
Angie and Vince sat there for a full five minutes without saying anything. The rain and wind whooshing outside as if there was a storm, suddenly stopped. The sun cast its light behind the dark clouds brightening the whole sky. Quebec burst into life as tons of tourists and locals, alike, who took shelter different buildings stepped out into the open to welcome Mr. Sunshine. Restaurant goers started filling in the cafe one after the other drowning the deafening silence between the two.

They were no longer strangers but two lives that have been intertwined because of an unfortunate event. Angie stood up first and reached out her hand, "It was nice meeting you today, Vince. You have my number. Call me if you ever change your mind."

Vince stood up and shook her hand, "I will call you but only to return these clothes. Thank you again for everything. I will find ways to pay you back."

Angie pivoted and walked out of the hospital without looking back. She tried her best but it was hard to convince him. Who would believe her anyway? Anyone would think she was crazy.


Monday morning. For the first time after several months, Angie drove her Red Mini Cooper car outside of the garage. She raised to her office, she must have overslept. For some reason after meeting with Vince that day, she felt calmer perhaps knowing that she has tried to reach out made her sleep soundly that night. Not knowing what will happen next, she rested her case and left the decision to Vince who was still riding the waves of emotion.

It was the first week of November and their office was in a frantic mess with just 3 weeks left before the launch of their Winter collection. The kid's department was now one less of a model because of Hana who had to rest for a while. The recent incident caused her to be in a state of shock and was advised to stay at home for the time being. Angie, despite her shock, had to collect herself immediately knowing that its career that is at stake that she even mustered the courage to drive by herself.

Everywhere, seamstress and cutters, as well as the assistants, were running up and down to carrying sketches, swatches, fabric, tape measure, and every unthinkable fashion accessory. Two weeks is all they have to finish the prototype and send them to the factory for production. Lindsey has opted to hire a factory in the Philippines to do the work where she can cut labor production and focus on the distribution and marketing of their fashion line. There is not much time left.

Lindsey and Angie were scheduled to fly to the Philippines to check the manufacturing factories in the second week of November. They already send the first prototype has been handed over for production. Both knew it was a crucial step and quality is first on their list, if they want to successfully launch their new line next year.

A week passed by and Angie was exhausted pulling an allnighter with their staff. She would go home face first on the bed. She has not even noticed that Vince has not contacted her at all nor the lady visiting her in her dreams.

Meanwhile, Vince had been sober for a week. He was prepping himself to go back to service after getting a directive that he will be dispatched to Asian countries to help them in their disaster and relief operations. It was the monsoon season where countries in the South East of Asia were hit with several typhoons that wreck houses, buildings, and livelihoods. Everyone was on full alert after the multiple earthquakes and strong typhoons detected in different areas.

Vince is not new to such a disaster considering that he has been doing this for 10 years to date. This is where he met his fiancee who was a volunteer for Red Cross then back in South Africa. Together, they have reached out to different catastrophes both natural and man-made. From the war afflicted countries in the middle east to Tsunamis that hit Indonesia and Japan to the hurricane in the Philippines. He was well versed with rescue operations from the city to the jungle, from the land to the sea. He knew too well that he needs to prepare himself physically, mentally and emotionally when he gets dispatched to these kinds of assignments. When lives are at stake, no excuses were allowed. That much he knew.

He flew the first week of November to Japan. They assigned him to send some relief aid and also learn new disaster rescue practices that Japan has implemented. From Japan, he flew to Indonesia then the Philippines to train some of the rescue groups in the country. Naural disasters have constantly flood these countries. And, the government wanted to lessen the casualties as much as possible.

While he was in the Philippines, the country was hit with natural disasters like the 7 magnitude earthquake down south and the hurricane that causes flood up north. He had been traveling all over the country helping the rescuers and creating precautionary measures to survive any disasters. Despite knowing how dangerous his assignment was, it was a welcome distraction for him after his unusual conversation with Angie. He wanted to believe that she can speak with Vicky. But, he found it hard to trust anyone who presents themselves as "heroes" in his life. Angie though has a point when she mentioned the fire and jail incident. He was hoping the temporary distraction could clear up his mind and give him a definite answer when he gets back to Quebec. Thanksgiving was just around the corner and he promised Mrs. Hernandez that he will graze the occasion. After the jail, there was no way that he can back out.

Angie and Lindey, on the other hand, were debating about their flight. But the staff in the Philippines has assured them that they were in good hands and not to worry too much as they were prepared for the hurricane that was coming. They flew together on the scheduled date despite being delayed multiple times.

After a day of stay in Northern Philippines, the two girls were scheduled to travel to Ilocos from Cagayan. The factory was in Cagayan but they wanted to check some of the traditional textiles in Ilocos Sur. Unfortunately for them, their second day turned out to be a disaster in the waiting as the provinces were hit with super typhoon.

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