
Author's note: English is not my first language. I'd appreciate constructive criticism instead of hatred.

The story includes:

angst // romance // comedy // friendship // fluff // jealousy // love triangle // mafia // explicit theme // high school life // bad boy theme // nerds and...stuff that will make you want to wish that this were a reality.

☢ :Please avoid reading if amazing content makes you faint or have a heart attack.I don't wanna be jailed,yet- (¬_¬ )


"I lie to them, saying we're frenemies...but we know it's just us. So us."


My nightmares were getting worse, I had been dreaming off travelling with someone over miles and miles with no destination. I was still in my nightmares when someone started calling my name. "NORA BRIDGES!"my grandma slammed open the door of my room, making me jump out of my bed.

"WHAT?!"I woke up, startled by her.

"DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL,YOUNG LADY!"she yelled at me. I hurriedly checked my alarm clock, it was already ten minutes pass bell time.


"Get out of your bed and get ready!"she warned me and walked out, slamming my door once again.

"Urgh!"I groaned stepping out of my beautiful safe heaven and moving to the cold-clashing ground of my bathroom. It's not funny when you're a high school student and you have to give up your precious morning nap. I knew Mr.Miller wouldn't mind me skipping his STI, it wasn't like anyone attended that period anyway. I took a quick shower, changed into my uniform and took a quick peek in the mirror.

"Ugh!"my uniform made me look like so disgusting, I was hating it already. I combed my hair and tied them up in a pony tail, applied a bit of make up. Light and natural was today's look. Took my bag and gave myself one last check before heading downstairs.

"Nora!Your food!"she called out, running out of the house after me. I was already on my bike. I had recently started my sophomore year of high school and I couldn't mess it up here since the school faculty was kinda strict. They had made us all wear cringy ass navy-blue uniforms throughout the whole year. That sucked.

I paddled with my whole strength. I broke one signal and still managed to reach late. Got Detention for being late and barely made it to my math class.

Ahh, just like any other day, :)

I took in a heavy sigh, knocked on the door and waited for my lovely math teacher to allow me to enter. The door knob twisted, it clicked open. Okay don't panic, just smile and be natural.

The man opened the door and stared at me for a sec,"Ms.Bridges..."he smiled,"aren't you a bit early?"

I looked at my wrist watch, I was only five minutes late for his class. I looked up and gave him a smug smile,"Mr.Eugene...I have an explanation. I-"

"Please save your excuses for yourself,Ms.Bridges." He shook his head,"Get in."

I nodded and ran up to my chair, unpacked my bag, took out my register and started noting down the things that were written on board. As I wrote it all down, I peeked at my math teacher.

Okay so this guy was the worst human being to have walked this planet. I hated his egoistic presence. He was only twenty-two and already had a stable life.

Although he had a nice handwriting,meh. He was probably near 6'2? He had dark brown locks. He had what they call a heart/inverted triangle shaped face. This means that his forehead was widest, and the width tapers going down towards his chin. He was a self-analyzer, quick thinker and possessed a good memory. Which meant he had me written down his list of the most hated people. His skin was a bit tan, he didn't look from around here tho.

He wasn't too much built, but often whenever he'd wear tight clothes...yeah his biceps would be prominent. Bet he had fucked up with every girl who'd hit him up. While HERE he was just my math teacher,a teacher I never got along with.

I just didn't get why this guy had a resting handsome-bitch face. He was nothing like other math teachers, not too cranky or uptight. I heard he even went to parties of the high school seniors. He might've slept with half of our school. Nothing less was expected from this devilish guy.

So handsome evil.

I didn't even know I was staring at him. " seem to be noticing everything so clearly, hopefully we can get an answer from you?"Mr.Eugene snapped me out of my thoughts.


"I asked would you mind solving this question on the board for me?"He raised an eyebrow at me. I took everything in for a second. I studied the board, I slowly walked up to him, dragging my feet on the floor and pouting.

"You seemed to be very attentive,"he whispered in my ear before handing me the board marker. I smirked back,"Don't taught me well," I mumbled. He smirked back at me.

I started the calculation and solved it within the next three minutes. Mr.Eugene, gave me a grin before asking me to sit down. "I expect nothing less from my star student anyway." He turned back to the board.

I rolled my eyes.

I hated this guy so much that for a while I had developed a small addiction to his mocks. If he wouldn't bug me during the class, I'd find my day incomplete. It had become a habit, not a good one but just a small obsession of being a ten out of ten teacher's cause of smirk.

That shit is crazy. I knew.

"Okay class, I'd love to see everyone turn their books to their bags and take out a paper...we'll be having a small quiz." He asked for us to get ready for the surprise quiz. Everyone started complaining.


"You know math sucks."

"Mr.Eugene!you love us so please cancel it."

And he'd laugh back at them. I simply tear off a page from my spiral register and wrote my name at the top left corner. He glanced at me through the corner of his eye while he helped Addison tear a page off.

I knew he looked and I pretended I didn't notice. But I always did, I felt weird and something hit my chest whenever his grey orbs had me in their view. He'd have a small smirk playing on his lips and this familiar devilish aura that lurked around him, only when he were around me. He had a totally different attitude with everyone else.

Why is he so good looking?It's pathetic.

