Chapter 13: Diner of my Childhood


"Did I ruin a moment?" Kai asks as he drops our things in front of us.

He's already wearing clothes, a thin white shirt plus loose dark pants and a converse.

I grinned, "good for you. You're already healed." Is he jealous? Man, he must have hit it hard with Tala.

If he's gonna sulk, though, he shouldn't have argued with her earlier. Man, he really is a kid. I mean, he's only 5 months younger than me but with his position as the one most likely to become the Inferno, I've never seen him act immaturely until this past few months after his first quest.

"What do we do now?" Tala asked me. "Are we going to wait the night just to find the monster terrorizing the forest?"

I was in the middle of dressing up, she was respectfully looking at my eyes. Once my wounds closed, my healing became normal again. I am no longer feeling pain, physically. Which is a big burden off my shoulder.

Tala's question made me think.

"The hunters had probably caught that monster so we have no choice but to find another clue."

"About those hunters," Kai interrupted. "How did you even get caught by them?"

I explained to them what happened including the demon baby encounter. I messed up a couple of times and accidentally introduced it as butthole which made Tala laugh out loud.

No idea why but I ignored her. After that, they both fell silent until Tala gasped.

She whined at Kai, "I told you there was a crying... demon? baby--- Wait, can you describe asshole again?"

"Sure?" I wasn't sure how it can help though. In the middle of my explanation, Tala cursed loudly.

"That's impossible," she freaked out, "how the hell did... did it swim, swam across the Pacific? Pakshet."

"Why? What's wrong?"

Her hands are shaking as she composed herself. "Back in my country, there's a myth or like a tall tale, what's it called in english? Province stories?"

"Urban legends?" Kai asks.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Urban legends." She hastily agreed. "There's an urban legend about those demon babies that fits Maverick's description. I always hear about it from Nanay mahal,... I mean, a grandma that use to take care of me. She uses it to scare me so I won't stay outside our house at night. She told me a story of babies who failed to be born in this world, their souls would cry loudly in the forest, luring travellers into finding them. They'd usually see a normal baby but once you pick it up, it will transform into this demons that will devour you. We call them Tiyanak. But they're from the Philippines. It couldn't possibly be what you saw."

Which makes it weirder because it fits the description of the butthole.

"Whether it is a demon baby or not, it doesn't matter now," Kai said. "We need to look for Headmistress Hana so we can finish this quest."

"Well that damned witch must've been eaten by those tiyanak, so why bother? Let's just report this to the Principal and have this quest over." Tala suggests.

"Watch your mouth," I snapped. "She's your mother. Even if you don't get along with her, you shouldn't be joking about life and death."

Tala avoided looking at me. She bit her lip and lowered her head. "I'm just saying the odds that she is." She mumbled.

I shook my head, "if the headmistress is indeed dead then we should be looking for a body."

"The fuck should I be looking for her dead---" I sternly glanced at Tala. She didn't stop but she whispered the rest of her sentence. I pretended not to hear the rest 'cause I ain't asking for another headache.

"For someone who was promised something, you sure do act like you're not gaining something from this." Kai commented. Tala looked insulted.

Just when I said I ain't asking for another headache.

I cracked a forced smile, "hey, hey. I don't wanna hear another fight. Let's drop that topic and focus on looking for... Headmistress Hana." Huh. Now that I think about it, we are talking about the same topic.

"We'll need a lead if we want to continue and the Tiyanak is our best bet." Tala said. "It's weird to find a filipino monster in the states."

Kai shakes his head, "That cha-noc is a cannibal, our monster is a soul-eater. We'll be wasting our time with that kind of lead, hamster."

Oh, yeah--- totally ignoring the pet name--- That's right! Man, I knew something wasn't adding up when I smelled blood. A soul-eater doesn't need blood to eat souls and it would just attract unnecessary attention to leave blood on a crime scene.

Something that made the missing cases from our school reported only a few days after it happened.

"Another shitty word out of you and I'll scream help," Tala threatened.

