Not Just A Guy... He’s A Man

Charleigh took a deep breath before she stepped out of the Inn she’d be staying for a few days. This was her only chance to prove to her brother and herself that she belonged in this industry.

Her brother might have tricked her to be in this town knowing that she couldn’t say no to the promotion, her job was also at stake here if she screwed this up.

She thought it would be best for her to expose herself without her brother by her side all the time.

Meeting her ex didn’t even make her feel edgy, the only thing that mattered to her right now was how to give a good impression to the mayor and not her ex.

She wished Kayden was just throwing his cosmic punchline joke that day. How could she forget how Dax Easton broke her heart in front of the most romantic landscape he designed? Instead of proposing to her, he proposed to another woman.

It was still fresh to her, and she only cried for days, until she realized that he didn’t deserve her tears.

The air was not too heavy with the fresh aroma of baked goods and scent of fall. Charleigh should think of her yoga mat, but she thought familiarizing the place would be a good idea.

As she marched toward the sidewalk, she noticed a flower shop with the closed sign on the glass door, then a cakeshop beside it, named Clarity in a chiffon pink color. That told the smell that made her want a good taste of the coffee.

She felt something twisted at the pit of her stomach because that old building was going to be torn down, but in her brain, it was nothing personal, she was just doing her job, and she would get her promotion if the project would go smoothly as it planned. She was sure they were going to have new places when the construction started.

Charleigh found a playground with colorful benches, swings, slides, tube maze, and monkey bars. She stood there for a while, looking at the few people sitting freely while the others were walking their pets.

She always wanted a simple life, a husband, and a small family, but it all crumbled down when her ex broke her heart. Since then, she focused her life solely on finishing her degree and finally landing the job she ever dreamed of.

She yelped in surprise when a soft and furry thing brushed her legs. Her heart leaped to her throat, and hands flew to her chest. When she looked down, it was the whitest dog she’d ever seen. She knelt down, petting the dog. If she was not mistaken, it was an American Eskimo. She ran her fingers to the soft fur, and the dog wagged its tail, tongue out, and lapped her arm.

Charleigh laughed. “You’re so adorable, aren’t you?” 

She always wanted a dog, but she thought of might not able to take care of it when she spent most of her time on her job. “Who are you, huh?” She couldn’t help but giggled because the dog seemed to know her—as if she already gained its trust.

“Lotus!” A deep male voice called from a distance that made Charleigh stop caressing the sweetest dog she’d ever encountered.

The strong footsteps approached, and something in the air shifted that made her heartbeat went stronger.

“Behave, boy,” the guy said again.

Charleigh was still kneeling, unable to move a muscle, when the guy spoke again. “I’m sorry if he bothers you. He’s like that when he feels safe and comfortable with someone. He can sense if he meets a harmless person. Come here now, boy.

Lotus, the dog kept wagging his tail, tongue darted out as if asking Charleigh to take it up.

“I thought he’s so sweet, and he didn’t bother me.” Finally, Charleigh stood up after petting Lotus one more time. When she lifted her gaze to look at the guy in front of him, her eyes widened a little bit.

Good Lord!

He wasn’t just a guy—he was a man. A man that rendered her speechless. He had the most mesmerizing sky blue eyes, with at least six-foot and a few inches tall. He had the same height as Tripp, but there was no doubt he was attractive than her brother. She almost snorted, thinking her brother was attractive. Well, he was to many girls, but he was also a jerk.

The man’s eyes squinted at her as if trying to remember or figure something out.

She always felt confident with her body both dressed and naked, but the longer they stared at each other, the more she wanted to squirm as if his stare was stripping her off, so damn slow.

Charleigh took a deep breath to push the thoughts forming in her head because she definitely had a lot of things to think about this man. She might be a workaholic, but she had a fair share of hook-ups, and she would definitely put this man on her list. She had zero interest in dating though but thinking beneath him, she would never say to fool around a little bit.

“You’re not from here, are you?” the hot dog walker said, catching back her attention.

“That obvious, huh? Just visiting Hopes Spring.” She smiled at him.

“I see.” He nodded, understanding brewing in his eyes. “I would have known you if you’re from this town. Small town, as they say, news travels fast.

