Little Annie's Prayer

Little Annie was softly saying her evening prayers kneeling down in front her bed, and her mother was there beside her to assist. After Annie concluded her prayer, her mother asked her and said...

"What did you pray, my Little Annie?"

Little Annie joyfully jumped up to her bed and smiled to her mother as she began to reply, "I asked God to take a good care of you and father. And...Oh!" she suddenly added while hugging her little teddy bear tight in her arms, "I also asked God if I can meet him. I wonder what does he looks like."

Little Annie's mother couldn't avoid her smile to appear while looking at her daughter's innocent stare, "Well, well, my little girl. What do you think God looks like?"

"Hmm..." Little Annie stopped for a moment to think. Then after a while she said, "I think his tall. He has a goatee on his chin and a long, curly, brown hair on his head. And oh! Since God can do anything, I think he also has a magic wand!"

"Oh well, he's more like a wizard to you, my Little Annie." Then the mother stroked her fingers to her daughter's tanned hair.

Little Annie began to feel sleepy as she looked at the ceiling and asked, "Do you think God already got my prayer?"

The mother gave her little daughter a soft kiss on the forehead and replied, "That's for sure, my Little Annie. So now, close your eyes and sleep tight." Then the mother carefully turned around and walked out of the room in silence.

The next day, Little Annie and her friends decided to go for a picnic. She packed some bread and cookies while her friends grabbed some big bags before heading to the park. When they arrived, she decided to wander around the park while eating some of her packed sweets. When she had gone about a few more steps, her eyes met up with a poor young boy, about the same as her age. He grabbed a piece of bread from his pocket and took a small bite from it.

As the boy was about to take his next bite, a stray dog appeared before him and wagged its tail while looking at the young boy's piece of bread. Without hesitation, the young boy ripped his bread into half and put it on the ground for the dog to eat. The dog hungrily sniffed the bread and sat beside the poor young boy who seemed to be very hungry.

After she witnessed the poor young boy's kindness, Little Annie decided to sit down next to him. She opened her bag pack and get some cookies. When she was about to eat the cookies, she noticed that the poor boy gazed at her with hunger, so she offered him a cookie. The boy gratefully accepted the cookie and smiled at Annie.

"Thank you." The poor young boy said.

"You're welcome." Little Annie replied him back.

When Annie was done eating, she looped her hands to return her thanks to God. She bowed her head and began her prayer. "Dear God, thank you for the cookies we ate. They were delicious, especially when I have someone to share it with. I hope someday I could share some cookies with you too. I think it is fun eating with you. Amen."

After her prayer, she prepared herself and got up to leave.

Little Annie continued her walk around the park. But before she was about to turn right, she saw a lady who unintentionally missed her footing. She fell on the wet ground and her dress got dirty. Unfortunately, the lady don't have a handkerchief, so she tried to remove the dirt on her dress using her hands.

As soon as Little Annie saw the situation, she immediately came to the lady and offered her help. She took from her pack bag an extra hankie and gave it to the lady.

"Oh, thank you so much dear," the lady expresses her thanks.

"You're welcome." Little Annie replied.

After the lady was done cleaning her dress, she tried to get some money from her pocket as an exchange to the hankie. However, Annie did not accept the money, but instead she prayed. "Dear God, thank you that only the dress got dirty, that nothing serious happened to this lady. Please take care of her. And oh, please take care of yourself too, God. If anything happens to you, we're gonna be in a big mess."

After Annie got finished her prayer, she said goodbye to the lady and leave.

Again, Little Annie continued her wander around the park. After a short time later, she saw an old man sitting at the park's wooden bench. He appeared to be so happy just by staring at some pigeons tapping their beaks on the ground. Little Annie began to felt tired, so she sat down to the wooden bench next to the old man. She saw the old man reached the side of his pocket and grabbed some bread crumbs for the pigeons to eat. Feeding the birds seemed to be enjoyable, that's why Annie decided to try feeding them too. Unfortunately, she didn't have any more cookie left inside her bag pack. The old man sitting beside her noticed her and instantly offered some of his bread crumbs to her.

"Here, grab some."

Annie thankfully accepted the bread crumbs and tossed it to the ground. The old man smiled at her sweetly, and both of them enjoyed every pieces of the crumbs being eaten by the birds. They sat there all afternoon feeding the birds and smiling, but they never exchange a single word.

As it grew dark, Annie realized that she has to get up and leave. But before she had gone a few more steps, she turned around, ran back to the old man and thanked him.

"Thank you so much for this day. I really enjoyed feeding the birds."

The old man gave Annie the biggest smile she ever saw in her entire life. Then he said, "I must be the one to thank you, Little Annie. I really enjoyed feeding the birds too. And oh, the cookies you gave me were delicious, and the hankie---it helps me a lot."

Little Annie got surprised and slowly became confused. In the middle of her astonishment, she unintentionally dropped her bag and some of the things inside it rolled on the floor away from her. She picked up her things quickly and turned around, but the old man he just met has already moved out.

When Little Annie arrived at home, her parents were surprised by the look of happiness reflecting on her face.

"What did you do today? What made you so happy?" her mother asked.

Then Little Annie replied, "I ate cookies with God, and I let him borrow my hankie, and we fed the birds together!" and before her parents could react with her story, she added, "And you know what? He can be a child, or a lady, or an old man. But what he had with him was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life!"

That night, Little Annie said her prayers with her hands looped together near to her chest. "Dear God, thank you for giving me a chance to see you. Thank you because I ate together with you and fed the birds with you. Don't worry about my hankie. It is all yours now. I know you will take a good care of it. I hope to see your smile again soon. I love you forever and ever. Amen."

Then, Little Annie began to yawn and fell asleep, as she treasured those God's sweet smiles deep within her heart.