"Kai has a point," I commented trying to stop a potential lover's quarrel. "We'll leave the investigation of the cha-noc for the Strike team back at the Academy or the hunters. For now, we should---"

Tala's grumbling stomach stopped me from continuing. She shyly gave a grin. "Ignore my stomach. It craves attention."

Kai scoffs but then his stomach grumbles as well. Tala said something in another language, looking all smug, laughing which made Kai blush.

I don't think he knew what it meant. He's just embarrassed that his stomach betrayed him.

"Man, even your stomachs are a couple," I laughed. "We should have breakfast. We'll talk about our plan while eating though."

We grabbed our bag only for Tala to mention something, "where are we eating?"


No money, no food. Man, how am I so underprepared? The sun already rose about an hour ago and our stomachs are still growling. Tala kept searching for money in her bag or any snacks or food but it's not like magical fries would appear out of nowhere.

Kai would've gotten his fill by drinking some blood of an animal but he refuse to eat when we're still hungry. I'd eat raw meat but, man, I don't eat them unless I'm in wolf-form and shifting requires too much energy plus hunting for some prey is even more a problem.

"Isn't there a convenience store near here?" Tala grumbles.

Kai retorted, "define here? We're in the middle of the forest." An exaggeration, I can hear car horns not far from where we are.

"Dude! You've fucking lived in this place your whole life, I'm sure you'd fucking know which direction to go to just to get to a nearby town." She bite back.

Them arguing and me listening with an empty stomach tempts me to join their stupid banters. I need to get a grip. These children will be the death of me.

"I have no energy to even respond to you," Kai sighs.

Tala forced out a laugh, "same!"

And then she proceeded to bad-mouth him. I think it's bad-mouthing, I don't understand what she said. She could be putting a curse on Kai in a different language.

While the both of them bicker, I sniffed the surroundings to find a place to eat. We're lucky enough to have found ourselves at the edge of the forest next to the town of San de Dios. The human town near the school. Approximately, 4 miles north-east of the town is the academy.

As I thought, I can't concentrate with them as a constant background noise. "If another word leaves either of your mouths, we will be heading straight to the academy."

"What?!" They both exclaimed. Begrudgingly, they didn't say another word.

My nose caught a familiar whiff of home-cooked food. I haven't smelled this scent in a long time but I know exactly where this delicious aroma is coming from.

"I know a diner close by," I informed them.

Tala's face lighted up, "I'm smelling food!"

She dashed pass us, running towards the edge of the forest but Kai caught the back of her shirt.

"Where are you going?" He asks. "We don't have any money."

"Then why the hell did Maverick even tell us about the diner if we can't eat there?!" She complained.

"You smelled the diner the same time he told us about it. Quit blaming people."

Tala mimicked Kai's words in a mocking tone.

I shook my head, "just follow me and don't say a word."

I walk pass them, straight towards the edge of the forest, with no money in my pocket and fully aware that Kai is confused.

"You could've told me that you had money," Kai sulk while Tala grins. They followed me to the edge of the forest as the morning breeze greeted us. The sound of car horns from below felt nostalgic but not as much as the smell of the food from my childhood diner.

"I don't," I answered. "But I know the owner of the diner. The food won't be free though. The owner might asked us to do some errands so if you wanna detour before going back to our mission for food, just say so."

I waited for their response. The three of us stood above the hill where the forest ends, looking below to see the town of San de Dios getting busier and busier as the sun behind us rose.

When I say I know who the owner is, it's more like, I used to work for him as a kid. Getting abandoned as a pup was hard. I say pup but I didn't even know how to shift then.

My parents hadn't thought me how, they passed away before they even could. Still, I couldn't bury their remains as I saw them get slaughtered right in front of me. I would've been hunted to death at the age of 10 if I didn't run like my mother told me. I tried hunting for my foods but as a kid who doesn't even know how to shift, it was hard. Everytime I try to shift, I could remember the pain of my bones cracking and my muscles tearing. Forcing my shifting left me in cold sweats. I get hungrier the more I tried.