I did my quiz before everyone, that meant you could leave the class early then all of these cockroaches.

"Thank you for today,"I placed my paper on his desk,"and I'll be off-"

"Ms. Bridges!"he crossed his arms, making me stop in mid-air as I lifted off my chair,"you should know you have detention for being late."


"See you after school!"He went to his desk. I hated him. I solved his question and the quiz. But still I got detention!No wonder I hated his existence. He was the worst person alive.

I barged out of my class, stomping my feet. As if I'd crack the floor with my steps, but I was angry and I had to let it out on someone. I knew anger meant hunger and hunger meant food. I ran down to the cafeteria and waited for my group to show up. Guess it was our 350th day of how much I hated LEONARDO EUGENE RAMIREZ!

"SO!HE IS LIKE,MS.BRIDGES-"I told everyone about what happened in my class. It was the usual. They all laughed and listened to me talk about him as I explained how he was the worst person ever.

"He's totally nasty,"Grey, my side hoe, joined me in support.

"He's handsome tho,"Kate swung a fry at me and pointed her index finger at Joe,"what do you say handsome?"

"I'm better off without being compared to that guy,"Joe leaned over the table and ate her fry.

"EW!"Grey and I cringed. "What?"Kate nudged me. I felt like throwing up,"I'm gonna puke!"

"Not our fault you're love phobic,"Joe smirked. I rolled my eyes at him for being cocky.

I was not love phobic, I was just...not a supporter of love and romance. It made me throw up. I wasn't gay, if I were I'd be dating a girl for a while. But I wasn't interested in anyone. Felt like my mind would go blank whenever a guy confessed...and I'd throw whatever I'd have in my hands at them.

I still remember that Grey confessed to me right after two months of my transfer and I blurted out,"EWW NO!"

Instead of "I'm sorry I respect your feeling but I can't do it", and after that Grey became my closest friend here. I still felt bad for saying that to him. He was always such a precious friend.

Well for the time being, it all seemed to be a pretty normal day till detention came. The demonic aura that was lurking in the area, gave me shivers. I eagerly waited for Mr.Eugene to grace me with his presence but that guy never showed up.

An hour went by, he didn't come. I figured I was probably framed by my math teacher.


I picked my bag and left. I reached home by four. Grandma knew I was probably in detention so she didn't bother asking me how the day went.

"How is that handsome teacher of yours'?"she asked, placing the coffee on table. We both sat across each other on the lounge's couch.

I took my cup,"Handsome his ass!"


"He left me in detention for an hour,Gran Gran!"I groaned.

"Now don't go off telling your father about him,"Grandma gave me the look,"you know James will probably get that guy kicked out."

"I know I won't do something like that,"I looked away,"dad wouldn't even care about it anyway."

"Sweetie, we both know he's busy with some work, you'll go back to him in an year."She tried to make me feel good.

"NO!I won't!"I ran up to hug her,"I'm going to stay with grandma forever!"I snuggled up to her.

"Come on now!I won't be here forever,"she joked,"you need to see your two friends as well now don't you!"

"Tyler and Britt?"I looked at her.


"I miss them but I love you more!"I hugged her waist. She smelled just like soap and lotion.

"I love you most."She hugged back.

Grandma and I had a special bond since mom died. Mom was her only daughter, my grandfather couldn't bear the burden of his daughter's loss. He died within an year. While grandma raised me up in Los Angeles at dad's house. I was only three by mom's death. She died in a hospital fire, fighting epilepsy. She had tonic-clonic seizures and was often found unconscious after it, she was going through a treatment. Dad and I were at our place the night she died.

They told us that she was saving some other patients and got caught up in the fire. Her body was recognized through the pendant in her neck. It somehow managed to stay safe.

I took the pearl in it and replaced it with a gold chain, hanging the pendant in my neck as a charm. I always felt that mom was with me, but my dad, he had gotten engaged to his work so badly that he almost forgot sometimes that he had a daughter.

He owned a company named Maniac. James Bridges, CEO of Los Angeles biggest designing company, having more than one thousand models under it's label. It was a successful business but since he got so badly caught up in his work, I decided to move out with grandma for my high school. Grandma was also kinda lonely. She moved back to her place after grandpa died. This house held the memories of her husband and daughter.

I was very excited about living with grandma, but somehow my sophomore year got ruined. My math teacher had some issues with me. That guy couldn't keep his grin to himself, he was the perfect embodiment of troubles.

By trouble... I don't mean that he was limited to my life in school.

That was just an early rising gift for me, he was connected to a lot more things in my life...

The bell rang and our afternoon session of drinking coffee together just ended since my tutor, Mr.Eugene, just came over to teach me math.

"Good evening,"He greeted grandma.

"Ahh,how are you,Leo?"she asked.

"I'm doing great,"he gave her a slight hug,"good evening,Nora."

"Evening,Mr.Eugene." I would love to do an eye roll at him but I couldn't, my grades were pending on it.

"How was detention today?"He held back his laughter. "Oh that,"I gritted my teeth,"was good."

"I hope to see you there tomorrow as well,"he gave his million dollar smile,"let's start with today's work,shall we?"


"I lie to them, saying we're frenemies...but we know it's just us. So us."

Next chapter