Secret Garden 1: Forbidden Fantasy

Chapter 1

THE GRADUATION march has already started, and yet Victoria wasn’t there. She was standing alone while her classmates were with their parents and guardians. She had been calling Victoria, but she was not picking up. Eyre was irritated and nervous at the same time. What if something terrible happened to Victoria?

“Ah… I must not think about some bad thoughts,” Eyre told herself.

Sadly, if Victoria couldn’t make it, she has to go by herself.

“What’s with the long face?

Eyre turned to the direction of the voice and found Victoria walking towards her.

“You’re here!” Her voice was almost crack, she was about to cry.

“Of course, I won’t miss your graduation.” Victoria planted a soft kiss on her cheek. “I’m sorry for being late, darling. The tire broke.

Eyre beamed. “It doesn’t matter now.

Soon it was Eyre’s turn to march. She walked down the aisle alongside Victoria. Joy and pride filled her heart as she walks. She finally got a college degree, she was now a step closer to her goal. All thanks to Victoria, if not because of her, she wouldn’t be there.

“And now, let us hear from our guest speaker, Christian Marco Herondale.

Everybody stood up and clapped their hands as the guest speaker walks towards the center of the stage. But that was not the case for Eyre. She was stunned for a moment.

Christian Marco Herondale looks so stunningly divine in her eyes! Just by looking at him, it already made her heart beats erratically.

‘What is the meaning of this?’ Eyre asked herself. ‘Why am I feeling this way?

“Hey, why are you still standing?” Annie whispered as she pulls her down back to her seat.

She heaved a sigh, tried to calm herself, and listen to the speaker’s words. But no matter how Eyre tried to concentrate, she could not focus. Her mind was wandering somewhere far from reality. She was daydreaming.

“Close your mouth, girl.” She turned to Annie, who was now suppressing a laugh. “Was that a drool?” she teased.

“Shut up,” Eyre said with a glare.

God, was she that obvious? But Eyre couldn’t help it, she was already attracted to him.

‘Is it love?’ The thought made her cringe. Is it really possible for someone to fall in love at first sight? Eyre was not the romantic type of girl, so she couldn’t believe that. But with her heart now beating erratically, she might change her mind. ‘Or is it the other way around?

It could be just physical attraction—lust—which was more likely to happen. Who will not lust over this man? His manly facial features were beyond perfection. The way his suit fits him perfectly says how good his body build was, she was pretty sure girls will go crazy for that.

The crowd stood up once again when Christian Marco Herondale ended his speech. Eyre’s eyes followed his every move, she found it fascinating. She never knew watching someone could be this satisfying. She’d smile when he laughs, frown when he sighs. Her heart would beat erratically each time Christian’s gaze will turn to her direction even though she wasn’t sure if he could see her. Eyre knew she would definitely look like an idiot, but she doesn’t care at all. Lust or love, she wants Christian.

“And now, for the awarding of diplomas. May we call on our guest speaker to please come forward.

‘This is it!’ The part that she’d been waiting for, she could meet him face to face.

Eyre patiently waited for her turn.

Now she regrets changing her name into Eyre Greene. If only she had used her birth name, she would be the first one to come up on stage.

She didn’t expect that several minutes could be that long. It felt like she was waiting for an eternity.

“Gomez, Annie Rose.

Her heart skipped a bit, she was next.

“Faster, Annie… Faster. Faster. Faster,” she chanted.

“Greene, Eyre, cum laude.

She stood up and walked gracefully towards the stage to receive her diploma and to meet Christian. But Eyre’s hopes were crushed when Christian fished out his phone from his suit's pocket, said something to the dean of their college, and went backstage. He was gone, just like that.

Spell unlucky, E-Y-R-E!

Eyre accepted her diploma with a frown. When she turned at Victoria’s direction, she was looking at her with eyes wide shut.

“WHEN will that frown leave your face?” asked Victoria.

They were now inside the car, traveling home.

Eyre heaved a deep and long sigh to show how upset she was. Right after she went back on her seat Christian came back on stage.

