Chapter 23 Never Let You Go

It was late in the night. Joey was still sleeping soundly.

"Farad-" She mumbled in her sleep.

She was dreaming of another man in her dreams ...

Yuri froze and closed his eyes. His heart was uncomfortable, but he still held her in his arms without leaving.

Now, Joey's every single action or word would influence his emotion.

Although he knew that Farad had been taking care of her, he still felt uncomfortable.

However, he could not blame her.

The first time he kissed her, the first time he hugged her to sleep … There were still so many things for him to finish. Thinking of this, he touched her gentle face using his long fingers, saying in a sad tone, "if you still choose me after you regain your memory, I will use the rest of my life to love you."

Holding his arm tightly, Joey seemed to hear his words. Under the faint moonlight, he saw her thick eyelashes.

Yuri was mesmerized. He couldn't help but gently kiss her on the eyelids.

She was his treasure. He once lost it but now she was back to her. He didn't want her to leave.


"President." His secretary was still waiting outside the door.

"What happened?" He didn't move. He wanted to hold her and never let her go.

"Doctor Cheng is waiting in the living room."

He lowered his voice, "I'll be right there."

His heart sank. He had been always worried about Joey's leg injury.

He wanted to take her to many places, the beach, the desert, and the mountains ... He hoped that she would get better soon.

The light in the bedroom was turned down, and Joey was still sleeping soundly. Yuri went downstairs.

"Will she be disabled?" Yuri narrowed his eyes.

"No. Miss Lin's injury is recovering very well," Dr. Cheng obtained her medical records from the Green Plum Island Orthopaedic Hospital, "But serious sequelae will be left to her knees."

"Why the knees?" Yuri frowned and stared at the X-ray film.

"From the X-ray film, there were old wounds on Miss Lin's knees. Her knees were already fragile, and falling from the building exacerbated the old injury." Doctor Cheng said in a low voice.

Old wounds?

Yuri frowned even harder. Searching in his memory, Joey had not suffered from any serious illness. Why did she hurt her knees?

"President, it was the earthquake five years ago. Miss Lin kneeled in the rubbles to save you …" His secretary whispered.

Yuri felt heartache. He owed her so much.

"Is there a remedy?" His eyes were bloodshot.

"Well ... Ligament tissue is not easy to regenerate." Doctor Cheng answered honestly.

"But it's not impossible!" He said coldly, sending shivers down their spines.

"I will do my best." Doctor Cheng, who was nearly fifty years old, had served the Xing's family for many years. He had never seen Yuri get angry.

However, they didn't notice the slender figure at the stairs. Joey had clearly heard their conversation.

"What the hell are they talking about?" She thought. It seemed to have something to do with her.

She didn't care. She woke up from hunger and felt uncomfortable.

"I'm hungry. I want something to eat ..."

Joey raised her voice and looked at Yuri calmly.

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