Chapter Twenty One

Ryder POV:

"The girls!"

"Boss, calm down. What happened?" Kade asked.

"It's a trap. A group of men came in. We were ambushed." Samuel told us.

I stared for a short moment.

"Lane?" I asked.

Samuel's face fell and paled.

"Fuck!" Kade screamed then turned to me.

"The girls. We have to get back to the girls now!" He said angrily.

I cut Samuel's binds and together, the three of us headed back to the cabin.

When we pulled up, the front door was open. We all hopped off our bikes and ran into the house.

"Lana!" I yelled as I frantically searched the house.

"Sarah!" Kade yelled.

"God... They're gone." Samuel said, his voice breaking.

"Boss." I said but he didn't respond. He was in shock and terrified.

"Boss!" I yelled at him and he finally looked at me.

"We are going to get the girls back. Do you understand me?" I asked him, sternly.


"What do we do?" Kade asked. He was panicking as well.


"Wait.." I said, stopping to think.

"An ouroboros.. A snake eating it's tail, right?" I asked the two of them, causing them to nod.

"And what is a Viper?" I asked.

Kade and Samuel looked at me in shock.

"A snake." They said in unision.

"That's why they've been able to hide." Samuel said.

"They changed their symbol." Kade continued.

"Okay... Okay, now that we know who took them, we need to check all of the known safe houses." I told them.

"There are dozens of them, brother. How do you expect us to do that?" Kade asked.

"Call in the boys." I replied.

"They knew the girls were here. But how?" Samuel asked.

"Maybe they've been watching this whole time?" I asked them.

"Or we have a mole." Kade replied.

"No fucking way. My men at loyal. They always have been." Samuel said, angrily.

"Yeah? Well look where loyalty got you! Your daughters are in danger!" I yelled at him.

Lana POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache.

When I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light, I looked around the room I was in.

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

I was in room with bland, grey walls, tied to a wooden chair.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked myself.

"Well, good morning sunshine." I heard coming from the door.

It was the same man that had attacked me.

I smirk lightly at him.

"How's that nose? Looks a little fucked to me." I said earning a slap to my face.

I spit out the blood forming in my mouth and glared at him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him. "Well, your life." He replied. "Why?" I asked him. "At first, I was just doing my job, but then you made it personal." The man said, angrily. "Honey, that's your own fault." I replied.

"Lana?" I heard my sister call out.

"Sarah!" I yelled.

I felt a pain in the side of my head and I was unconscious once again.

I woke up again, to someone tapping on my cheek.

"Wake up, Lana." I heard.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with familiar brown eyes.


"Howdy." He said, smiling.

I had no words. I just simply looked at him in shock.

"Oh, come on, Lana. Don't look so shocked." He told me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him. "It's my job." He simply said. "What?" I asked. "You've heard of the Vipers, yes?" He asked. "You're part of that?" I asked.

Adam laughed lightly before continuing.

"Took over for my father about a year ago. It took a long time to get them up and running again but I managed to do it." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Veronica Harrison. Ring a bell?" Adam asked. I only frowned and shook my head. "She was my mother." He continued. "And?" I asked. "Your father killed her."

I shook my head, frantically.

"He wouldn't." I whispered in disbelief.

"Oh, he did, sweet girl. He took away the most important person in my life, so I'm taking his. His girls." He said and laughed.

"Why Sarah? She was your girlfriend." I said. "You think I really cared about her? I had to get close to your family. Even more so when Ryder came back."

"Why? What does Ryder have to do with this?" I asked. "He's Samuel's strongest man. So I brought in some help." Adam replied with a smug smile.


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