The Meddallion's Secret


It was a chilly night and the sky was dark with clouds that had hidden the moon. Now and then, the sky would rumble and lightning could be seen. It was no doubt it would be raining cat and dogs anytime soon.

The King's of Alphas was moving up and down in his office as he waited for a call. He was arranging his files and reading some that were important at the time. A knock sounded on the door to his office and a man entered.

"Charles, have you heard from Ron?" The king, Kenneth, asked the mate of his beta.

"Yes, he called me and I came here right away." Charles approached his alpha and gave him his tablet. On it were images that his husband, Ron, who was the beta had sent him.

"What the hell are these?" Kenneth asked no one in particular but Charles still replied.

"No one still knows."

Kenneth ignored the comment and focused on the images. These were the creatures that were killing part of his kingdom. They were still unidentified but they were doing their best to identify them so that they knew what they were dealing with.

"Thanks Charles." Kenneth dismissed the beta's mate after transferring the information on the tablet to his laptop.

Charles wanted to ask something but decided to hold his tongue when he saw how busy the alpha was. There was a chance that his request would just be brushed off if he talked at the time. With a sigh, he opened the door and found his nephew on the other side. Daniel was supposed to be in school right now but here he was.


"Yes kiddo. You better hurry up before he leaves for the meeting." Charles smiled at his nephew and gestured him in before he walked out, leaving father and son in the office.

Kenneth looked up when he smelt his son's scent and sighed. He didn't have time to argue with his son and he didn't even want to think about why he wasn't at school right then.

"What do you want, Daniel?"

"Dad, can we talk?"

Kenneth paused what he was doing and stared his son down. Something was wrong with his son because it wasn't Daniel's style to call him dad. He stopped addressing him that years ago. If only Kenneth had some time spare, then he would have loved to sit down and have a talk with his son but not this night. He had alphas waiting for him in his court room.

"No, we can't."

"Oh, okay."

Kenneth's heart clenched when he saw a sad look on his son's face. Something was truly wrong because Daniel never showed his expressions. He would have talked to his son if he could but he didn't have the time. People were dying, attacked by creatures that took too long to die and they all were looking up to him at the moment. His son would have to wait.

"Where's mum? I'll just talk to him."

If Kenneth had any doubts about something being wrong with his son, then those words cleared all doubts. Something was terribly wrong with his son because Daniel would never call Roman, mum. Unfortunately, Roman was busy as well to be with their son.

Kenneth gathered things he needed and approached his son. "I'm sorry, Daniel, he can't be with you right now. I'll come find you after the meeting and we'll talk."

"I don't want later, I want now. I really need to talk to you. Why not cancel the meeting and talk to me? Your son should be more important than anything." Daniel yelled.

"That's the Daniel I know. Always pushing himself to the front and seeking unnecessary attention. I'm a king as well as I'm a father. Right now, my kingdom needs me more than my son does. I don't have time nor strength to argue with you, Daniel, go to your room." Kenneth moved to walk past him son but before he walked out of the office, Daniel held his arm.

"Dad, don't walk out on me." Daniel pleaded but Kenneth only brushed his arm off before walking away.

His heart felt heavy as his son's stare at his retreating figure weighed him down. However, he couldn't do otherwise. His son had proved again and again to not care about him and his mate. He wasn't about to hold a meeting that would be determining peoples lives just to talk to his ungrateful pup. Daniel would have to wait.

The court room was in chaos when Kenneth entered. Insults and growls were thrown here and there between the alphas and elders present. His mate, Roman, looked exasperated. He might have tried to calm everyone down and then was ignored while at it.

"Enough!" Kenneth growled and the room fell silent. He looked around the room and scrutinized each and every one. "Where is the Oracle?"

"Justice will join us soon. He said he had to research something." Michael replied.

"Alright, let's get started." Kenneth took a sit beside his mate. "I understand not all of us here are being attacked. I have these images from a pack in the northern city were these attacks started. I need you to confirm with me if these are the same creatures attacking your boarders."

Kenneth inserted a flash drive in a slot on the table they were all sitting around and the images appeared on it. There were three kind of creatures one of which looked female. The female had smooth sky blue skin, long black hair, yellow eyes, a bit large ears, red lips and they had fangs like vampires. They also had a pointed sharp nose and claws on their fingers. The two males had scaled skin and their fangs were big that they protruded the mouth when closed. They had the ears, eyes, claws and nose like the female creature but their hair was shorter. The difference between the males was that one was light brown skin, the other had darker skin and was also bigger than the other.

The alphas involved in the attacks nodded and Kenneth sighed. His mate offered him a hand under the table which he was eager to hold on to. With a grateful smile to his mate, Kenneth faced the alphas and elders.

"Unfortunately, I haven't figured out what they are but hopefully Justice will light some things for us once he's here." Kenneth was saying when the door opened and Justice walked in.

"Sorry I'm late." He apologized before taking a seat by his mate, Michael. Justice was an Oracle. The court was hoping he would give them information on who their enemy was and maybe why they were here. He was to use his magic to come up with the information.

Justice had planned to arrive on time but he couldn't. Something felt wrong and he was trying to find out what was the problem. When he realized he wasn't going to figure it out, he was half an hour behind schedule. On his way here, an ache in his head had started and it continued to grow stronger as he approached the King's palace. Even now, as he sat on his chair, he felt so sick and wanted nothing more but sleep.

"Are you alright?" Michael linked his mate who looked sick.

"Yes, I'm okay." Justice replied but when he saw how worried Michael looked he added, "it's just the storm coming. I'm alright, don't worry."

Justice would always get sickly if there was a huge storm coming which is why Michael believed that it was just the storm.

"It's okay, Justice. Please address the court." Kenneth said, relieved to put attention on someone else.

Justice braced himself and was about to open his mouth when a strong force knocked him off his chair. He fell to the ground and screamed when his head pounded so hard it felt like it was exploding. Two images of Daniel flashed in his head and he gasped at what he saw. Suddenly, the pain went away and Justice was left panting on the floor.

It took him a minute to realize how still the room felt. There was no Michael rushing to his side to check on him. Justice slowly got up and what he saw took his breath away for a minute. Each and every one in the court, except for him, was still as statues. No movement, no breathing and no heart beat could be sensed in any of them. Justice sensed a very strong magic that held them captive and just then, he remembered seeing Daniel.

"Oh my goddess! Daniel!" Justice raced out of the room going straight to the boy's room. He could only hope it wasn't too late to unwind the events.
