The Moment I Fought For Freedom

The young priest we met two years ago chanted a spell. After the ceremony, the arena had a translucent protective layer. Sunlight couldn’t penetrate through it.

For the second time, he repeated the process.
The sudden chilly air tingled my skin.

Why didn’t he do this earlier?

When will the match start?
The poster stated it would be at three in the afternoon. The time was four minutes past three, but I haven’t seen their shadows.

“And now, for the biggest match of the century!
We introduce you to the prominent men of the continent! For the first round, we have...

The beat of the drums plus the cacophony of cheers would be the end of my eardrums.
Good thing I made earplugs using cotton balls.

The deafening sound became louder when the two emerged on the battlefield.

Everyone placed their bets...
For the first round, Prince Reyner and Prince Leopold will fight for Ella’s freedom. They’re both wearing white collared long-sleeve shirts and black pants. On their hands were swords that could bring victory.

After the referee’s signal, the two started the duel.
The clanking of their swords resonated.

On my left was my busy best friend praying for her Romeo.

His prophecy came true.
The first round finished in only thirty minutes when Prince Leopold dropped his sword when the blade of Reyner’s sword was on his throat. Following this event was the referee’s announcement. His swordsmanship was his weakness. No wonder he implemented careful tactics.

Despite all his flaws, the Crown Prince of Tozia gained my respect.
In the beginning, I had this impression of her love for my best friend.

How could you love someone you just met?
Could you consider that feeling as love, or was it something else?

Even though he knew from the start that he was an underdog, he accepted Reyner’s challenge and fought for the woman of his dreams.

Prince Reyner helped his opponent to stand up by extending his hand to him.

Ella opened her eyes when the ladies congratulated her.

After the fifteen-minute break, the second round started.
My sight did not leave on the battlefield even once.

“Blinking your eyes is not optional,” Ella commented.

As the two gentlemen’s movements went faster, the audience cheer was enough to break my eardrums.

Soon, both of them stopped to catch their breath.
The fragile florist turned to be the robust one. Vigor didn’t leave Liam. He stood like a tall tree in the forest. If I would comment about the Duke...

“Did you notice the Duke always placed his hand on his chest?
Is he alright?” Ella asked.

Oh no, was it the curse?
If my hypothesis was true, then he was in danger.

Both of them threw away their swords, and it became a boxing match in an instant.
They exchanged punches which evoked my memories of watching our famous boxer fights...

The rate at which their fists and arms move was way faster than my Internet speed in my home.

Everything went slo-mo when Prince Liam thwacked the Duke’s face.
My heartbeat paused.

The mighty man I used to know is now on the ground.
The violent blow caused his left eye to look like a raccoon. He also suffered from a bleeding nose.

The medic priests rushed to his side, put him on the white cloth stretcher, and carried him to a safer place to cure him.

The announcer raised his right arm to announce Prince Liam’s victory.
I walked until I reached the stage.

He had a puzzled reaction drawn over his face while the prince’s smile remained as if he knew my intention.

I kneeled and asked for Prince Liam’s forgiveness.

“Stand up, tell them what is going on inside your silly brain.
” He clipped the brooch as he took away from the announcer on the sleeve of my peach dress.

This opal brooch worked like a microphone.

I heaved a heavy sigh.
Even though I had training in public speaking, looking at your audience somehow made my knees weak.

“Good Afternoon, everyone.
I am Bethany Milea Grimaldi, and I want to challenge Prince Liam in a duel. Forgive me, Your Imperial Majesty, for this reckless decision. I beg you, let me fight for my destiny.

The bees buzzed.
My family clapped their hands nonstop. I expected my mother to pull my hair out of my stage and slap my cheeks as if an evil spirit possessed my body.

In the next scene was the people cheered for me.

Shouldn’t they throw tomatoes because I didn’t act like an ideal woman of society?

Soon, the Emperor and the King joined us.

He cleared his throat and said, “Do you want to know the next episode?

The crowd’s roar became louder as ever while the King whispered something to his frenemy.

Next, they asked for our opinions and made us stand facing each other.
The second prince gave the medal back to the Emperor.

“So, the game was not yet over.
Why my Lady? What should I do to impress you? Didn’t you forget your promise?

Girls went crazy as they begged the prince to marry them instead of me.

“I want to clarify this to you.
No one holds my heart. Freedom is all I want. There is something I want to achieve before I enter a complicated married life. And, this might be cheesy, but if I’m in love with someone, everything they did impresses me.

“I understand, My Lady.
If I won in the match, what could I get?

“I would marry you with no hesitation.
But if I won...

I did not know how things ended up this way.
Maybe I had high hopes, so I let the male protagonists.

Hidden Gems Task:
One of the hidden gems was in Prince Liam’s possession.
Retrieve it from him.

Now, I have more reasons to win the upcoming fight.
If I did this earlier, the Duke avoided the tragedy.

“If I won, you and the Crown Prince would cancel the marriage proposals.
Then, I also wanted one of your prized possession.

He shook his head.

“Two conditions meant you had to win twice.

“Challenge accepted!

We shook hands for a closed deal.
The show ended when the Emperor set the date and time. It was four days from now.

Prince Liam requested a private meeting between us.
We decided that the first round was archery. I’ll solve his puzzle for the second round. I agreed to end the conference faster.

If ever he schemed something, that was not a reason to back out.
Preparation was the key.

At home, my family cheered for me.
They commented I got the Grimaldi’s bravery. Mother even mentioned that our ancestors would surely be proud.

Well, the Grimaldi family produced the lineage of heroes so they could forgive my recklessness.

“My Lady, you were the real-life Bianca!
You are a strong, independent woman.” Nora said while massaging my back.

“Who was Bianca?

“My Lady, remember the book I had to buy, so I asked for a day off?

She asked after applying a layer of rose oil to my back.

There was no way I wouldn’t forget the incident where she pulled someone’s hair when a woman hoarded Ella’s novel.

“Is she Countess Bianca Brivaldi?

In a cheery tone, she confirmed my hunch.

Next chapter