I would cry at night feeling like nothing in my life make sense. I couldn't handle my emotions at the time, I would lash out in the forest. Trying to control the smallest of things like the death of small bunnies, which I couldn't eat, just so I could feel like I can control a portion of my life. I couldn't even sleep! My instincts didn't let me relax as I hugged myself, trying to minimize my size.

And then I found myself in the middle of this town, hungry and dirty. The diner was the first thing I noticed because of the smell of the food.

It was the smell of home. I saw how they serve big chunks of meat and put it in between this bread buns from the big glass window. My mouth watered as I watched the food get served.

An employee saw me eyeing the place and quickly shooed me away but the owner was kind enough to stop her from beating me up.

He wasn't that tall, even as a ten year old, I'd say I can catch up with his height in just a year and I was right. He doesn't have the healthiest of body as well. He looks so thin. I often wondered if he really runs a diner.

The man extended his dark bony hands to me, I imagined it to be the hands of death, telling me to follow my family but as I took it... it was warm.

I quickly let it go.

The human offered me food, tried to convince me to take a bath, tried to give me clothes but I refused since I have no money. I can hear my parents voice telling me that when you owe someone an intangible object such as kindness or love, you can never repay it.

A kid who has no money, being offered kindness, I didn't feel like being indebted to someone who I can't repay at all. I don't know what will happen if I did accept the kindness.

"So, you're telling me you ain't stepping inside even though you're clearly hungry, because you can't pay for it?" The human asked. He had this fruity voice that reminded me of the songs back home.

I nodded my head as he shakes his.

"It's for free," he explained.

I still shook my head, taking a step back.

He sighed, falling silent for a while before he realized something, "is it 'cause you don't want to owe me nothing?"

I nodded.

"Okay, how 'bout this?" He proposed that in exchange for food, water, and clothes, I would work for him.

Do some errands. Clean the counter. Mop the floors. Wash the dishes.

It seems like a fair-trade so I agreed and I was fed.

I learned that the kind human who took me in and let me work was called Felip. He doesn't have any family but he was happily creating one with all the people that he treated nicely.

He was loved by the humans who knew him. It was no question why.

I was happy to stay and help out but things happened. The Academy found out that a myth is staying in a human environment and came to fetch me.

They were kind but none could compare to the warmth that Felip made me feel. He was like a father, a family.

But I couldn't stay. Not in his world anyways.

"Uhm, hungry who?" Tala croaked. "I am perfectly full. Let's head back to the mission---" and then her stomach grumbled. She glared at it. "---the fuck are you exposing me for, you greedy bottomless pit of gluttony?!"

"You lie too much. At least your body is honest." Kai laughs. He took out a hoodie from his bag and wore it before stepping into the sun.

On a serious note, Tala said. "We need to finish this quest as soon as possible. We don't need to add more things to do."

"It's not like we have a lead yet. Kai said so himself. Let's think of other angles while we eat." I suggested a compromise but Tala ain't budging.

All her body movements is clearly against eating a proper meal and just determined to finish the quest as fast as possible.

"We won't be getting any leads inside a diner." She reasoned. "Let's go back to the woods and munch on berries along the way!"

"We're not herbivores, hamster." Kai countered. Cue enraged Tala. He ignored her. "Let's just head to the diner."

"Don't wanna. Ayaw!"

"Man, you can chew on some berries back there," I pointed at the forest. "But me and Kai are choosing to eat a decent meal over at that diner."

I walked ahead, down the slope of the hill. Towards the bustling centre of the human town. Curious glances were given to us by the town's folks. Could be because Kai looks like a robber with his gray hoodie on. The children didn't pay any mind though. They were busy chasing each other by the pathway.

Kai looked up to see the name of the place, "just Diner? How creative."

"Shut up, man." I told him, clearly insulted. "It's the only diner in this town. Diner is a fine title for a diner."

"More like a lazy name choice," Tala snickered.

"Right?" Kai agreed, the first time he ever did. "The owner could've put his name then added the diner and that would've been understandable!"

Oh, great. A bonding session just to roast a diner's name.


