The Neighbors


392.38k words

30 chapters



Table of Contents


Miles is the new kid in school who befriends the boy next door to him, Alex.
Alex, a bright and wise boy, protects Miles from sorrows and always comforts him whenever he needs it.
But just as a certain romance is developing between the two, a tragedy occurs: Alex loses both his parents in an accident. Miles and the others are desperately trying to be there for him, but as it turns out, life takes an even more sinister turn for their friend when a distant relative moves in to become Alex's new guardian. Miles has to find a way of protecting Alex before it's too late. Will he succeed? Will they overcome all obstacles and be together?



What is this?! Chapter 16 leaves everything hanging and chapter 17 is an entirely different book. WTF? Where is the rest of the original story?

2023/12/13 Reply

Icemama Nancy

it's good

2023/8/28 Reply

Nancy Chinaza

I am loving this novel

2023/8/24 Reply

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2023/2/7 Reply