Chapter 7

Gage allowed Isis to keep her distance those next few days leading up to the next show. The next week would be promo events and photoshoots for the Justice team. He planned to make her keep her promise to stay near him. He had already wasted almost over a week of her three week trial period. After his body reaction to her a few days before he wanted to keep his distance. The more he thought about her body the first time he had seen her, the more frustrated he became with himself.

“Get it together Gage. What? Do you think this girl is something special? Are you going back to be, Mr. Nice Guy? Do you want to be her knight in shining armor? Or are you going to show her who the boss is? Maybe you would rather be weak and let another woman control you?


Isis sat in the locker room alone. She had worked on her look all day. After changing several times she finally settled on a sexy business look. She wanted to show Gage she wasn’t what he thought of her. She was a classy, smart, and talented woman. Also, she was independent and not going to let him tell her who to be or how to dress.

She wore her hair up in a beautiful ballroom dance style updo with ruby red lips with sexy smokey eyes. Isis chose a high fashion silk white suit with no top under showing a low cut v neck and white stiletto heels. A sexy lace bra top peeking out under her suit jacket. She put on matching white frame sunglasses in hopes that is Gage was not going to make her cry again. If he did she could conceal it. Isis was not going to let that man see her cry again tonight.

All four men entered the room and Gage was the last to enter messing with his phone. Isis sat quietly with her legs crossed on the couch in the dressing room tapping her nails on the leather seat cushion. Her head lightly resting on her other hand as her fingertips rested at the side of her lips. She bit down on her fingernail trying to control her instant disdain. She let out a breath of air already annoyed by Gage and his brooding presence. Isis spun the ring on her finger around waiting for his inevitable snide comments.

How dare he walk in the room looking all handsome with his black dress shirt slightly unbuttoned showing off his glorious chest? And those tight dress slacks allowing his firm backside to look more amazing than ever. As he leans over putting down his bag forcing his glutes to flex in that amazing way that made a woman want to touch what was under that restrictive fabric. How could he? The nerve of this man.

Gage put down his bag and turned back to look her over. “You were supposed to arrive here with us. Where were you?

“I came early. I needed time to myself. I didn’t feel like any company.” Isis stared him down.

Drake threw his bag next to the wall. “Just great. Here we go again. Can we get through one day without you two having an attitude?” He mumbled under his breath.

Gage leaned over her with hands on both sides, resting on the back of the couch by her shoulders.

"You are to be by my side at all times unless I tell you otherwise. Understood? I was pretty lax on that rule recently. I think you need a little reminder. I’m not going to have trouble out of you today, now am I? I’m not in the mood for your sassy mouth. Is that clear?

He looked down over her voluptuous breast and smelled her sweet vanilla scent. He couldn’t understand why she drove him so insane. But, here they were, having one more pissing contest over dominance.

Pushing her glasses down to look him in the eyes she just smirked. She waited for him to look back up to meet her gaze.

“Crystal clear, Mr. Stone.

Gage stood back up and smiled as he won. “Good girl.

“Hey! Isis, you look nice. You look like a supermodel. Sexy businesswoman. I like it. But, you always look hot.” Nick said flopping down next to her as he patted her leg.

Nike gave a big bright smile. He was a happy guy and not even Gage could deny his positive attitude was infectious.

“Thank you. Nice of you to notice. I wouldn’t want to offend anyone with my body.” She looked directly at Gage.

Gage had his back turned to her. Looking through his bag he grumbled something under his breath. She knew she probably set a fire going again but she really didn’t care. She wasn’t going to let that man get to her tonight.

Jerrod noticed Gage's demeanor knowing it was going to be another awkward night between the two. “Well, Isis you look like a million dollars. I like your other outfits too but you do like nice tonight. Sexy and classy all on one. Very pretty.

Gage looked over at Jerrod. “She doesn’t need you guys boosting her ego. She has enough all her own. But, Isis... you do look nice.

She was surprised. He approved. What a shock.

“Thank you, Gage.

She fidgeted with her ring and took off her glasses. His words somehow calmed her. She was surprised by this feeling. She had to stop herself. He was the enemy. She didn’t need his approval.

Gage sat in the chair across from her staring her down. While the guys chatted up their matches that night, he just wanted the night to be over. It would be Isis's first time walking out with them to the ring. Gage couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind since he held her in his arms that day by the ring and it was really starting to affect him. Even though he was being a misogynist jerk he felt something brewing inside him when she was near.

He thought maybe she had to feel it too. He saw the way her body responded to him, even when she was trying to fight it. He got a sly grin on his face thinking about how she touched her body when they were at the club. When she noticed his erection, it was a hint of desire. He tilted his head looking her over, rubbing his chin. He got lost in his erotic thoughts of her. Thinking of what he would like to do to that beautiful dancer body of hers.

