
Distinct and pained sobs of Janice Wiseman echoed in the old, abandoned basement. Her face covered by her hands in an effort to not see the horror. A mortifying feeling of loathsome nausea bridling through her, like the flames on a pyre, licking the air around her. Her hair matted with dust and soot from the Basement. Filled with cobwebs and dust bunnies scattered across the worn, tattered furniture.

There was an awful stench of mold, assaulting her nostrils as she sniffled, suppressing the sobs that were incoherent but unmistakable. Perturbed as she thought of the mistake she had made, and the blind eye she had turned to the signs that warned her. Warned her that a man such as James Cormer was nothing but a lowlife scumbag, who preyed on her weaknesses.

Preyed on her desperation to be granted attention, for she rarely got it at Home, but little did she know the trouble such needs could bring. Taken advantage of by a man who knew no bounds, and took what he wanted without showcasing any fear of repression. A man who saw the insides of a Police Station more than the Officers that worked in the bullpen. A fiendish and dastardly man, with no qualms of his actions and no care for the repercussions that may follow.

Simply put, a pedophile at best.

"Look, kid, let's just talk this out."

James Cormer's cold blue eyes pleaded as his handlebar mustache twitched above his lips, fidgeting as he looked right into the barrel of a S&W .38 Magnum. His bulky arms covered in tattoos, that stretched into a shoulder sleeve. A burly man, who had yet to see a shave in months, or even a shower for he stunk of cigarettes and sex.

Yet, despite his fearful gaze and odious boilermaker's build, he was not a victim and Vincent Kelsey knew. Knew that he wasn't a man of honor, and he had proven that by preying on Janice Wiseman. An innocent girl with an equally angelic smile--but inexplicably naive.

14 years old and just as scared as the man he held at gunpoint, Vincent shook with fear but grew heated as his eyes bled tears. Tears for the state of Janice Wiseman, a stranger but yet not a stranger, who Vincent glimpsed in all his classes.

They had exchanged words before, but not as much as Friends, yet merely passing glances, smiles and waves in some corners of Franklin High. An introvert who Vincent was too shy to talk to or befriend. Yet they knew each other well enough, for Vincent to be angered by James' actions.

"You raped her you sick, twisted bastard!" Vincent bellowed and James frowned at the word rape.

"She was asking for it!"

James took a step forward, but halted instantly when Vincent jabbed the Gun, jolting himself in the process. Feeling his gangly legs shake and threaten to give way, as he'd never held or fired a gun before. He had seen his Grandfather cleaning the weapon many times, but he had never seen it in action before; yet knew where it was hidden. He didn't know the danger of using such an old piece of metal, but he hadn't much time to think it through. Only thing that mattered, was stopping James Cormer from victimizing Janice, yet; he still was too late.

Janice was already crumpled to the floor, her knees gathered into her arms up to her bare chest, guarding her face as she still felt threatened.

Vincent wasn't much of a savior, for he was just a 14 year old boy grasping a Gun that he didn't know too much about. His pimple laden face and his slim, frail body that was less than half of James Cormer's. Who stood 6 feet tall, with murderous eyes, only now they were laced with fear and apathy. Fear for his life that almost forced him to re-evaluate his intentions, and think of better ways to sate his vile and disgusting desires.

"Don't move, I swear to God," Vince threatened but a new look overtook James' face, instilling a certainty that Vince didn't have the balls to pull the trigger.

"You can't do it, can you?" James smirked and Vince's angry eyes softened, but it was quickly replaced by a hateful scowl as his body shook madly with ominous trepidation.

"You don't want to end up in Jail do you, Kid?"

"Vincent, please." Janice begged as she revealed her craggy, beaten face.

Her green eyes had lost their sparkle the moment she had lost her innocence, to the vile pig that was James Cormer. Her clothes torn and tattered by his hands, that he used to sodomize her and take away her will to choose. He had taken advantage of her naivety, then lured her into the darkness and forced himself on her without thinking of the consequences or the scars Janice would succumb to. He had accepted the silent privilege of becoming her nightmare, and the thought aroused him in a vicious manner.

But Vince wasn't blind to what had happened, for he had witnessed it all and it sent him into a blind rage. So much that he felt the need to fight for Janice's honor, and face the begrimed man even though he barely knew Janice enough.

"Listen to your Friend, boy."

"Shut up!" Vincent screamed, still shivering.

"Please, Vincent. Please don't," Janice pleaded, angering Vincent even more.

"B-but he raped you-you. What am I supposed to do, just let him go?!" Vince asked incredulously, and Janice shifted her gaze to James.

