Hallow path


Kalen's lips stretched across his face,the knife placed between his fingers which had crimson blood dripping them from.

"Pathetic" he snarled as the pale body lay helplessly across the floor, coughing for air as blood seeped out of their stomach.

"I'm sorry" the body gargled, gasping for air as their entire body ached, eyes wide with great fear. A harsh laugh escaped Kalen's lips, the knife which stayed between his fingers lingered around the fragile body of his dying victim , slowly and gently scraping the body, not hard enough to draw blood but enough to cause pain and fear.

"Goodnight" he laughed, his voice echoing through the old, empty warehouse. He struck the knife forward which pierced the victims skin, slicing up from his foot to his thigh, a piercing scream echoed throughout the room.


Pandora smiled as her phone lit up, the name kalen flashing on her screen which signaled she received a text message from her lover.

"Meet me at san turso at 8pm" the text read, San Turso was a popular and posh restaurant which was located in their small town, everyone wanted to go there however you needed some serious money to do so.

"I will see you there" she replied,giggling to herself.

Wh knew her life would spiral so out of control from a simple text message.

Kalens grinned etched upon his face once seeing Pandora approach forward, he tightened his grip on the flowers which were in his hand, walking forward to meet his lovely girlfriend. He reached his pale hand out, offering her the lilac flowers in his hands.

Pandora could not have smiled any harder if she tried, she had never received such generosity from a gentleman in her entire life. "You really didn't have to" she spoke softly, a small smile settled on her lips as she took the offering.

"Anything for you" Kalen responded with a grin, reaching for Pandora's other hand, their fingers intertwining with one another.

Pandora couldn't help but grin, she was so in love with the man occupying her side.

If only she knew his deep, dark secret.

The pair sat themselves down at a two seated table, both of them ordering a steak, they always liked a steak, and they always had a competition when it came to food. Kalen would always order a rare steak, however Pandora never thought much of it, simply personal preference she thought, however it was a signal of something else, something much deeper.

They talked as if they have known each other their entire lives but in fact they only met last year, they only became official three months ago.

"Would you like to come back to mine?" Kalen asked with a smile which could light up the moon, in Pandora's eyes anyway. "Of course" she replied sweetly, reaching over the table to plant a soft kiss on his pale cheek.

It was only forty-five minutes later that they ended up at Kalen's flat, snuggled up on the sofa as they watched the TV together.

The news channel flickered on.

"There has been reporting of multiple missing people which have been found dead and skinned and what looks like to be a series of torment committed before the official dying, the police are now treating the matter as a serial killer on the loose, please stay alert and stay safe" the reported spoke before the channel flickered off and back to what they were previously watching.

Kalen simply squeezed Pandora's shoulders, not saying a word on the situation.

"This world is so cruel, how could someone be so monstrous!" Pandora exclaimed, a sad sigh slipping past her plump lips.

Kalen still remained silent, his eyes glaring towards the lady in his eyes as his tongue ran over his dry lips, Kalen shook the thought of.

This was his girlfriend, not his next victim.

At least he thought.

Next chapter