Isis, as always, was sitting quietly reading. She was still the bookworm at heart. She looked up from the book seeing the guys chatting. She found it amusing how they were always boosting each other's egos up before a show.

She noticed Gage watching her and the look of lust written across his face. She had seen that look before in bars. When guys across the room were thinking of a way to hit on her. Those days had been long gone. He noticed she was watching and smiled his sexy Gage thousand-watt smile. She quickly looked away. Why was he torturing her this way?

‘Isis stop! Stop thinking about what your thinking. So yeah. He’s still as gorgeous as he always was, but he’s a jackass. He treats you like you’re a cheap whore and now basically his property. Is that what you want? Some man to dominate you?

Her eyes went back to him thinking, ‘Two can play this game.’ She smiled seductively, slightly parting her lips. Using her tongue to tease across her teeth. Her hands fell between her breast running her fingers over the hem of her lace bra as her head slightly fell to the side.

Gage swallowed hard as he started watching her fingers tease over her breast. Taunting him. Begging to be kissed. How he wanted to take her right then. He needed a release. It had been too much. She stood and grabbed a piece of ice trying to pretend to ignore him.

“It’s hot in here. This heat is just way too much.

She took the ice and ran it over her neck and between her breasts. By this time every man in the room had their eyes glued to her while trying to hold their conversations. One thing she knew was men were all the same. Her little plan was working and she placed the ice to her teeth looking at Gage. She licked the ice giving him a seductive moan that caught his attention. His eyes narrowed and she saw as his tongue traced over his lips. She discarded the ice and sat back in her spot. Her eyes were glued to him biting her lip doing her best to seduce the man she wanted to hate with all her being.

A yell from the hall, ”Justice! Showtime!

They all came back down from their high and Jerrod piped up, ”Time to roll!

Gage reached out for Isis's hand to help her to her feet. She gratefully accepted. He leaned down to speak in her ear pulling her close. “Remember, stay close. Oh...and don’t think I don’t notice the little game you’re playing. It will take a lot more than that to get my attention. But, at least you’re starting to see who the man is around here.

“Who said I did that for you?” She smirked devilishly. She saw his eyes grow dark. She went too far. The ting of fear crept back in. She didn’t know how to win this battle. She wasn’t sure she wanted to. It had become a game. Once she was starting to love.

Once in the hall Isis was walking slightly separated from the men ahead of them. Trying to get into her persona for the show. It had never been so hard for her to get into character as it was around Gage. He intimidated her on so many levels. Good and bad. He walked down the hall watching her hips sway and noticing Isis perfectly sculpted backside. Her dancer's body was amazing.

He thought of how his mark would look upon her firm porcelain bottom. The sting of his hand bringing a red print that would install dominance and pleasure all in one. She would beg for it. Long for it. He forced the thought from his mind. He had a job to do. This was not the time to think of such things. But, it had been too long for him to bere this burden. Something had to give and it had to be soon.

Once to the curtain that led to the stage, he instructed her to come back to his side.

Jerrod spoke up.” Isis you need to show that Gage is the champ out there. Be just as interested in him as any of the girls that we have had around before. Show him a little extra attention tonight. Don’t forget to show you are now the queen. This isn’t like the promos backstage. Out there he is the champ and the man.

She rolled her eyes. ”Gage...the man, huh? Soooo. Fake it. I think I can do that.

When the music started Gage took her arm in his. Leaning over to her he whispered in her ear. “Trust me. You wouldn’t be faking anything. You would be begging me for more.

Her eyes grew wide and she gasped. He smirked knowing if she was going to play games with him, he was going to show her exactly who the man is.


“That. Was. Amazing!” Isis was almost in tears of joy from the rush of being on the mainstage for the first time. Gage just smiled seeing her so happy. It was the first time he actually saw her beautiful smile.

“Isis, girl you were on fire out there. Standing in the ring with Cyrus and Davis can be intimidating. You didn’t miss a beat when the boss started in on you.” Jerrod was fired up and gave her a big hug.

Gage adjusted his title belt on his shoulder. He was pleased she could keep up the pace with him and Davis in a promo. Not many people could go toe-to-toe with them on the mic.

“I agree, queeny. Good job.” Gage patted her shoulder. It made her feel good to hear he finally approved of something she did. She didn’t for the life of her understand why. But, it still made all the difference.

A knock at the dressing room door came. Drake opened it and in stepped Cyrus.

Isis jumped up, "Cyrus! That was so cool! I’ve wanted to be standing in that ring with you for years. I did it. I really did it.” She ran over hugging her cousin.

“It is so creepy seeing the brothers of Doom hug anyone. Are you sure he won’t take you sole or something, Isis?” Nick joked.

