took her hand and started towards the glass doors, tugging Rosa along. Rosa turned bulging orbs to Austin, begging him with her eyes to save him. However, he just stood there with his hands stuffed in his pockets, grinning while watching on with amusement.

They entered the mansion. Rosa found herself moving through a corridor, where framed images hang off the walls. Among the bunch of pictures she saw, she recognized Austin. Also from what she noticed, she understood that Claudia was Austin’s elder sister. The said sister who he warned would nag her.

Oh goodness! Rosa screamed internally as they turned into another corridor. Uh, where was Claudia taking her? She wondered, feeling the knots of nerves at the pit of her stomach locking tighter.

As if hearing her distressed thought, she said. “Don’t worry, we are almost there.” They were approaching an oak door. “Here we are.” Claudia pushed open a door and they exited into the backyard.

People were scattered around the place. Some were standing while others relaxed on the chairs arranged about the unbelievably large table, sipping wine and eating sausages and steak. The heavenly smell of grilled meat filled the atmosphere matched with ambient music and lively chatters of the people made Rosa feel like she had just stepped into an intimate family and friends’ get-together.

“Guys,” Claudia raised her voice to catch everyone’s attention. However, just a few people who were standing nearby gave her their attention. The others clearly were more interested in the conversations they were having than to listen to her. “Austin brought home a girl!” She screamed excitedly.

Rosa wanted to disappear off the face of the earth at that moment. A few of them turned away after Claudia’s words, but a few others shifted their gazes to her. Austin chose that moment to come and stand beside her, making her feel even more uncomfortable and adding up to the pressure even more.

“Aren’t you the cutest?” Claudia now turned to her. Rosa could only smile nervously. “What’s your name?


“Omg, even your name is cute.” Claudia smiled.

“Thank you,” Rosa replied.

“You must pardon me for being like this, but my brother has never brought a girl home.” Turning to throw Austin a look, Claudia added. “Which made me question if he were really into girls.

An audible gasp escaped Austin’s lips at his sister’s words. “What? Why would you assume something like that?

Claudia returned her gaze to Rosa and continued as if her brother did not say a word. “So he bringing you home must only mean one thing.” There was a tint in her eyes as she smiled at Rosa. “How long have you too been dating?

Rosa felt her mouth go dry instantly. Although she were expecting to hear something like this, but someone actually asking her if she and Austin were dating was just so overwhelming. She and Austin? Before she could open her mouth and disappoint Claudia, Austin chipped in with the most absurd thing.

“What is it to you if we are dating or not?” He lined his hands with Rosa’s and entwined their fingers. Claudia did not fail to notice it. “Now if you would excuse Rosa and me, we have important matters to attend to.” With those words, he all but drag her away as her knees had frozen from shock.

When they were a good distance away from Claudia, Rosa quickly shook Austin’s hand away. “Are you crazy? Why did you not tell your sister that we are not dating?

“Let her think whatever she wants to think.” He replied with a smile playing on his lips as he glanced back at his sister who was now standing among some guests.

Rosa wanted so bad to whack him right at his occiput or even better, rip his head off for not telling his sister the truth. Nevertheless, come to think of it, he neither confirmed nor denied their relationship status, so the stuff she felt like doing to him was not truly justified. “Whatever.” She brushed it off. “So are we meeting the owner of that property or not? I want to get this over with so I can get home.

Austin looked around the place before replying. “I don’t see him anywhere. He’s probably not here yet.

Rosa groaned. At that same instant, she felt the familiar tingle between her legs, which she always got whenever she wanted to pee. No, she thought. Not the nervous pees. She tends to pee unusually whenever she was nervous. “Where can I find the ladies’ room?” She asked.

Rosa soon found herself inside the walls of the mansion, going by the directions of Austin. She could not help but admire the artifacts and paintings as she passed them by. When she finally found the bathroom, she was more than relieved to get down to business. A few minutes later, she was out of there and taking the same path back to the party. Or what she thought was the right path, until she found herself in the kitchen. Trying to retrace her steps, she could no longer find her way. She did not know where she came from neither did she see anyone around to ask for directions.

Ah, the rich and their elaborate buildings could be annoying sometimes. This reminds her of the time she got lost at Lily’s parents’ house. All the walls looked the same and she got lost in them. It was not until, she called her friend for help did she come to save her from that situation. Speaking of which, she pulled out her phone and decided to phone Austin. Her first time since having his phone number.

“Rosa is calling me? Now that’s a surprise.” Those were Austin’s words as soon as he answered the phone.

