
“Hector, don’t do this.” Drop the gun. The woman who is sprawled on the floor weakly says as she stretches her hand forth to her son whose eyes have vengeance written all over it.

Regal has a hard time accommodating what she’s seeing in front of her, but what she knows is that Hector Wiles is holding a gun on a man’s head and he looks like he’s gonna pull the trigger anytime soon.

Regal curses under her breath as she stares back into the opened door, wondering where the authorities were since she called them about ten minutes ago. She holds unto the bat as she looks at Hector who look like he’s not gonna doesn’t let it go anytime soon.

His mom is on the floor and it looks like she has an injury, Hector must have been the one who pulled up the car at their front porch.

“You should listen to your mom.” The man who is kneeling on the ground with a gun pointed to his head says to unbending Hector.

Shut up! Hector’s voice is unstable, but intimidating as his eyes are piercing towards the man on the floor.

“I’m gonna end you today.” He says and his mom nods in disapproval as she stretches forth to him.

Hector, stop! Her voice says.

Regal on the other hand, watches his hands touch the trigger and in the spun of the moment, she shoves his hand to the ceiling and the bullet hits the chandelier of the kitchen and it shatters on the floor, giving Regal multiple injuries immediately as she lands on the base beside him.

Hector, on the other hand, gazes at Regal immediately as he groans on the floor and his mom quickly grabs a hold of the gun while the man stands and runs out of the door.

Hey, are you okay? Hector asks as he raises Regal up staring at the multiple scratches on her hand.

Regal can’t hear him, she sees the man exiting from the doors and she pulls away from Hector, scores out of the room and he follows her.

As she runs forward with her bruised hand she pursues the man along the road until she sees police cars and an ambulance approaching. “Regal stops running when she sees them surrounding the man and she stops to catch her breath.” Hector catches up with her and he walks forward signaling the ambulance to help his mom.

Ryle runs out of the house when she hears the ruckus going on outside, she stops in shock when she sights Hector near her sister and it’s like her whole world stops for a moment. Regal twists her head and she sees her sister standing at the front porch staring at Hector who was running after the ambulance to get his mom.


After the ordeal, Hector’s mom is taken to the hospital to have her injury treated, but Regal insists to get first Aid. The last thing she wants is to have her parents being called from their break because of her.

Hector and Ryle are standing beside her while the medics clean her wounds, Regal gapes at him as he watches her state carefully. She expected him to go after his mom, but he stayed behind with her.

“You are all good.” The medic says and Regal smiles in gratitude.

Hector and Ryle dated each other before he left off to college and so, the muteness between each other is expected.

“You should check up on your mom, she will need you.” Regal breaks the silence as she and him are more comfortable with each other.

I will. Hector keeps it short.

His physique is taller and mature since they last saw each other two years ago, his voice got deeper and masculine too. He had always been taller than the both of them, but this time his maturity is almost visible in his physique.

“You put yourself in danger, Regal.” You shouldn’t do that. You could have been badly hurt. Hector says as he does a scrutiny while holding her hand.

Regal smiles softly.

“I’m glad I stopped you from doing more harm.” Regal says and their eyes arrest each other.

Thank you. He says.

Ryle clears her throat before them and again, they don’t even say a word to each other.

Will you able to stay in yourself? Regal asks before she follows Ryle.

“Yea, Hector smiles showing his deep dimples before placing a hand over hair and patting her shoulder.

It’s a gesture he has been doing since they grew up together, even when he started dating Ryle. They still had their caring little gestures towards each other and it hasn’t changed.

“See you around.” Regal says before walking away with Ryle.

Ryle doesn’t say a word and leaves with her sister; she locks the door and stares at him once more before she closes the door. Her heart clenches as she sees him again after two years, she’s glad that she didn’t even try to say anything when they were close to each other. Maybe she would have cried.

What really happened? Ryle asks, hoping the pain in her voice isn’t heard by her sister.

Fortunately, her sister is unsuspecting about the change in her voice as she gulps down water.

“I heard screaming at my room window and I went to find out.” Regal says.

“Regal you could have been hurt.” Ryle says, pushing says as he sits on the counter stool.

“Yeah, but Hector was way there before me. His car was at the front porch already, I think his mom called him when it started.” Regal tucks her raven hair in and she remembers that Hector just touched her there, she smiles.

Why are you smiling? Ryle asks.

“Nothing, I’m tired.” Regal says and runs up the stairs.

Ryle feels like she can’t breathe, how can he be here again? And again, she had to watch him show affection towards Regal. Ryle’s fists are clenched as she bites down very ugly memories.

Next chapter