Ministrations: of the Brave


17.17k words

4 chapters



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For most of the first harmonic summer; Lyra is bombarded not only by the still fresh popularity but reconciliation of love by Audric Voltrin. When she herself has her own problems undealt with. Can she even trust herself to love anymore? Let alone love someone that had not just suffered the same trauma as her but was some of the cause. This unveiling plummets Lyra into a blunder of episodes that piece together the past of her family, an old rule, and great evil. All her and her brothers want is prosperous peace but can they find the peace in themselves. When they are burdened with the literal weight of the world on their shoulders. Yet no matter how bad Audric brought out her fiery side she knows he is one of the solutions to her peace. He opens her eye’s to what she has done and the endless possibilities of what she can do. Because deep down she knows that he has done that for her since day one.

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