“I need your help.” She told him.

“You are lost aren’t you?” She could just picture the smirk on his face right now. “Alright, am coming to get you.” He hang up before she could speak another word.

“How are you going to find me when you do not even know where I am?” She said aloud, sighing hopelessly. Well, even if he had asked where she was how would she have replied to that? I am standing in a corridor, does not really seem like a good description to give someone who was supposed to find you in a big house filled with many corridors. Sighing, she pulled out her phone and decided to phone Lily, maybe she was having a better time than her.

On the first ring, she answered. “How is the place like? Do you like it? Is it close to campus as you wanted? Are you coming back already?” The questions poured out of Lily so fast she run out of breath after the last question.

Rosa heaved a sigh. “We are at his parents’.

“WHAT!” Came the high-pitched scream that forced Rosa to pull the phone away from her ear before her friend bursts her eardrums. Lily’s excited voice continued to rumble on with many more questions, but Rosa did not make the mistake of returning the phone to her phone. She allowed her friend to make her noise. Lily never really made sense whenever she was shocked, overly excited or disappointed. Besides, they would talk about this later in detail when she returned to the apartment. Only Lord knows when that would happen.

“There you are,” came Austin’s smooth voice down the corridor.

Rosa raised her gaze and saw him approaching her steadily, with Ramon. Ramon? Her heart thudded nervously in her chest. He was here? Ugh, she should have known his friends would come. Their families were probably friends too. This is just great. She thought sarcastically.

“Well isn’t it Rosa.” Ramon asked when they reached her. Stuffing his hands inside his pockets, he gave her a dashing smile.

“Yes, it’s Rosa.” Austin said, coming to stand beside her. “She is here to meet your brother.

“My brother?” Ramon gasped, shifting his gaze to Austin.

“I am helping her search for accommodation around campus. Since your family deals in real estate and your brother owns one of the buildings around campus, I thought it would be better I introduce them. I hope Carlos won’t mind.

“Ah no, of course he won’t.” Ramon replied, smiling at Rosa. “He would be glad to help you. Unfortunately, he won’t be coming today.

Rosa almost sighed in defeat, but Ramon said something that kept her hope alive. “Don’t worry. I can talk to him for you.

Austin clasped his hands together. “That would be great, Ramon.” He said, smiling at Rosa.

The trio made their way back to the party. Rosa found herself walking between the two heartthrobs, who also were best friends. She tried as much as possible to relax her shoulders and suck in deep breaths so they would not notice how nervous she was. Try as she may, her knees kept bumping into each other. Only a miracle was keeping her from falling flat on her face.

Unbeknownst to her, the boys on either side of her kept exchanging glances. Ramon had questions as to why Austin was helping Rosa find accommodation. He thought they were only going to study together as it were the only thing they would have in common. But bring her to his parents’ house? Something was fishy here and he was going to find it out, no matter what.

Rosa disliked the fact that she was stuck on Austin’s arm like a leech but what else could she do. She knew no one in this party, only him. She could not talk to anyone in this party, only him. Most importantly, she did not feel comfortable walking with anyone in this party except him. Why did that feel so personal, like he was the only one she saw here?

Focus Rosa.

“When is this party closing? I would really like to go home now.” Rosa said to him.

Austin patted her hand and said. “The party ends at 6.

“Come on. Ramon’s brother is not coming and he promised to speak to him for us. So I see no need staying here.

“Of course you…”

“Hey Aus.” A voice as smooth as silk called. Austin stopped mid-sentence and gazed at who called him. Rosa met the gaze of the one who called Austin, and suddenly felt intimidated. The girl was their age and damn she was hot. Her pale blonde hair fell in waves around her shoulders, blending with her pale freckled skin. Her eyes were chestnut and her gaze was piercing. She was dressed in a striking red dress. Her bold makeup and red stained lips, spoke volumes of her personality. “Do you remember me?” She asked Austin, who seemed awestruck by her.

After a long moment, during that time, which Rosa thought he had lost the power of motion; he blinked. Gathering his thoughts, he replied. “Of course, I never forget a face.

A pang of disappointment stabbed at Rosa at his words. He never forgets a face? Like seriously? He never forgets a face, yet surprisingly he forgot her face from that freshman year party. That time, she had wanted so badly for him to recognize her but he never showed signs of it. His gaze never wondered in her direction and even if it did, they bore the same empty look a stranger gave another when they met.