Kai opened the door for me and Tala. As I went in, Tala grabs my arm and pulls me back. Kai stared at us--- I don't wanna be involved in their love drama--- so I winced making it seems that I don't like what's happening. Kai didn't follow and waited by the door.

Tala used me to block Kai's view, her small frame made it easy. She didn't meet my eyes, she keeps fidgeting. Something must be bothering her.

"What's wrong," I asked her.

"I want a favor."

I got curious, "what kind of favor?"

"When we find the hunters," she starts, "I don't want to be in a position where you two have to protect me so if possible, I want to take any position where I don't have to fight in this mission. Like, a spy or something like that."

She's still scared. I can't really take that feeling away from her since what we are doing is dangerous for someone who don't know shit about fighting. Heck, even a skilled fighter would still think that this quest is starting to become dangerous.

"Sure," I replied.

"Thanks. Now, shut up and don't tell Kai about my request."

She walked out of our conversation first. Kai stared at her as she pass by him then he shifted his glance from her to me, wondering what we were talking about. I just smiled, following her inside.

Not minding Kai's curious stare, I realize the changes made inside the diner. Starting with the tiles of the diner. It's no longer a checkered black and white tiles but a plain sky blue one. The overall look of the diner went from the usual diners you see when you watch shows to a calming, pastel environment. Pretty sure Felip didn't thought to renovate the diner to look like this.

No offense to him but he has no sense of style.

"Oh, my." An old lady almost bumped into me who got pissed. "Don't block the way!"

"Sorry," I stepped aside, helping her to the door.

"Look where you're going, you almost knocked the lady over." Kai scolded.

"This place just made me feel nostalgic." I explained.

"Less reminiscing, more food!" Tala whined.

I ignored her. Her mood fluctuates too often, too fast. I can't even tell what she's going to say next.

I peaked through the open window that shows the kitchen to see Felip chopping some vegetables while two others cook and fries.

"Uncle Felip!" I greeted at the small man cooking inside the kitchen. He turned towards me, his face not hiding his shock.

"Eli, I'mma head up front for a sec." I heard him excuse himself to one of his staff. His still as skinny as ever.

"A human?" Kai asks.

I nodded, "worked for him once. Good guy."

"Ricky? You're a mountain now!" He went for a hug and patted me in the back.

I patted him back, "been a while. What? Five,.. no, six years?"

"Ricky?" Tala mumbled. "Ricky. Ricky. Ricky. Ricky. Yeah, no. It's not a name for me anymore."

If you keep pronouncing my nickname like that, of course it'll sound weird, is what I thought.

Felip look at Tala who is being hidden by my huge build, he stared at me then laughs. "She's a something."

He gave me a grin as if asking me who to introduce the lady to him. His grin seems to mistake something here.

"That's Tala, one of the students in my school, and this is Kai." I pointed at the two, hinting him that they're the couple.

Tala gave a smile while Kai offered a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, sir." He said.

Felip accepted the gesture, "what brings you and your friends here? You ain't skipping school, are 'ya?"

"We're here for breakfast but Maverick forgot to bring money even though he totally said he'd treat us for some so me and Kai didn't bother bringing our wallets." Tala lied.

I stuttered trying to cover up how blunt it was despite being completely false but I guess that took care of figuring out an excuse for the whole no-money situation.

"Uhm," Kai coughed, "we'll find some seats. It looks like you two needs to catch up for lost time."

"She's one heck of a character," he said as he watched Kai pushing Tala and Tala pushing Kai's hand off of her.

I let out a nervous chuckle, "only half of that are true,... okay, maybe more than half of it. I thought I could ask for food in exchange for some errands."

"You haven't change at all," Felip shook his head. "Well, it's nice to take care of you again, kid."

After he finished messing with my hair, he went back to the kitchen without asking what we want for breakfast. Of course, typical Felip, making us his taste tester for his new menu.

"Kai, I want to know if you have any ideas for a lead." I asked as soon as I sat.

(Hey, Author here. Thanks for the 1k reads. I'd love to read your thoughts about the story.)

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