Chapter 6

When I got to the kitchen, Melinda is already preparing some vegetables. I think that is for my dinner. She's been there for me ever since I was young, make me somehow become very fond of her.

"Melinda," I called her name and stopped in front of her, the table is the only thing that's between us. I put my hands on the table and carefully sat to the chair. "Can you prepare steak too?" I asked in a lovingly manner before I gave her a warm smile.

She sighed before she looks at me with disbelief in her eyes. "Kia, what are you doing?" She asked me with full of concern in her voice.

Aside from Addison, Melinda is the one that cares so much about me. She's the same age as my mother that's why I get to treat her like my own mother too. My mum doesn't mind that, too. But Melinda insists that I should call her by just her name.

"What are you planning to with that lad?" She stopped chopping the vegetables and look at me with seriousness. I looked away, trying to find a good excuses. But all I could think was my selfishness and my revenge to Jackson and Leah.

"You kidnapped the wrong guy, and now I heard that he's actually the crowned prince of our country, the one who will rule the whole country in the future!" She sounds mad but I can still sense her concerns.

I gulped and sighed. "I know I'm in the middle of crisis right now, Melinda. But trust me, I can do this. I'll think of solutions." I smiled at her and tried to assure her.

But I had almost two hours of thinking and I'm already eating dinner in front of Prince Jacques, and yet, I still couldn't think of a good plan.

I'm keeping him here, of course. But why? To prevent him from speaking? What if I just talk to him and tell him that I'll let go of him if he won't say anything?

Then I could just proceed to kidnapping Jackson.

But what's my assurance that he wouldn't tell this to anyone? I don't personally know Prince Jacques Miguel Wright the fifth, he's probably cunning or maybe an evil. I don't know.

What if he will use his power to destroy me and my family. He can easily do that and I wouldn't be surprised anymore if he will really do that once he got away from my trap.

He's peacefully eating his steak right now and sometimes sipping from his wine. At first, I was hesitant to remove the rope in his hands but he looks really sad because he couldn't eat his meal.

So I just ask my men to use a cuff on his feet so only a key can let go of him.

The key is on the basement, I made them put it there.

So even if his hand is free, he still couldn't get away from here.

He's really enjoying his meal right now, as if this is the first time he got to eat something like this.

"Is the food that good?" I asked when I couldn't stop my curiosity anymore because he looks really delighted right now.

He stopped from eating and put down the knife and fork he's using right now.

"It is, so this is how a home cooked dinner tastes like..." he said then went back into eating. "You gave me knife, aren't you afraid that I could stab you right now?" He asked as his carefully slice the meat from his steak.

I looked down to him and gave him a bored look. "You are maybe powerful and desperate to escape from here but you're not a murderer." I said.

And that's the truth. He can't kill me, he's a prince. And even if he got to escaped, I have witnessed here that could tell the court that the prince killed me. That would just put him and his family into danger and will probably a way for him to lose his throne or crown or whatever.

He wouldn't kill someone just because he is desperate.

"What if I just threatened you with this knife?" He asked again before he took a bite from his food.

I smirked at him and put down the fork I'm using right now. "I'm pretty aware that you wouldn't kill me so why would I be scared?" I asked mockingly.

He chuckled to my reaction and nodded, as if what I just was funny but at the same is correct.

"You're clever, I think I will enjoy my days with you." What did he just say? Is he already claiming that he will be here for days?

"You think you'll be here for days? What if I'm planning to release you already tonight..." I asked with full of curiosity.

He smiled at me before he rest his elbow to the table and put his chin on his palm before he tilts his head.

"You still haven't come up with another plan for your failure, sweetheart." He said with a ghost of smile on his lips before his eyes went back to his meal and continued eating.

And I was left here, looking at him. He knew that I still don't have a plan and he doesn't seem like he's terrified or something. He actually sounds like he is enjoying this.

As if it doesn't matter if I keep him here for ages, he doesn't mind at all!

"Are you not planning to escape at all?" I asked with a hint of frustration with my voice already.

He just continued chewing his meal and just looking at me with poker face.

It feels like he's telling me to keep quiet and let him eat his food in peace.

I scoffed.

What the hell? He's not scared at all!

"What if I starve you to death?!" I asked in a high pitch tone.

"Hmm," that got him thinking before his bored eyes suddenly changed into passionate yet dangerous. "I'll eat you,"

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