She hated him for what he had done to her, but she hated herself even more for having flaunted her womanly wiles. She was just as much to blame for what had transpired, and though she was foolish in doing so, she was smart enough to know that she was at wrong as well. Now with her stupidity, she risked her life and that of the innocent and pure boy she saw in the hallways of School. The only boy who was kind enough to smile at her, or to speak to her without tease or patronization.

"We-we can c-call the police," She suggested as she tried sitting up, only to wince from the intense pain that shot up her spine.

Her face contorted into bedraggled soreness, and Vince grew even more agitated as he focused his gaze back on James, who his hatred for, had grew exponentially. Yet he knew he couldn't pull the trigger, but knew that the gun would cause quite a scare. Enough for the man to flee at least, so Vincent could save Janice and hopefully bring her rapist to justice.

"Ok," Vincent was reluctant, but he knew that Janice was right.

It had taken Vincent time to make such a decision, but he knew that he didn't want to end up in Jail for it would break his Parents' heart. They had invested much in him, and doing something as moronic as committing murder would only push them away.

James watched the exchange with sinister eyes, attempting to formulate a plan that could help him escape them. To silence them, for his face was well known and he would be thrown in jail to rot for his previous crimes. As well as a count of assault, rape and whatever other transgressions he laid bare. He watched the Gun in Vince's hand, careful not to alarm them or give them knowledge of his plan. Silently waiting for an opening, to overcome Vincent and take the gun from the shivering and frightened boy.

"Come on, lets go." He ordered and Janice summoned all the strength her body could muster, nodding as she rose from the ground.

James watched and studied Vincent, who chose to keep his eyes glued to the man so he couldn't think of escaping. Janice clutched unto an old table, her face illuminated by the afternoon light shining through a dusty high window to the left of the basement. Her stomach spasmed and churned, and her legs wobbled achingly but all her strength had been expelled. She felt her legs giving way, and was helpless to stop herself from toppling over, capturing Vince's attention.

"Janice!" Vincent screamed as his heart pumped in his chest, so loud he could hear it as his eyes widened in fear and shock.

James remained still and time slowed as he watched the Gun shift in Vincent's hand. In one swift movement he made after Vincent, but it was to his own undoing, for Vince's quick reflexes kicked in but, in a dire and most terrifying way.

Vince's eyes widened as the Gunshot echoed, jolting him awake in the Hospital Bed, sweating bullets and panting heavily. He clutched his chest as he heaved a dry breath, swallowing harshly as a lump formed in his throat. A bile rose, leaving a bitter and vile taste on his tongue and his body convulsed, his eyes twitching in pain as his arm throbbed with intense malady.

"Whoa, dude!"

A voice spoke beside him and his head jolted around, meeting the gaze of a fair skinned young man, at least 5' 9", with brown hair styled in a classic pompadour, piercing blue eyes and a swimmers build. Austin Kelsey, the spitting image of Vince Kelsey's younger self, only a much more happier version with the megawatt smile on his face, and a tiny mole below his left nostril.

"Austin? W-what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'd ask you the same question because, for some possibly stupid and childish reason you chose not to call anybody to let them know you were in a Hospital!" Austin's voice was scolding but with a smidgen of worry that annoyed Vince.

"Director Silver knows I'm here,"

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just tell me that you contacted your Boss instead of your own Family."

"Austin, I'm really not in the mood to have my younger Brother lecture me on life ethics. Shit hit the fan, I walked it off."

"You walked off near death? Do you hear yourself dude?" Austin asked with a scowl of disapproval and Vince grumbled below his breath.

Vince quickly hunched back on the Bed, sighing heavily as he watched the ceiling with a mind distracted by his nightmare. Or rather a distant memory that he buried, only to be unearthed by some strange phenomenon that had begun after succumbing to the injuries, that led him to Sanbridge General.

"What the hell happened anyway?" Austin asked as he leaned back in the chair, crushing his Leather Jacket.

"I got stabbed,"

"No shit," Austin deadpanned with a scowl and Vince grimaced as the stitches in his arms throbbed.

"Smartass," Vince hissed as his eyes squeezed shut.

"What the hell happened to you?" Austin questioned, and Vince grunted. "Who stabbed you?"

"I got in a fight, ok?"

"That's rich,"

"What? Not good enough for you?" Vince asked with a scowl and Austin frowned, his lips twisting into a grim line.

"You were drinking again weren't you?"

Vince paused, his face paling as the question echoed in his thoughts, but he was reluctant to divulge that to Austin. He had in fact been drinking, and an equally tipsy guy at the Bar chose to perplex him. Though he hadn't been able to know that he'd get stabbed, for it happened too fast. He of course reacted and the other guy ended up with a broken nose, a busted forehead and, a sprained arm.