The girl smiled. Extending her hand to Austin, she asked. “Walk with me.” He dislodged his elbow from Rosa’s arm and took the girl’s hand. Then he sent Rosa an apologetic look as they began to walk away. Rosa rolled her eyes, trying very hard to ignore the bitter taste of disappointment in her mouth. Now she felt lonely, as she had always felt. And nervous, since she no longer had a companion. She did not know what to do with hands, or her legs for that matter so she collapsed on a chair nearby.

Austin came back to her an hour later, which by that time she had had enough of this party. “Take me home.” She demanded.

“There is…”

“I don’t care. I don’t want your help anymore. I can find a new place myself. Now take me home.

The silence inside the car was deafening. Rosa was used to silence in a closed space, but this one was driving her crazy. She clasped her hands around her purse on her laps and stared at the still darkening rain clouds forming in the horizon. No sooner had they left his parents’ house did it start. Now almost thirty minutes down the road, the falling sun is now completely covered with a thick blanket of dark clouds, promising a heavy downpour. Thank goodness, they were only a fifteen-minute drive from campus now.

Austin rasped his fingers against the steering wheel, evidence of his frustrations too. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed his set jaw and mean stare and knew she was not the only one wishing to get out of this situation. He must hate sitting here with her as much as she hated it right now.

The engine suddenly let out a loud pop and the car slowed. “Whoa,” Austin quickly swerved to the side of the road and the car came to an automatic stop.

“What?” He gasped, checking the dashboard. The fuel tank was full, the signals were great, but what happened?

Rosa sighed as he stepped out of the car. He raised the hood and she slammed against her seat. Just great, this had to happen when they were almost there. Lifting her gaze, she examined the clouds. They have grown darker, whirling in the horizon like a predator. Sparks of lightning struck and chilly winds started to blow. At that point, she knew she had to get out of there before the rains come.

The rapping at her window startled her. Austin was outside her door. She opened and exited the car. A nerve tingling chill rode down her spine and goose bumps rose on her skin. She shivered but remained stiff against the brutal chilling winds.

“I think something is wrong with the engine.” He told her.

Rosa nodded. His words brought back a memory she did not want haunting her at that moment. It was a memory she locked away that she did not want to remember. Unfortunately, the images were already flashing so fast in her mind’s eye. It was dark that night and he was with her. The dark storm clouds had shaded the lights of the stars and moon. The engine of his car had developed a problem and then the rain poured down on them.

“I can’t believe this is happening again.” Austin sighed, reverting his gaze to meet hers.

Rosa stared into his baby blue eyes just as she had that night, speechless that he still remembered.

“I don’t know if you still remember that night, but I do.” He did remember! Something warm swelled in her chest, rose up to her face and warmed her cheeks. “Freshman year, the party at the university hall, our meeting and the trip to your place.” He rubbed his neck, eyes boring into hers. “It seems you have forgotten.” Disappointment flashed in his eyes before he looked away. Heaving a sigh, he walked to the side of the road to hail a taxi.

Rosa watched him, her heart beating ecstatically in her chest. So all these years he knew who she was after all? He remember her yet he thought she did not remember him. The irony of the situation made her smile. They both thought the other forgot hence, they did not even approach each other.

Cowards. Rosa smiled. Maybe this ‘accidental’ meeting was for the best.

Austin returned to her. His hair was ruffled, either it was from the winds or his hands running through it, she could not tell. “No one is stopping for us.” He told her.

“I suggest we walk.” She told him to which he shook his head.

“The rain will pour down any second now. I don’t want you catching a cold because of me.

“That did not stop us the last time. Or did you catch a cold after that beating?” She smiled teasingly.

Austin’s eyes twinkled. He grinned, shaking his head. “No, I didn’t.” He replied.

“Good.” Rosa nodded.

He took off his coat and hung it on her shoulders, just as he had done that night. The intoxicating smell of cauliflower, teased her nostrils and she sighed happily. After Austin locked up his car, they started their way to campus. The rain soon came down on them, getting them wet droplet by droplet. Just like the last time, she asked him to come closer. When he did, she put the jacket on his shoulders and held on to him.

His body heat engulfed her. His cologne, filled up her lungs. His heartbeat thudded powerfully against the side of her face, synchronizing with her own. His arms wound around her shoulders, pressing her much closer against him. Her senses peaked and she became aware of every breath he took, every step, every gasp, every sharp intake of breath.

Maybe reliving that memory was not such a good idea because just as that night, she felt herself falling.

Next chapter