Chapter 2

The first thing that Jenny felt even before opening her eyes, was the killing headache. She had a habit of pressing and rubbing her eyes along with her forehead. So, when her hands automatically tried to reach her forehead they were stopped.

Big and rough hands were holding her wrists. In other occasions she would have shouted in panic but those hands were familiar to her. She didn't realize when she stopped breathing. Slowly she opened her eyes, looking straight into the chocolate brown ones.

Liam was hovering right above her, holding her hands. She didn't saw him for weeks and nothing changed except for his stubbles, that made him more handsome.

"Breath, Jenny."

Liam whispered and leaned down to kiss on her forehead. That moment, she totally forgot about her headache. As soon as his lips touched her forehead, she released her breath.

The moment was broken when Liam got up from the side of the bed and went to stand near the window. Jenny's mind was blank for a few seconds before everything came rushing back to her.

She remembered that she was on her way to hospital when she was chased and them hitting her. He eyes widen and she could feel her anger in her blood.

She got up from the bed very fast and her body didn't like it. She fall back on the bed with a thud. Her forgotten headache was making it's presence known.

Liam turned towards her and she was looking really angry. Jenny was getting confused as well as angry. First she didn't understand why he brought her in his house and then he was angry too. She groaned because of the pain and Liam became more angry.

"When are you going to learn to take care of yourself?" Liam shouted angrily.

"Excuse me? I was minding my business and was on my way to hospital but your men chased me and hit me on the head. I clearly remember hearing them calling me your girl."

"They were not my men. You were kidnapped! Hearing me? Kidnap!"

Jenny frozed. She was looking at Liam hoping he would laugh at the joke but his face was very much angry. Jenny left few shaky breath before she started to laugh.

Liam frowned not understanding why she was laughing. Jenny tried to talk but her laugh was not letting her.

"Do tell me what you find so funny."

"I am laughing at the irony. You left me, broke up with me so that you can keep me safe. But see I still managed to get myself kidnapped. Wow! What a luck!"

Liam didn't know what to say so kept his mouth shut and his face was blank. He was cursing himself. He was an idiot who made Jenny and himself went through a heart break. But he was forced. To save her he had to let her go.

"Maybe they didn't know about our break up."

Jenny looked at him angrily, 'The audacity of this man!', she thought.

"Oh yeah? You should have made it a breaking news with lines like, Selfish son of a politician just broke his girlfriend's heart or Liam Bradford had enough of Jennifer Wilson. I like the second one better."

Liam closed his eyes to control himself. He was about to tell her to stop talking nonsense but she started talking again.

"Now that I am here that means you saved me. How did you do that?" Jennifer asked, all serious that time.

"Your bodyguards save you."

"My what? I don't have any bodyguards."

"You have. They are appointed by me. As I knew that you need protection." Liam said sitting on the couch.

Jenny was silent after that. Liam thought she got all the answers that's why she became silent. But he heard her asking in a very faint voice,


Liam looked at her confusingly, "Why what?"

Jenny seemed to be out of whatever she was thinking. "Mr. Bradford, you said that you don't care about me. Then tell me why? Why did you appoint bodyguards for me? It shouldn't matter to you if I am alive or dead."

"You know what I did for keeping you safe. Of course, I will appoint bodyguards to keep you safe. I don't want you to get hurt by them because of me."

"That's why hurt me the most before they could."

Liam gulped and made his face blank. "That was best for us."

"Of course. Well, thank you for saving me now I would like to go back to work."

Jenny got up and started to walk towards the door. But his words stopped her.

"You can't."

"What do you mean by I can't?"

Liam sighed and walked close to her. "You need to stay away from the hospital, actually you should stay away from it."

"I am a doctor, Liam. I can't stay away from hospital."

"I know but something is going to happen. I don't know what it is but something in the hospital will happen. I have been trying to find out what's it about but no luck."

"There are thousands things that happen in the hospital everyday. That doesn't mean doctors need to stay away."

"Whatever I am thinking is going to happen if that actually happens, you won't be able to handle it. Not only you, all the doctors."

"Are you indirectly calling us coward?" Jenny narrowed her eyes.

"What? No! It's just-"

"We may not be able to act like some goons like you people can but we are brave too. Doctors are brave that's why they can operate thousands of operation, taking every risk they save people's life. Even after seeing several people dying in front of their eyes, they smile when they go back to their family. I don't think anyone will be brave enough to compare with us, the doctors. The mental sufferings we feel are unreal. And you say we can't handle!"

"You try to save people, you have good intentions but in my side, no one ever do anything for the betterment of other. You don't know how nasty it's going to turn."

"Then I am going to stand with my fellow doctors. I don't want to be safe just because you warned me earlier. Don't think too much about me or else your enemies won't understand that we are not a couple anymore."

Jenny turned again towards the door but this time Liam hugged her from her back. He just kept hugging her without any word. Jenny closed her eyes to keep her emotions in check. He didn't say anything but she understood what he was trying to say.

He wanted her to stay there with him but he couldn't say and she couldn't stay.

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