Chapter 8: Beat Up

Winter's POV;

I woke up forcefully this morning. I didn't feel like coming to school because what happened yesterday has never happened to me before. But i needed to go. My mom would gladly have me stay home with her and gossip but it was a friday so my classes lesser than usual.

I was in my bath when the thoughts of those perverts came into my mind. I washed my face the most and brush my teeth harder than ever before.

I wear a simple but short fled skirt and a baby pink chiffon top and accessories. The makeup was light as well. Before i left mom gave me the new phone i asked for.

School was slow today. It seemed like the clock wasn't moving but what made the class fun was the fact that Devon was in the class with me. He kept making me laugh and if not that the teacher knew his parents,she would have sent us out.

"Why did you get a new phone?" He asked curiously. "My mom got it for me today." Was all i could tell him. He seemed to understand that I didn't want to talk about it anymore as he dropped it and went back to teasing me. He really is the sweetest person ever.

When the class was over, Devon was telling me that he won't join me for lunch today as he has swimming practice for a competition tomorrow.

During lunch i saw Damian he was talking to Tyler and his crew of immature dicks. They seemed to be talking until Tyler tried to hit him but he dodged the punch.

After, Tyler and his friends took him somewhere. I followed them from a safe distance and they took him to the janitors closet and i looked through the open part of the door as they kept punching and kicking him. And he didn't even scream or shout once.

What should i do? I am so confused. What should I say? i remember Devon's words; "don't interfere Winter" but they were beating him up.

"This is a warning. The next time you try to be cool, i will end you." I hear Tyler say as him and his thug friends were coming out. I hid beside a locker but they went the opposite direction.

I walk to the little space available to see through and find Damian trying to stand up but couldn't. I immediately open the door and walk into the dim lighted space. As soon as he saw me, he had both the look of anger and surprise.

I walk over to him and look at his face, he had bruises his clothes were dirty. It made me sad seeing him like that. I hold his face up try to at least clean the blood on his face. He stares at me and pushes my hand away. "Go away." He says angrily. "No. You helped me. Now I'm going to help clean you up" i reply confidently and he continues looking at me.

I take out another tissue and holds face while i clean it. His faces were mere inches away from mine and his i could him breathe on my face, it also didn't help that the room was dim lighted and the lack of ventilation. I take out a band aid and put it on his face. He doesn't say a word. I try to get the shoe prints off his clothes by dusting but it didn't help much.

"That's enough. Don't touch me" he looked in my eyes with fury. "Don't look at me like that! I wasn't the one that beat you up." I talk back getting tired of him always yelling at me.

"Why are you here?" He blurts and i sigh. "I was passing by and i saw you here." I lied and i guess he knew because he raised his brow at me. "Leave me alone." He tells me and i actually listen, i cleaned him up already so the favor has been returned. I take my purse and open the door and cold air hits my face and i close the door behind me,leaving him alone.

I went to my class and see Xander in class already and few others. He signs me to come to him and showed me the empty seat beside him and i sit there.

"Winter your eye looks horrible." He exaggerated like the world was ending. I check my mirror and see that he clearly exaggerated. "I need female friends." Was all i told him and he scoffs. "Good luck finding friends here" sarcasm clear in his voice.

I don't blame him,he did have a point. In Aarlington you can't have real friends, all they do is brag about what their parents own and compare and makes the other person feel cheap.

"Where's Devon?" Xander asks looking at me. "Swimming practice. He has a competition tomorrow" i explain to him and he makes his mouth an 'O' shape.

My last class was History and if i wasn't mistaken Damian is in this class too. He is in like almost all my classes and i only have one class with Devon and Xander.

I highly doubt he's even going to attend the class with the beating he was given today. Half way into the class he comes in with a hoodie covering his hair and part of his face and i could already hear whispering from students around.

He sat in the front and had his head down on his desk for the whole period. I wonder why he attended if he was going to be resting his head all the time.

I glanced at him with every chance i could and i felt so terrible that they beat him up. Was this the first time or has this happened before? The bullying situation is actually getting out of hand in this school.

After the final bell rung i went to his desk. He raised his head and sat up in his seat. He looked at me with a straight face. "Are you fine?" I speak and he nods his head. I was expecting that he'd say something so we can talk about it but no so i just stood there weirdly staring at him. "Quit staring. Or do you want to kiss me again" he looked in my eye with a bored expression.

"What! No." I raise my voice and he rolls his eyes. "I never asked, did you enjoy it? The kiss i mean." His deep voice echoed in the empty classroom and i feel embarrassed. "I did that for a reason." I stuttered thinking about what he thought of me. "I don't know what you're talking about but i meant when Spike kissed you" he says and my eyes widen with anger.

"You were there?!" I yell and he nods with an amused expression. "And you didn't stop him!"

"I saw everything. You needed to learn a lesson princess"

"By almost getting raped? Do you hear yourself?"

"I helped you before it got that far"

"You are such a... a..." Trying to think of the word that describes him

"A bad person!" I scream and storm out of the classroom.

He saw those people try to hurt me and wow! He could have done something to stop them but he didn't. I can't believe i felt sorry for him,but no more.

I really should stay away from him before something else happens.

If I'm correct, this is how those cliché books are. The more they decide to stay away from each other the closer they get. But hopefully my story will be different.




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