"Can't I have a drink without being judged?"

"Maybe somebody else, Vince, but we all know how you are every year this time around."

"Austin," Vince warned.

"No, Vince. You keep running away from it, and it's not healthy. You have to forgive yourself for what happened that day," Austin advised sternly and Vince grimaced. "It wasn't your fault,"

"Doesn't hide the fact that I did it!" Vincent snapped and Austin gritted his teeth, his lips pursing marginally.

"Why didn't you call, Vince?"

"I was gonna call, Austin. I just didn't expect to have a sliced Artery. I'm still disoriented from the pain meds these Doctors are giving me, so right now is not the time for this discussion." Vince said honestly, but was still boiling with annoyance.

Director Silver knew that contacting Family was protocol for such situations, yet it was obvious that the call wasn't made. For many reasons, Vince had believed that his Family chose not to come, but that still remained to be seen.

Austin and Vince had a fairly healthy relationship, and he was the only tie that Vincent still had to his own Family. For everyone else was just a sore that he ached to rid himself of, but his attempts were ineffective and futile for they persisted.

"You know, that excuse would have probably worked when I was six years old, Vince. Unfortunately for you I'm not a kid anymore."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Vince's gaze drifted to Austin, his brows furrowed.

Austin sighed as he pondered saying it out loud, but perked up the moment he remembered that Vince would have spoken regardless. "I know you're still avoiding Mom and Dad, and sometimes me too." He affirmed and Vince groaned out heavily in frustration.

"I don't avoid you, Austin, you have School and I have work. We're at different points in our life, but we're still Brothers at the end of the day." Vince tried and Austin chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You didn't deny avoiding Mom and Dad." Austin said with scolding heaviness in his voice. "I don't get why you can't just make up with them, I hate being a conduit you know."

"Fine, I wouldn't have called them but how in the world did you find out that I was here?" Vince asked, peering at Austin with a raised eyebrow.

"I called him," They both turned their heads towards the entrance of the Room, greeting the smiling face of Emanuel Rosario, neatly dressed in his Scrubs that brought out his complexion.

Vince's face hardened as Emanuel stood there, a large three part Tupperware with a purple cover clutched in both hands. Vince's eyebrows creased, as he pondered why the Doctor held a plate of food instead of a Clipboard; as he always did.

"Great," Vince churned out haughtily.

"You must be Dr. Rosario,"

Austin rose from the chair beside Vince's bed, greeting Emanuel with a welcoming smile and an outstretched hand. Vince wasn't at all pleased that Emanuel had contacted Austin, though he and his Brother were close. Still Vince didn't want his younger sibling to see him in that state, despite feeling gratitude for Austin's presence.

"Yeah, but you can call me Emanuel." He took Austin's hand and shook it vigorously with a bright smile and Vince grunted.

"Nice to meet you, I see you're taking good care of him for me." Austin grinned and Emanuel chuckled lightly.

"I guess so, I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly but I'm glad someone is here."

"Well I was studying for Finals when you called, but hearing what happened I just had to come see him. He's a little well, emotional when he goes to hospitals." Austin pursed his lips, folding his arms across his taut chest and Emanuel nodded.

"Pretty much figured that one out," Emanuel mused with a slight nod and Austin laughed heartily.

"Still in the Room," Vince noted with a frown and Emanuel shot him an apologetic look.

"This isn't regular Hospital procedure, but I thought this could ease your mind a bit, with all the craziness." Emanuel walked over to the bed, and handed Vince the plate but the man only gazed at it oddly.

His stomach growled as he gazed at the Tupperware, and his mouth virtually watered at the thought but he remained relentless.

"What's that?"

"Its Food?" Emanuel's brows furrowed and Vince rolled his eyes.

"I know it's Food, but why are you giving it to me?"

"Well, after we talked yesterday I don't know, I just felt it would be nice to get you something that isn't made by Hospital Cooks," Emanuel shrugged and Vince peered at the Tupperware again, salivating as the smell of herbs and spices assaulted his nostrils in a most pleasing way.

"It's Chicken," Emanuel dangled the plate before a Vince's eyes with a teasing smile and his stomach growled and bubbled.

"Are you sure it's not your way of softening the blow of going through my Phone?" Vince asked somewhat teasingly and Emanuel blushed.

"How did you know I went through your phone?" Emanuel asked with wide eyes, and Vince fought the urge to laugh.

"I wasn't exactly asleep," Vince couldn't help but smile, and Emanuel blushed fiercely as the man's cold yet calculating gaze bore a hole through him.

"Fine, let's pretend that that's the reason why." Emanuel chided but still, Vince hesitated and Austin watched the exchange with growing annoyance.

