The Preston Book Society

Eiji was devouring instant ramen prepared by Aoi while taking turns eating dumplings. He was really famished. He told them how he was not able to eat lunch since he was punished for talking to the Grand Knight yesterday without permission. The push-ups were not enough as mentioned by his sempai. He was asked to do errands and to finish all his sempai’s project. Eiji was telling the story like it was a normal thing. Aoi just expressed her disgust about the fraternity while Hazel and Masaki were watching Eiji eat.

Surprisingly, the library serves as the club office since no one ever goes there. Aoi mentioned to the group that the library was merely built to pass university standards. Since Aoi became the student librarian, she only got a handful of students who visited.

“Well, to be fair, most students here have their libraries at home,” Masaki answered.

He was right. Hazel thought. Most students here are wealthy. Basically, the facilities here are not really for them but for compliance's sake.

“That means you Aoi-san and Eiji-san are rich?” Hazel pointed out.

Aoi smiled, “We used to.” Eiji did not bother to answer. He was focused on finishing the remaining ramen soup. Aoi did not continue to tell their story but just asked about Masaki.

“I know Hazel’s a scholar. A gifted one. She’s an asset to the university. How about you?

Masaki let out a huge sigh, “Do I not look smart to you?

The siblings were shocked except Hazel to which she replied, “I know you’re a scholar because we live at the same apartment building.

“Well, yeah. Believe it or not, I am good at History and Politics. That’s why I took that major.

“So, where did they find you? Hazel already told me her back story. Who’s your backer?


They all gasped. Sakura Corporation is the top automotive company not just in their country but in the entire world. They’re such a huge company that they bought a lot wide enough to have it registered as a city. They’re also known for having strict standards when it comes to their scholars. They need to be of top-caliber before the company would consider choosing you.

The whole library was quiet except for the slurping sound of soup that’s why Masaki just continued to tell a story. “My father is working for Sakura and we live in Sakura city. Instead of studying, I preferred to just spend time at an arcade. My father caught me and decided to just let me work even though I was still a minor at that time. One day, I was talking to one of the supervisors and we got to a much deeper topic. He asked where I got the information I said and the stupid me answered that I have read the books about it in our library before I dropped out in high school. The supervisor caught the discrepancy with my age since the library was just newly built. So, here I am. Sakura saw my potential and they want me to work for them as their lawyer in the future.

“Whoa, your story is better than Hazel. No offense, kid,” Aoi said while patting Hazel’s head. “Hazel here had no idea why she was recruited to represent Yang Corp.

Masaki and Eiji looked at Hazel. She started to look at her feet. “I’m not really sure. Perhaps the CEO secretary pitied my father.

Aoi chuckled, “There, there. As long as you’re here now and learning. That’s what you want, right?” Aoi smiled at their youngest member and the kid in return smiled widely.

Then there were four. Aoi Sato, Eiji Sato, Masaki, and Hazel Yin comprise the Aoi Super Fan Book Club. Well, that was the club name that was submitted by Aoi. Good thing she can still make changes since Masaki and Eiji were protesting against it. They thought of having a formal name so that they could gain respect for their schoolmates. They settled in naming it, “Preston Book Society.


Akira was looking far outside the window when he spotted one of the neophytes and the girl she bumped into yesterday walking together in a group. He was curious as to why they were together with another pair of students. Are they on a double date? He knew that the girl was just new. It’s impossible for her to know the neophyte right away since there’s also a separation between the East and West wing. He wanted to investigate further. He was looking at them disappear from the gate. I guess the neophyte needs to answer him tomorrow. He was already looking far out the window and it was noticed by Ash. He was just sitting at the corner, waiting for another command to do. He cannot really approach Akira to ask him so he’s just waiting patiently with the other neophytes. They’re just quiet. It’s deafening.

Finally, sunset’s approaching, and Akira decided to dismiss the neophytes except for Ash of course. When they were all alone, Ash asked if they can have dinner together. Akira obliged and they decided to eat at Ash’s place since Shiro needs company.

They ordered take-out at Akira’s favorite restaurant. While waiting, Akira’s playing with Shiro and Ash was just watching them. Akira then started the conversation, “Are you ready to take-over?

“Not really. I’m not finding the need to take-over by the way. There are other members worthy of the position.

“But the higher council chose you. I have no control over it. The fraternity is not just a fraternity, you know.

Ash nodded.

They went silent for a while. Akira tried to lighten up the mood by asking if Ash already saw someone that caught his attention. Ash said he hasn’t seen a girl in his class because of Engineering. Akira agreed while laughing. He then inserted the time he met someone cute outside the campus gate.

"She looks young, though.

"How young?"

"Young school girl young."

"Whoa. I need to call the police."

Akira laughed, "Anyway, as the next Grand Knight you need to make sure that the other neophytes will vote for you.
That's why I assign you to get to know the other neophytes. Then report it back to me, especially get to know the guy with glasses."

"Why him specifically?

"Nothing special. I just want to check your socialization skills. Good luck neophyte!"

They just laughed at each other and they received a call from the condo receptionist saying their food order has arrived.

Next chapter