“Funny, Nick!” Cyrus' gruff gravely voice rumbled over the room. “You did well out there, kid. I wanted to come and tell you how proud I am of you.” He pulled off his hat. “Guys you better be treating her good. Gage, I need to talk with you privately.

“Cyrus, please... no. Don’t be playing big brother figure right now. This is a good night.” Isis snuggled up to him, trying to get on his good side.

“Ice Queen. Don’t test me.

“Ugg. That dang nickname. I hate it. You know that right?” He nodded and kissed her on top of the head.

Gage put down his belt, "Ok, guys can you step out a minute. Take the Ice Queen to grab a drink in catering.

They all ushered her out the door. Isis was not happy about it. She figured by now Cyrus had heard the comments Gage made to her before. And that comment. Ice Queen? What the hell was that? She was fuming. Only one person ever allowed to call her that and that was Cyrus. She will let that one pass, this time.

“Ok, Gage. We need to talk man-to-man. I heard you have been giving Isis a hard time.” Cyrus stood arms crossed.

“What? Are you her keeper? She holds her own, trust me.” He sat down not really wanting to have this conversation.

“Listen, I’ll make this short. You call her a whore again or make her cry one more damn time, I will kick your ass. I made a promise to her dad years ago to take care of her. He is gone now and Wraith and I are all she has. I will not let you or anyone else treat her that way. She was excited about her wardrobe and character and to meet you. For the life of me, I don’t know why." Cyrus leaned against the wall.

"I know, Wraith and I already had this conversation."

"Your smug ass wouldn’t even give her the courtesy to meet her for breakfast that morning. She sat there for three hours waiting for you. Did he tell you that? You made her feel worthless. She didn’t tell me. Isis tells Wraith everything though. If it wasn’t for him I’d never know anything. I heard Wraith punched you in the face. You fucking deserved worse. I would have broken your damn neck. She’s a shy sweet girl who deserves to be here. She just wants your respect. Since your divorce and this Justice thing, you got this chip on your shoulder. Everyone here sees it. You're not the guy you were. The friend I know would never hurt her like that. FIX IT!“ Cyrus stood firm.

“I get it, she’s like your little pet. But, Isis knows she is in the big leagues now. She needs to learn some respect for the veterans in this company. She needs to know who the hell I am!” Gage sat back throwing his arms over the back of the couch with his cocky overbearing attitude not backing down one bit.

Cyrus chuckled shaking his head in disbelief. “OH! I think she knows exactly who this guy is. A dick. Get your shit together Gage or our next match won’t be some stupid scripted shit. I’ll beat the fuck out of you.” Cyrus stormed out.

Gage rubbed his chin shaking his head. He got up and paced the floor like a caged animal. Grabbing his phone as he fumed over what just transpired.

“Jerrod! Send her back here, now! Keep the guys out of the locker room for a while. Miss Ice Queen and I need to talk.” He shut off his phone and threw it to the side.

Isis made her way back and expected Cyrus to still be with Gage. Entering the room she was chest-to-chest with Gage and bumped into him. He shoved the door closed and moved till she was trapped against it. A lump came in her throat when she realized her cousin was not there.

“I told you to stop going to Wraith and Cyrus. This shit is between you and I. From now on you are with me at all times. If you know what’s good for you, you damn sure better make that happen. You know the only way out of Justice is if I say so. You can quit IWX, but I don’t think you’re that stupid.

She lifted her eyes to meet his. Her heart sank. Her perfect evening ruined again. Pushing her hands against his chest to get some distance between them, she sighed in defeat.

“Why don’t you just let me go? Let me out of Justice. We can both go our own ways. You hate me anyway. You think I’m trash. I feel like an idiot for ever looking up to you. You’re just a mean heartless bastard.” She hit his chest weeping.

He grabbed her arms pulling her closer to him to avoid the blows. She started to cry and fell into his chest. Gage looked up at the ceiling hating himself for what he was doing to her. To himself.

His voice softened. “Isis, stop crying. Please. I don’t hate you. You just get under my skin. I don’t know why you have to be such a hardass all the time. Why can’t you just try to be a little less in control? You may be surprised to find I can be a nice guy.

Gage looked down seeing she was laying her head on his chest sobbing. Her arms went around his waist and she couldn’t help but pull herself into him. Smell his warm masculine scent. For someone she hated so much, she felt so safe in his arms. He wrapped his arms around her closing his eyes just allowing the moment to linger a while longer.

“I just wanted you to like me?

Her small voice was so full of pain. The more he heard her plea the worse he started to feel for his actions. Rubbing her hair he tried his best to be the man he once was. One who would have given anything to make a woman like her happy.

“Next week. You get my answer. Either you’re in or out. For now, until then, you belong to me. Don’t forget that. I don’t think you're going to like my answer either way.” He pulled her back and sat her down in a chair. He walked out of the room leaving her alone and confused.

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