Chapter 4: Excuse

We only met twice. And in those two meetings, I also slept in his bed twice.

The heavy rain outside made droplets of rain stream down on the glass window of his apartment, which overlooked the busy city of Gracia, the capital city of Maharlica.

Not only that, I only noticed this, but his apartment is situated where the Gruna Palace can be seen. Like when you look outside the window, you can spot the palace from afar.

Neuron was still fast asleep when I woke up. I was quite surprised he let me sleep on his bed again, beside him. I thought the first time it happened, it was all because we were both drunk and he just wanted to rest immediately that’s why he slept beside me.

I’m having a hard time believing he’s the type of person who lets just anybody sleep beside him. Or maybe he’s just too polite to make me sleep on the couch? And maybe he doesn’t want to sleep anywhere else and that left him no choice but to sleep with me?

This is only our second meeting and I’ve seen nothing but good sides of him. Is it hasty to conclude he’s a good man?

I left the bedroom and went to his kitchen. I opened the fridge to look for something I can cook. Well, he’s a normal person I think. So a normal breakfast will do maybe?

I see eggs on the fridge, butter, bacon, cheese, apples, fresh milk. And some sliced bread too. I think I saw strawberry jam too.

I see a bread toaster on his kitchen, an apple grinder, a microwave oven, coffee brewer and--

In short, he has everything in here; kitchen equipment that I have never even touched in my whole life. Filthy rich asshole.

I toasted some bread on the toaster, which by the way, took me quite a while studying how to use it. And it was burnt! F--k! Afterwards, I cooked an omelette. He had some bacon so I also cooked some. I also brewed coffee. And I almost broke the brewer because I didn't know how to use it at first.

“I hope you know it’s an honor for you,” I turned and saw Neuron standing by the wall in his pajamas watching me, “to be here, sleeping in my bed, cooking in my kitchen so comfortably.

“Don’t you think it’s you who should feel honored that I’m here? I don’t do this to anyone, sir.

“So do I,” he admitted.

I took the bread from the toaster, which by the way doesn’t look so edible, and put it on a plate. After finishing the table set-up by placing our freshly brewed coffee on the table, we both sat down to eat.

“Wow,” he commented sarcastically while looking at the burnt toasted bread. “I am at least thankful you didn’t burn down my whole kitchen.

I scowled at him. Couldn’t he just appreciate my willingness to cook?

I can cook, by the way. It’s just really my first time using machines like the toaster, and I had difficulties using his electric stove too.

“What’s your real name, by the way sir,” I pretentiously asked.

“Neuron Gruna,” he answered without so much thought and continued eating.

“Gruna? Oh my gosh,” I deliberately overreacted. “Are you somehow related to His Majesty? Are you of royal blood?

He smirked. “Does anyone with the same surname automatically become a relative?


“It’s a shame though. I thought you were somehow royal. You see, I really like the king.” I placed both my elbows on the table and leaned a bit forward to show him I am excited about the topic. “I want to meet him at least once.

I’ve been getting better at lying. But I seriously wanna throw up right now. Saying that incredibly disgusts me.

“What do you like about the king?” He said before taking a sip on his coffee.

Without even blinking, I answered him like it was the most truthful thing I’ve ever said in my entire life. “Because he’s a magnanimous king. He is forgiving and he cares alot about his subjects.

He cares so much that anyone suspected with insurgence or treason will be executed without due process. He’s so forgiving that he made sure the court can never get in his way. Even complaints from the people about his way of national governance will be seen as treason. Anyone who complains will be punished severely.

The royal court only existed in title. But it’s actually futile. He proposes the law, appeals the law, and approves the law himself most of the time.

“I’m glad you can see that,” he boasted in relief.

What? He actually agrees that the king is magnanimous? He’s kidding! A filial son for useless reason!

“His Majesty is actually in some way a hero. But some people, some group of people,” he emphasized, “tried to mask his real contribution to the country by some false accusations. This has been going on since the beginning of his kingship, and he never did anything about it. That’s the reason why he is seen as a bloody monarch--I wasn’t an exception--ever since he sat on the throne. That is not true though.

