Chapter 1

I don’t fucking know what to feel! With my adrenaline rush running on all my veins, I run as fast as I could. Panting and breathing heavily, all the maids looked at me as I hysterically search for an escape. I saw one of our car parked near the gate, the driver busy cleaning it and its door widely open for me. I found myself running towards it, the driver looking shocked as I closed the door and roared the engine to life. I stepped on the gas hastily when I saw the son of a bitch raging in anger.

He turned to me with angry eyes and I gritted my teeth. Fuck you! Rot in hell, Kent Hunston.

All the guards looked so stun as I maneuver the car out of the gate, their mouth gaping and soon, they are panicking. I looked at the rear view mirror, before directing my eyes on the road. Tears brimming on my eyes but I was quick to wipe it. Damn!

I don’t know how to drive, I just learned it from watching my driver whenever he will drive me to my school and to home. It is a piece of cake, really, but driving with your heavy heart and tears threatening to fall anytime is just hard! I sobbed, parting my lips as I gasped for air. Darn it!

“Did I just fucking escape my supposed rape? On my birthday?” I asked and pity myself. Tears pooled more and I am already struggling for air. I was about to stop on the side to calm myself but I saw a car driving behind me with a man inside it! He has the guts huh!

It was that son of a bitch! Pressured, emotionally breaking down, sobbing, and crying I stepped on the gas more. We were now on the curvy road of this province and I am having difficulty steering the wheel!

I looked behind and saw his disgusting face, I turned to looked in front of the road again but my eyes widened with tears on it as I saw a car appearing out of nowhere and the most shocking about it was, it is going on my lane! I tried to stepped on the break or steer the wheel but it was all too late. I heard a loud impact, my head hitting a hard thing and before I lose my consciousness, I felt blood crawling on my lips, the taste of rust spreading on my mouth. I smiled bitterly as I close my eyes.

Maybe it really is my fate, huh? To be born on a rich family, have a ruthless parents, grew up alone and to be almost rape on her eighteenth birthday with her future husband, escape and an accident that will finally end my bitter and sad life. How pathetic.

I always wander why do fate need to be this cruel to me? Am I an antagonist on my past life? Did I do something so sinful that I live again and received all of these? I don’t know but then again it is better this way than live the life it gave me again. I just wish to be born as rock or fish mynext life so I won’t have to think about problems anymore.

I don’t know if I am dead but I woke up on a very dark place.

“Hello? Is this hell already?” I sheepishly asked but it only echoed making me the only person here. I pouted, I am not afraid of dark but somehow, this is making me nervous. I wander my eyes and saw a faint of light on the far left. I run to it and my eyes widened when I saw a very beautiful place.

It is full of flowers and it looks like a garden. The flowers are circled and at the middle of it stood a big plant shaped into...what is it? A man in a fighting stance with his sword raised up? I shrugged but he looked familiar, huh? I wonder where did I see him?

It is as if I already saw him but...forget it! I never saw him, I only felt the familiarization. I roamed on the garden and out of nowhere I saw a man and a woman sitting on a mat laid on the grass. They looked so lovely while the man is staring down at the big baby bump of the woman. He sweetly smiled and it brought an unknown pinched and swelling on my chest as he caresses her tummy.

“What’s their name?” he asked. The girl warmly smiled before touching her baby bump.

“Let’s name them...” before I could hear it I was snapped into darkness again and this time I heard voices around me.

“What happened to her?” a cold baritone asked. I felt shiver run down my spine when I heard his tone, it sounds ruthless and...dominating. I heard more murmuring, slowly, I faltered my eyes open.

Heart thumping fast, I gasped for air, my throat feeling so dry but a hand was quick to give me a glass, without further ado I drink it, a thick liquid hugging my throat and my eyes widened when I saw what it is!

I puked all the blood they made me drink, I didn’t stop until I almost emptied up my stomach. Damn what the heck!

“Shit,” I touched my head when I felt it throbbing real hard and I saw how they all panicked. I am alive? Fuck!

I felt a gauze bandage on my head and when I looked at my arms, it has some cuts! I gasped muttering soft curses until I lifted my gaze on the people around me.

“It is normal. Since she is suffering from a memory loss,” a man in a white lab gown said while scribbling something on a paper. He looked at me and sighed before walking near me, I panicked and tears pooled in my eyes.

“N-No...” I muttered in a very soft and weak voice. He halted and stepped back, bowing before speaking.

“I apologized, Princess.

My mouth dropped. Princess? My name is not princess! I roamed my eyes and they all bow as if they are so scared of me! Out of them, I saw a man looking at me with a very dark, soulful and mysterious eyes. He didn’t flinched like the others, instead he walked near me with head held high, full of confidence.

Each step shouting ruthlessness, power and authority. He stood beside me, his tall figure looking down at me and I never felt so little my whole life just now! The man crouched, I shut my eyes in fear as I let my body and heart tremble at his presence.

I thought he would hit me or something but all I felt is a rough thumb wiping my lip. I opened my eyes, staring at him with shock.

“Rest yourself, Princess.

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