Prince Of The Underworld


32.09k words

15 chapters



Table of Contents


His father was the person Li Dong cared about most, but when his father died, Li Dong was overwhelmed with grief, and his hair turned white overnight. Since then, the heart is like steel, and human life is as cheap as grass. Fighting is to exercise the body, killing is to sharpen the mind, playing with women is to exercise the javelin... He looks gentle, with the temperament of a rich boy, and the viciousness of a local ruffian. Everyone respects him as a prince. Let's see how the prince established a business empire based on the world of black and white, how can he get back the property left by his father, the underworld forces are turbulent, how can he avenge his father's hatred? All stories begin in a city where the underworld is rampant. This novel does not target any individual or country and is completely fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental!

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