Without knowing it, I clenched my fist that is on the table. I can’t believe he is calling him a hero! I can’t believe he patronized him like he was the most amazing person in the world!

“He saved the country but the people--” he suddenly stopped and stared at me. “Are you angry, Rathna?


He looked down on my fist, which also made me look down on my fist. I immediately released my clenched fist.

“Of course not,” I answered and tried to put a smile on my face although I hated it so much.

There is actually a group called the Battalion. It’s basically a fan club of Mirando. Disgusting. And funny.

They are the ones that are spreading false rumors about how good Mirando is as a ruler. But all they have are exaggerations!

With the conversation we are having, I suddenly lost my appetite. I forgot for a second that I’m dealing with Mirando’s son.

When he finished eating I voluntarily washed the dishes, while he watched me do it.

“Why do I feel like you’re mad at me?” he croaked awkwardly from behind.

“I’m not mad at you sir. And will it bother you if I am?

He did not answer. As soon as I finished washing I immediately announced that I’m going home.

“Will you be back?” he asked when he walked me to the door of his apartment.

“Depends,” I replied.

“On what?

“If I can come up with an excuse to come back.

He just grinned at me. Which made me think, maybe he would want me to come back. Maybe? I’m hoping that’s the case.

I left his apartment. As I was riding the elevator lots of thoughts crossed my mind. Everything is going so smoothly. It’s going exactly the way I want it to happen and it’s starting to baffle me.

It’s suspicious that he’s letting me in and out of his house. I don’t believe he’s someone who can be smitten by a stranger that fast. It’s giving me discomfort for an unknown reason.

When the elevator opened I went out directly to leave the building. An old lady sitting on the sidewalk outside the building with a box in her hand, caught my eye. She is barefoot and seems to be begging for alms. But people only walked past her. Not even looking. No one cared to give her something.

It’s scary to realize how apathetic people are.

I paced near the lady. She’s grubby, her clothes have holes on it, her hair is almost all white, and her skin is wrinkled. She’s very old to be doing this. I took off my shoes, kneeled down and made her wear them.

“Even if you don’t have the means, I hope you won’t go around barefoot. If you want to continue living in this rotten kingdom, protect your feet at least. You need them to survive.

“God will bless you, my daughter.

“Does God even exist?” How can she mention God at this point, when she's suffering? “Even if that is the case, he’ll be too busy taking care of others. Seeing you’re here on the streets, you’re probably not at the top list of his concerns. Even the king is too busy to take care of his subjects.

I took some money from my wallet and put it in the box she is holding. As a member of the camp, we don’t have money. But we get a little when we are on a mission. And I don’t mind giving that little money to someone who needs it better than I do.

The world is such a scary place. It’s ridiculous that only those who are poor can help a fellow poor even if they lack the means. Maybe because they know how it feels to have absolutely nothing.

“Do you want to come with me?” I offered. I am not sure if the camp will accept an old lady like her, but I hope they will. Besides, the camp was founded for the people. There’s no way they would reject the needy.

She smiled and shook her head.

“An old lady like me belongs in the street.

“I can help you.” I tried convincing her. I really wanna help her.

She shook her head again as a sign of refusal.

But help can only be helpful if wanted.

“I didn’t know you were this kind.

I immediately turned my head to see who spoke. I stood up and faced him. “Why are you down here?

He stared down on my bare feet.

“I figured I want to drive you home.

“No thanks,” I immediately declined.

“What a cruel way to reject me.

I rolled my eyes on him.

He suddenly took off the slippers he was wearing and knelt down in front of me.

“What are you--” I couldn’t finish off because he started putting on the slippers on my feet.

“I’m giving you that excuse,” he said.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“That excuse to come back.

He stood up.

“Make sure you return those slippers to me.” He said with that amused tone on his voice. “Personally.

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