The Higher Power


46.63k words

27 chapters



Table of Contents


Parting his lips, Jordan placed the burning cigarette on his mouth and stood up from his seat before walking towards his shelves containing all his important documents related business, but soon there a light tug on his arm stopped his actions.

It was her, he knew it cause no one other than her had the audacity to enter and exit his cabin without his permission.

His wife, Hattiea.
Or maybe the woman pretending to be his wife?

Jordan's dark eyes landed on the culprit immediately with darkness but as soon as he found her behind him close to him...

He got lost for a moment or so...

The proximity rose slight tension between them.
Raising her fingers up, Hattiea pulled the burning cigarette out from his mouth which was still resting on his lips.

Her delicate fingers brushed his chin and lips softly. Following by the smoke, he released his minty breath in slight awe, her breath taking face was so close to his face.

They both never came so close to one another actually.

Even though it had been quite

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