"Dude, just take the damn plate, I wish my Doctor made me Chicken when I had my surgery all those years ago." Austin shook his head vehemently with a frown and Emanuel chuckled, but Vince had an odd look etched on his face.

"You had your tonsil removed,"

"So?" Austin asked with a shrug and Vince grimaced, taking the warm plate from Emanuel.

"I'm surprised that you're still in College," Vince scowled as he gazed down at the plate, anticipating the moment he would get to eat a home cooked meal. Something he hadn't had in months, due to not being able to cook to save his life.

"Yeah, about that," Austin said in an odd, sing-song voice and Vince peered at him with a worried, skeptical gaze.

"Austin, what did you do?" Vince asked with a raised eyebrow and Austin began chuckling awkwardly.

"This isn't about me, Vince. Now eat your food while I go get you a bottle of water," Austin announced as he bounded out of the room.

"Austin! Get back here, you little- gah that Kid is going to make me choke him." Vince muttered.

"I don't know, he seems nice." Emanuel shrugged and Vince grunted indifferently.

Emanuel took a seat where Austin sat, and regarded Vince for a second but soon averted his gaze when the man caught him staring. He should have been working, but something had drawn him to Vince and he just craved at least another minute with him.

"Thanks for letting me know that you were contacting my Family," Vince drawled, displeased and Emanuel frowned slightly.

"Here I was thinking you were gonna say, thanks for the Meal, Doc, I really appreciate you doing this for me." Emanuel frowned playfully and Vince sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect anybody to care enough."

"To be honest, it is kinda weird that I got you Food."

"Is it?"

"I really don't know," Emanuel shrugged, seemingly confused and Vince smiled warmly.

"I'm sorry about being a dick, I really do appreciate this. Plus I haven't had a home cooked meal in a while, so this will no doubt be satisfying." Vince said sincerely, and Emanuel could hear the honesty in his voice.

"It's ok," Emanuel chuckled, "You've been through a lot over the past few days, I think it kinda justifies being pissy. Maybe not too much, but luckily I'm nice and you get a pass."

"You're unlike any other Doctor I've met, bringing me food, checking up on me."

"In my defense, as your Doctor I'm supposed to check up on you, its protocol." Emanuel pointed out and Vince nodded in agreement, his shoulder shrugging flippantly.

"True, but do all of your Patients get these special privileges?" Vince asked somewhat teasingly and Emanuel's cheeks burned hotly.

"I-I it's, no you-you are, n-no. You just reminded me of a bad experience I had my first year of residency, and I uhh, guess you can say I felt a little too personally attached." Emanuel explained sparking Vince's interest. "But if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll back off and I'm sorry if this makes you feel well, weird." Emanuel frowned slightly, suddenly wondering what had led him to his actions.

Without another word, Emanuel rose from the chair and turned to leave but Vince surprised him by grabbing onto his hand. A physical act of self assured affection, though confusing it might have seemed for them both. For a spark ignited and they both jolted at the feeling, both growing red hot as their eyes met, with their arms still linked.

Emanuel had a case of nostalgic indifference spasming through him, as his mind reflected back on the first night Vince Kelsey touched him. Only the second time around was much more pleasant, and though it was equally soft. This time Emanuel couldn't mistake that feeling he felt, bridling through every inch of his body like it did the first time.

"It doesn't," Vincent said with urgency as he panted, suddenly out of breath.

Their gazes met at once and for the first time, something happened that was unspoken yet too intense to not acknowledge. Something awakening in both of them at that very minute, but none of them thought it would lead to the coming days ahead that they were to face.

"It doesn't?"

"No, I-."

"I can believe they don't have any Orange juice in the-," Austin strode into the room, halting in his steps as he saw Vince and Emanuel's arms joined.

Both Vincent and Emanuel appeared as two deers caught in headlights, and they released each other's hands. Emanuel turned away from Vince, avoiding Austin's suggestive gaze as he attempted to gather his awfully scattered wits.

"...vending machine," Austin finished with an eyebrow raised, and Vincent cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Your umm, uhh temperature seems fine, you don't seem to have a f-fever." Emanuel blurted out foolishly, and Austin grew even more confused.

"Thanks, Doc," Vince said in a voice higher than he anticipated.

Before anything else could be said, Emanuel flashed Austin an awkward smile and hurriedly rushed from Vince's side, brushing past Austin then out of the Room as if in a hurry. Austin drifted his gaze to the retreating Doctor, then back at his Brother as he pointed a thumb.

"They can check the temperature by palms now?" Austin asked with a suggestive smirk and Vince threw a pillow at his head.

"Not another word," Vince warned as Austin ducked whilst chuckling.

Next chapter