
After few minutes the door cracked open and...


After few minutes the door cracked open and Bella was the first to jerk awake. I rolled my eyes at her action but I don't blame her though. She's probably scared. Speaking of scared if that bastard thinks he can hurt my wife again then he must be joking. He'll have to pass through me I stood up and turned to the door to see one of his fucking men.

"What do you want?" I asked walking towards him but Bella's hand encircled mine pulling me back

"Relax Riccardo, Angelo by the ways. I came in peace,"

"What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth. He stretched out a bottle of water and some Aspirin

"What am I supposed to do with that?" I asked glaring at him

"It's not for you buddy," He looked at Bella "It's for your wife,"

"Do I look stupid to you?" I growled clenching my fist ready to punch him but Bella stopped me

"Rilassati amico, non sto cercando di ingannarti o cose del genere. Non dovrei nemmeno farlo perché se mi prendono sono definitivamente morto. Sto solo cercando di aiutarti, va bene se non sei disposto. Sto solo prendendo congedo." He said and turned to leave

Translation:- Relax man, I'm not trying to fool you or something. I'm not even supposed to be doing this, cause if I'm caught I'm dead for sure. Just trying to help, it's okay if you're not willing. I'll just take my leave.

"Why are you giving me an aspirin?" Bella asked making him stop

"Ho solo detto, perché volevo aiutare," He answerd turning to face us

Translation:- I just said, because I wanted to help.

"lei non capisce l'italiano," I said making him smile

Translation:- She can't understand Italian.

"I just wanted to help," That Angelo guy muttered. Bella stretched her hand to receive the stuff but I stop her to do so

"Perché dovrei fidarmi di te?" I asked glaring through his soul

Translation:- Why should I trust you?

"Perché sono un uomo di parole. Ti droghi o no?" I locked my gaze on him while I bid Bella take drugs from him

Translation:- Because I'm a man of my words. Are you taking drugs or not?

"E se scopro che stai cercando di elaborare un piano, ti ucciderò io stesso." I said and take the drugs from his hand

Translation:- And if I find out you're trying to come up with a plan, I'll kill you myself.

"Whatever," He muttered and left

"Ricco?" She said looking down

"What is it, my Queen?" I asked putting her on my lap

"I want to go to Doctor,"

"Why?" I asked

“I-I just don’t feel well,” She said looking down

“It happens in pregnancy but if you still want to go for a check-up I won’t stop you but not today,”

"How about tomorrow?" I asked


"I am going to talk with father to double the security I can't let that psycho hurt you again," I said "Take the medicine and go back to sleep okay?"


"No okays I want you asleep before I come back and if I found that you are awake you will get punishment," I said in a threatening tone

"Roger sir!" She said saluting

The Next Day
At kitchen,

"Gabriel, wait!" I heard Bella scream

"What happened Bella?" I asked taking a seat

"Our babies are just like you," She complained "They don't listen to me," She said pouting making me chuckle

"What so funny?" She asked trying to look angry

"Here, let me help you," I said taking Lorenzo and Edoardo out of her hands

"Do you even know how to feed a baby?" She asked taking Gabriel in her arms

"It's pretty easy. Now follow me," I said and she did the same

"I got you presents," I said as we entered our bambino's room

"What is it?" She asked getting excited

"Open it," I said pointing to the three big gift boxes

"Okay," She said putting Gabriel into his crib

"OMG, three baby high chairs," She squealed

"You like it?"

"Of course, Now I don't have to run to feed them. Thank you," She said then hugged me

"Your welcome," I said then kissed her cheeks making her blush

One Hour Later,

"One more bite and its finish," I said frustrated watching Bella as she feeds our bambinos

"Yep," Bella said chuckling

"Come on I am hungry!"

"One more minute," She said as she cleaned Enzo's face

"For What?" I asked getting madder

"I have to change their clothes too," She said walking to the cupboard

"You have a doctor's appointment too, remember?" I asked glaring at her

"That doctor won't get retired in one minute, so shut up,"

"Grr, one minute,"

"If your hungry you can go eat alone," She said smirking


"Then wait here," She said smirking. This girl can get hella annoying at times.

One Eternity Later jokes One Minute Later

"Let's go I have told mom she will take care of babies until we are back," I said pulling her out of the room

"What about breakfast? I m hungry!" She pouted

"We can have breakfast in the car," I said as we reached the front door

"Bye babies! Momma Loves you!" Bella shouted