And I would have known what’s underneath that white shirt and sweatpants if I am also from here.

Charleigh held that thought, instead, she said, “You have a lovely dog.

“A proud owner.” His unbelievably red lips spread into a full grin. Was he flirting with her?

Oh, boy! Charleigh couldn’t help but smile back. “I’m Charleigh, and that must be Lotus.” She looked down at the dog that was now sitting between their feet.

“How rude of me. Bryce. Welcome to Hopes Spring, Charleigh.” He held his hand out, and Charleigh squeezed it for a handshake. It was strong and large, and there was something in that squeeze that promised her more. Her skin started to tingle and her body seemed to be on fire in anticipation.


“Have you checked around?

“Not yet. Just arrived last night, and I am actually looking for a Diner or a coffee shop.

“How about you check out Clarity. They have tables and serve coffee. You’d love their amazing variant of cupcakes.

“I could use coffee. Thanks.

Suddenly, Bryce checked his digital watch. “I’m sorry, Charleigh, but I should really go.” He attached a leash on Lotus. “I hope to see you around. Enjoy your stay.” He started to walk back, then Charleigh watched him pause. He turned around. “There’s a bar a few blocks from Clarity. I’ll be there at eight tonight. I would love to see you there. Drinks are on me.


Charleigh went to check Clarity and bought coffee and a half dozen of cupcakes after Bryce left her in the playground this morning.

Now, she was wearing a dark blue dress, white sandals, and applied light makeup to complement her outfit.

She didn’t want to overdo everything as she might look outcast from the town. She wanted to blend in and be a part of this community even for a short period of time.

She asked the bar’s address from the cashier at Clarity earlier, and now she was in front of Tushy.

She was welcomed with noises, the smell of alcohol and beers permeated the air. Most of the patrons turned to look at the door, there were pairs of eyes and scrutinizing looks pinned at her, wondering who the hell she was, and everyone seemed in shirt, plaids, and jeans.

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw women dressed just like hers.

“You show up.” She almost jumped from the voice at her back.

Without turning around, she smiled. “Can’t say no to a few drinks.

“Good. I thought I would be here alone all night.” She stiffened to the hand on her back, guiding her to the table at the right corner.

“I don’t think it would be hard for you to find someone to join you on the table.

“Not as beautiful as you. See that bartender?” Bryce tipped his head to the bartender, Charleigh’s eyes found the man Bryce was telling her about. “He’d be my companion all night.

She couldn't help but laughed. “He's not so bad.

Once they settled, a lanky guy approached, asking their orders. She ordered a dry martini and a local beer for Bryce.

Bryce’s long leg brushed against hers that had her crossed her legs on the spot. She couldn’t deny she wanted it even more, but the night was still young, and she wanted to enjoy a few minutes without thinking of how it felt to be under the blanket with the hot and sexy man beside him.

“You look beautiful, Charleigh.” His compliment made her cheeks burn, making Bryce smile at her reaction. She used to receive a lot of compliments, but there was something different when it was coming from Bryce.

What’s with this man?

She swallowed hard after sipping her martini. She had to do it, otherwise, she would end up saying he was gorgeous if it was even enough for him. Compared to the people around, Bryce was wearing a white shirt and dark pants while his dark brown hair looked messy, yet it was still perfect on him.

“What brought you here?

“Just for a short visit.

“Do you short visit a lot of places?” His voice was low and hoarse. There was something in his voice that made her skin tingle with needs.

“Not entirely a short visit, I’m here for a job.” Charleigh’s throat went dry.

“Huh, I see.

Charleigh watched his throat bob up and down as he swallowed his drink, and she couldn’t help but thought it was sexy. Mortified, Bryce caught her staring at him, rewarding her a crooked smile.

The last time she had a one-night stand, it was two months ago, and she couldn’t say it was good. She ended up leaving him as soon as he fell asleep after a round of sex.

Now, she thought if he would invite her to a hotel and blow her brains out. She didn’t usually mix work with pleasure, but she would consider fooling a little because, in a few days, she would go back to her life. What happened in Hopes Spring stayed in Hopes Spring. One thing she was sure though, sex with Bryce would remain in her memory forever.

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