“What?” Victoria glanced at Eyre and turned back her attention on the road.

“Nothing,” she responded and sighed again.

“Come on, Eyre, tell me what’s bothering you, darling.” Victoria really sounded worried.

“Just drive, Victoria.” She fixed her eyes on the view outside their car.

“You know that I don’t like seeing you upset.

“I will tell you once I’m ready.

Eyre leaned her head on the windshield and put on her earpods. She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep so that Victoria won’t bother her anymore. Soon, they arrived home.

“We’re home.” Victoria tapped her cheek.

Eyre slowly opened her eyes and yawned before getting off the car. She rushed to her room and opened her laptop instead of changing her clothes.

She typed Christian’s full name on the search engine. The results were crazy!

Eyre clicked the first link that directed her to the CMH Enterprise’s webpage. The article was a biography.

Christian wasn’t a typical rich guy that came from a wealthy family who inherited all the wealth and power. He came from nothing and climbed his way to the top. They were almost the same, except for the fact that Eyre used Victoria to change her entire life.

Once again, she scanned through the results and found a link to Christian’s social media account. The account was inactive for years now, but it still has his photos. Eyre propped her chin on her hand and sighed. She wanted him.

“Will we ever meet again?” Her fingers traced his face on her laptop’s screen. She wanted to feel him, to see him. “Haa! What kind of sorcery is this?

She never felt that way towards someone before. It was all new to her, it’s making her crazy as hell.

“I want him… I want him so bad,” she told herself.

She must do something… and she knew the only person who can help her to find Christian. Eyre rushed to Victoria’s room, she found her lying down on the bed, must be really exhausted. Victoria just got home from New York and attended her graduation the same day. She loves Eyre as if she was her own blood and flesh.

“Forget about celebrating my graduation, just do me a favor.

Victoria’s head slowly rises up, looked at Eyre with eyes half-open.

“What the hell, Eyre? Can we just talk about it tomorrow? I’m already sleeping.” She groaned and went back to sleep.

“But, Victoria…” Eyre joined her on the bed. She rocked Victoria’s body hard enough to wake her senses.

“Argh! Why are you pestering me like this?” she complained.

“Find Christian Marco Herondale for me, please…” Eyre pleaded like a school kid.

Victoria turned to her. “How many people were on your list, Eyre? Who shall I find first? Tell me.

“Are you mad at me?” She pouted her lips.

“Of course not. You know I promised you that I will give you everything you want.” Victoria tapped her cheek. “But before I find him, you must tell me why.

“I want him.

Victoria’s eyes rolled. She could see the disapproval in her eyes. Oh, no… that this time. Eyre must convince her.

“Eyre, you’re going to New York with me. You have to learn everything about the company. You’re my heiress, remember?” Victoria heaved a sigh.

“Don’t fret, Victoria, I’ll come with you.

Victoria sat down, Eyre moved closer.

“Eyre, listen to me… You always get what you want and heard nothing from me. Why? Because I love you and I want you to be happy. But this find-Christian-thing is…” Victoria massaged her forehead. “Could you please tell me why?

“I already told you that I want him. Now, if you can’t find him, I’m not coming with you.” Eyre’s last resort was blackmailing her.

She knew Victoria, she might disapprove now, but with the right bargain she’ll give in. Eyre will eventually get what she wanted.

“Who taught you to be a brat?” Victoria lay down and turned to the other side of the bed.

“You.” Eyre left the bed.

“You’re coming with me,” Victoria told Eyre before she pulled up the blanket to cover her face.

“You’ll find Christian for me?” Victoria did not respond. “I’ll take it as a yes.

Eyre happily went out of the room and came back again when she remembered something.

“I’ll go to New York after meeting him, okay?” she said.

Victoria pulled down the blanket and turned to her direction.

“You’re coming with me.

“How can I meet him if I come with you?” Eyre almost sounded like a crying child.

“I’ll arrange everything. Now, go and let me get a decent sleep.” Victoria shoved her hand.

Eyre smiled triumphantly. Soon, they will meet again…

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